

Dense(input, units[, W, b, trainable_W, …]) Fully-connected/Dense layer


BatchNormalization(input, axis, deterministic) batch-normalization layer

Data Augmentation

RandomCrop(input, crop_shape, deterministic) random crop selection form the input
RandomFlip(input, p, axis, deterministic[, seed]) random axis flip on the input
Dropout(input, p, deterministic[, seed]) binary mask onto the input


Conv1D(input, n_filters, filter_length[, W, …]) 1-D (time) convolution
Conv2D(input, n_filters, filter_shape[, …]) 2-D (spatial) convolution


Pool1D(input, pool_shape[, pool_type, strides]) 2-D (spatial) pooling
Pool2D(input, pool_shape[, pool_type, strides]) 2-D (spatial) pooling


RNN(sequence, init_h, units[, W, H, b, …])
GRU(sequence, init_h, units[, Wh, Uh, bh, …])
LSTM(sequence, init_h, units[, Wf, Uf, bf, …])

Detailed Description

class symjax.nn.layers.BatchNormalization(input, axis, deterministic, const=0.001, beta_1=0.99, beta_2=0.99, W=<function ones>, b=<function zeros>, trainable_W=True, trainable_b=True)[source]

batch-normalization layer

input_or_shape: shape or Tensor
the layer input tensor or shape
axis: list or tuple of ints
the axis to normalize on. If using BN on a dense layer then axis should be [0] to normalize over the samples. If the layer if a convolutional layer with data format NCHW then axis should be [0, 2, 3] to normalize over the samples and spatial dimensions (commonly done)
deterministic: bool or Tensor
controlling the state of the layer
const: float32 (optional)
the constant used in the standard deviation renormalization
beta1: flaot32 (optional)
the parameter for the exponential moving average of the mean
beta2: float32 (optional)
the parameters for the exponential moving average of the std
Return type:the layer output with attributes given by the layer options
class symjax.nn.layers.RandomCrop(input, crop_shape, deterministic, padding=0, seed=None)[source]

random crop selection form the input

Random layer that will select a window of the input based on the given parameters, with the possibility to first apply a padding. This layer is commonly used as a data augmentation technique and positioned at the beginning of the deep network topology. Note that all the involved operations are GPU compatible and allow for backpropagation

  • input_or_shape (shape or Tensor) – the input of the layer or the shape of the layer input
  • crop_shape (shape) – the shape of the cropped part of the input. It must have the same length as the input shape minus one for the first dimension
  • deterministic (bool or Tensor) – if the layer is in deterministic mode or not
  • padding (shape) – the amount of padding to apply on each dimension (except the first one) each dimension should have a couple for the before and after padding parts
  • seed (seed (optional)) – to control reproducibility


Return type:

the output tensor which containts the internal variables

class symjax.nn.layers.RandomFlip(input, p, axis, deterministic, seed=None)[source]

random axis flip on the input

Random layer that will randomly flip the axis of the input. Note that all the involved operations are GPU compatible and allow for backpropagation

  • input_or_shape (shape or Tensor) – the input of the layer or the shape of the layer input
  • crop_shape (shape) – the shape of the cropped part of the input. It must have the same length as the input shape minus one for the first dimension
  • deterministic (bool or Tensor) – if the layer is in deterministic mode or not
  • padding (shape) – the amount of padding to apply on each dimension (except the first one) each dimension should have a couple for the before and after padding parts
  • seed (seed (optional)) – to control reproducibility


Return type:

the output tensor which containts the internal variables

class symjax.nn.layers.Dropout(input, p, deterministic, seed=None)[source]

binary mask onto the input

  • input_or_shape (shape or Tensor) – the layer input or shape
  • p (float (0<=p<=1)) – the probability to drop the value
  • deterministic (bool or Tensor) – the state of the layer
  • seed (seed) – the RNG seed


Return type:

the layer output

class symjax.nn.layers.Conv1D(input, n_filters, filter_length, W=<function glorot_uniform>, b=<built-in function zeros>, stride=1, padding='VALID', trainable_W=True, trainable_b=True, inplace_W=False, inplace_b=False, W_preprocessor=None, b_preprocessor=None, input_dilations=None, filter_dilations=None)[source]

1-D (time) convolution

perform a dense matrix multiplication and bias shifting of the input
















class symjax.nn.layers.Conv2D(input, n_filters, filter_shape, padding='VALID', strides=1, W=<function glorot_uniform>, b=<built-in function zeros>, trainable_W=True, trainable_b=True, inplace_W=False, inplace_b=False, input_dilations=None, filter_dilations=None, W_preprocessor=None, b_preprocessor=None)[source]

2-D (spatial) convolution

class symjax.nn.layers.Pool1D(input, pool_shape, pool_type='MAX', strides=None)[source]

2-D (spatial) pooling

class symjax.nn.layers.Pool2D(input, pool_shape, pool_type='MAX', strides=None)[source]

2-D (spatial) pooling

class symjax.nn.layers.RNN(sequence, init_h, units, W=<function glorot_uniform>, H=<function orthogonal>, b=<function zeros>, trainable_W=True, trainable_H=True, trainable_b=True, activation=<function sigmoid>, only_last=False)[source]
class symjax.nn.layers.GRU(sequence, init_h, units, Wh=<function glorot_uniform>, Uh=<function orthogonal>, bh=<function zeros>, Wz=<function glorot_uniform>, Uz=<function orthogonal>, bz=<function zeros>, Wr=<function glorot_uniform>, Ur=<function orthogonal>, br=<function zeros>, trainable_Wh=True, trainable_Uh=True, trainable_bh=True, trainable_Wz=True, trainable_Uz=True, trainable_bz=True, trainable_Wr=True, trainable_Ur=True, trainable_br=True, activation=<function sigmoid>, phi=<function _one_to_one_unop.<locals>.<lambda>>, only_last=False, gate='minimal')[source]
class symjax.nn.layers.LSTM(sequence, init_h, units, Wf=<function glorot_uniform>, Uf=<function orthogonal>, bf=<function zeros>, Wi=<function glorot_uniform>, Ui=<function orthogonal>, bi=<function zeros>, Wo=<function glorot_uniform>, Uo=<function orthogonal>, bo=<function zeros>, Wc=<function glorot_uniform>, Uc=<function orthogonal>, bc=<function zeros>, trainable_Wf=True, trainable_Uf=True, trainable_bf=True, trainable_Wi=True, trainable_Ui=True, trainable_bi=True, trainable_Wo=True, trainable_Uo=True, trainable_bo=True, trainable_Wc=True, trainable_Uc=True, trainable_bc=True, activation_g=<function sigmoid>, activation_c=<function _one_to_one_unop.<locals>.<lambda>>, activation_h=<function _one_to_one_unop.<locals>.<lambda>>, only_last=False, gate='minimal')[source]