Source code for symjax.tensor.ops_special

import inspect
import sys

import jax
import jax.lax as jla
import jax.numpy as jnp

from . import ops_numpy as T
from .base import jax_wrap

module = sys.modules[__name__]

index = jax.ops.index

def _add_n(args):
    start = args[0]
    for arg in args:
        start = jnp.add(start, arg)
    return start

add_n = jax_wrap(_add_n)

[docs]def one_hot(i, N, dtype="float32"): """Create a one-hot encoding of x of size k.""" if not hasattr(i, "shape"): i = T.array(i) if i.ndim: return T.equal(i[:, None], T.arange(N)).astype(dtype) else: z = T.zeros(N, dtype) return index_add(z, i, 1)
# methods from jax.ops for name in [ "index_update", "index_min", "index_add", "index_max", ]: module.__dict__.update({name: jax_wrap(jax.ops.__dict__[name])}) # methods from jax lax for name in [ "stop_gradient", "dynamic_slice_in_dim", "dynamic_slice", "rsqrt", "index_take", "index_in_dim", "dynamic_index_in_dim", ]: module.__dict__.update({name: jax_wrap(jax.lax.__dict__[name])}) # stop_gradient = jax_wrap(jla.stop_gradient) # dynamic_slice_in_dim = jax_wrap(jla.dynamic_slice_in_dim) # dynamic_slice = jax_wrap(jla.dynamic_slice) # rsqrt = jax_wrap(jla.rsqrt) # index_take = jax_wrap(jax.lax.index_take) # index_in_dim = jax_wrap(jax.lax.index_in_dim) # dynamic_index_in_dim = jax_wrap(jax.lax.dynamic_index_in_dim) # from jax.scipy.special _NAMES = inspect.getmembers(jax.scipy.special, callable) # inspect.isfunction) for name, func in _NAMES: if name[0] == "_": continue module.__dict__.update({name: jax_wrap(func)}) module.__dict__["sigmoid"] = module.__dict__["expit"] def reshape_weight_to_matrix(self, weight, dim=1): if dim != 0: # permute dim to front weight_t = weight.permute(dim, *[d for d in range(weight.ndim) if d != dim]) else: weight_t = weight return weight_t.flatten2d()
[docs]def dimshuffle(tensor, pattern): """Reorder the dimensions of this variable, optionally inserting broadcasted dimensions. Parameters ---------- tensor: Tensor pattern: list of int and str List/tuple of int mixed with 'x' for broadcastable dimensions. Examples -------- For example, to create a 3D view of a [2D] matrix, call ``dimshuffle([0,'x',1])``. This will create a 3D view such that the middle dimension is an implicit broadcasted dimension. To do the same thing on the transpose of that matrix, call ``dimshuffle([1, 'x', 0])``. Notes ----- This function supports the pattern passed as a tuple, or as a variable-length argument (e.g. ``a.dimshuffle(pattern)`` is equivalent to ``a.dimshuffle(*pattern)`` where ``pattern`` is a list/tuple of ints mixed with 'x' characters). """ # first get the transpose ordering transpose_pattern = [p for p in pattern if type(p) == int] tensor_T = T.transpose(tensor, transpose_pattern) # now take care of the expand_dims shapes = tensor_T.shape.__iter__() expand_shape = [shapes.__next__() if type(t) == int else 1 for t in pattern] return tensor_T.reshape(expand_shape)