
Implements some schedules which consist of a Tensor variable that is updated online based on new values of some other tensors

PiecewiseConstant(init, steps_and_values) piecewise constant variable updating automatically
ExponentialMovingAverage(value, alpha[, …]) exponential moving average of a given value

Detailed Descriptions

class symjax.nn.schedules.PiecewiseConstant[source]

piecewise constant variable updating automatically

This method allows to obtain a variable with an internal counter that will be updated based on the function updates, whenver this counter reaches one of the step given in the function input then the actual value of the variable becomes the one given for the associated step

  • init (float-like) – the initial value of the variable that will remain as is until a step and update is reached
  • steps_and_values (dict) – the dictionnary mapping steps-> values, that is, when the number of steps reached one of the given one, the value of the variable becomes the given one associated to the reached step


Return type:



>>> import symjax
>>> symjax.current_graph().reset()
>>> var = symjax.nn.schedules.PiecewiseConstant(0.1, {4:1, 8:2})
>>> # in the background, symjax automatically records that everytime
>>> # a function is using this variable an udnerlying update should occur
>>> print(symjax.get_updates())
{Variable(name=step, shape=(), dtype=int32, trainable=False, scope=/PiecewiseConstant/): Op(name=add, fn=add, shape=(), dtype=int32, scope=/PiecewiseConstant/)}
>>> # it is up to the user to use it or not, if not used, the internal counter
>>> # is never updated and this the variable never changes.
>>> # example of use:
>>> f = symjax.function(outputs=var, updates=symjax.get_updates())
>>> for i in range(10):
...     print(i, f())
0 0.1
1 0.1
2 0.1
3 0.1
4 1.0
5 1.0
6 1.0
7 1.0
8 2.0
9 2.0
class symjax.nn.schedules.ExponentialMovingAverage[source]

exponential moving average of a given value

This method allows to obtain an EMA of a given variable (or any Tensor) with internal state automatically upating its values as new samples are observed and the internal updates are applied as part of a fuction At each iteration the new value is given by

\[v(0) = value(0) or init v(t) = v(t-1) * alpha + value(t) * (1 - alpha)\]
  • value (Tensor-like) – the value to use for the EMA
  • alpha (scalar) – the decay of the EMA
  • init (Tensor-like (same shape as value) optional) – the initialization of the EMA, if not given uses the value allowing for unbiased estimate
  • decay_min (bool) – at early stages, clip the decay to avoid erratir behaviors

  • ema (Tensor-like) – the current (latest) value of the EMA incorporating information of the latest observation of value
  • fixed_ema (Tensor-like) – the value of the EMA of the previous pass. This is usefull if one wants to keep the estimate of the EMA fixed for new observations, then simply do not apply anymore updates (using a new function) and using this fixed variable during testing (while ema will keep use the latest observed value)


>>> import symjax
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.random.seed(0)
>>> symjax.current_graph().reset()
>>> # suppose we want to do an EMA of a vector user-input
>>> input = symjax.tensor.Placeholder((2,), 'float32')
>>> ema, var = symjax.nn.schedules.ExponentialMovingAverage(input, 0.9)
>>> # in the background, symjax automatically records the needed updates
>>> print(symjax.get_updates())
{Variable(name=EMA, shape=(2,), dtype=float32, trainable=False, scope=/ExponentialMovingAverage/): Op(name=where, fn=where, shape=(2,), dtype=float32, scope=/ExponentialMovingAverage/), Variable(name=first_step, shape=(), dtype=bool, trainable=False, scope=/ExponentialMovingAverage/): False}
>>> # example of use:
>>> f = symjax.function(input, outputs=ema, updates=symjax.get_updates())
>>> for i in range(25):
...     print(f(np.ones(2) + np.random.randn(2) * 0.3))
[1.5292157 1.1200472]
[1.5056562 1.1752692]
[1.5111173 1.1284239]
[1.4885082 1.1110408]
[1.4365609 1.1122546]
[1.3972261 1.1446574]
[1.3803346 1.1338419]
[1.355617  1.1304679]
[1.3648777 1.1112664]
[1.3377819 1.0745169]
[1.227414  1.0866737]
[1.2306056 1.0557414]
[1.2756376 1.0065362]
[1.2494465 1.000267 ]
[1.2704852 1.0443211]
[1.2480851 1.0512339]
[1.196643  0.9866866]
[1.1665413 0.9927084]
[1.186796 1.029509]
[1.1564965 1.017489 ]
[1.1093903  0.97313946]
[1.0472631 1.0343488]
[1.0272473 1.0177717]
[0.9869387 1.0393193]
[0.93982786 1.029005  ]