Source code for symjax.rl.agents

import symjax
import symjax.tensor as T
import numpy as np

class Agent(object):
    def get_action(self, state):

    def get_actions(self, states):

    def play(self, state, env, skip_frames=1, reward_scaling=1):

        action, extra = self.get_action(state)

        if hasattr(self, "critic"):
            if hasattr(self.critic, "actions"):
                value = self.critic.get_q_value(state, action)
                value = self.critic.get_q_value(state)
            extra.update({"V": value})

        reward = 0
        for k in range(skip_frames):
            next_state, r, terminal, info = env.step(action)
            reward += r
            if terminal:
        reward /= skip_frames
        reward *= reward_scaling

        base = {
            "state": state,
            "action": action,
            "reward": reward,
            "next-state": next_state,
            "terminal": terminal,

        return next_state, terminal, {**base, **extra}

    def update_target(self, tau=None):

        if not hasattr(self, "_update_target"):
            with symjax.Scope("update_target"):
                targets = []
                currents = []
                if hasattr(self, "target_actor"):
                    targets += self.target_actor.params(True)
                    currents +=
                if hasattr(self, "target_critic"):
                    targets += self.target_critic.params(True)
                    currents += self.critic.params(True)

                _tau = T.Placeholder((), "float32")
                updates = {
                    t: t * (1 - _tau) + a * _tau for t, a in zip(targets, currents)
            self._update_target = symjax.function(_tau, updates=updates)

        if tau is None:
            if not hasattr(self, "tau"):
                raise RuntimeError("tau must be specified")
        tau = tau or self.tau

[docs]class Actor(object): """actor (state to action mapping) for RL This class implements an actor. The user must first define its own class inheriting from :py:class:`Actor` and implementing only the `create_network` method. This method will then be used internally to instantiace the actor network. If the used distribution is `symjax.probabilities.Normal` then the output of the `create_network` method should be first the mean and then the `covariance`. Notes: ------ In general the user should not instanciate this class, instead pass the user's inherited class (uninstanciated) to a policy-learning method. Parameters: ----------- states: Tensor-like the states of the environment (batch size in first axis) batch_size: int the batch size actions_distribution: None or symjax.probabilities.Distribution object the distribution for the actions, if the policy is deterministic, then put this to `None`. Note, this is different than the noise parameter employed for exploration, this is simply the rv modeling of the actions used to compute probabilities of sampled actions and the likes """ def __init__(self, states, actions_distribution=None, name="actor"): self.state_shape = states.shape[1:] state = T.Placeholder((1,) + states.shape[1:], "float32") self.actions_distribution = actions_distribution with symjax.Scope(name): if actions_distribution == symjax.probabilities.Normal: means, covs = self.create_network(states) actions = actions_distribution(means, cov=covs) samples = actions.sample() samples_log_prob = actions.log_prob(samples) action = symjax.probabilities.MultivariateNormal( means.clone({states: state}), cov=covs.clone({states: state}), ) sample = self.action.sample() sample_log_prob = self.action.log_prob(sample) self._get_actions = symjax.function( states, outputs=[samples, samples_log_prob] ) self._get_action = symjax.function( state, outputs=[sample[0], sample_log_prob[0]], ) elif actions_distribution is None: actions = self.create_network(states) action = actions.clone({states: state}) self._get_actions = symjax.function(states, outputs=actions) self._get_action = symjax.function(state, outputs=action[0]) self._params = symjax.get_variables( trainable=None, scope=symjax.current_graph().scope_name ) self.actions = actions self.state = state self.action = action def params(self, trainable): if trainable is None: return self._params return [p for p in self._params if p.trainable == trainable] def get_action(self, state): if state.ndim == len(self.state_shape): state = state[np.newaxis, :] if not hasattr(self, "_get_action"): raise RuntimeError("actor not well initialized") if self.actions_distribution is None: return self._get_action(state), {} else: a, probs = self._get_action(state) return a, {"log_probs": probs} def get_actions(self, state): if not hasattr(self, "_get_actions"): raise RuntimeError("actor not well initialized") if self.actions_distribution is None: return self._get_actions(state), {} else: a, probs = self._get_actions(state) return a, {"log_probs": probs} def create_network(self, states, action_shape): """creating of the actor network returning the actions This method has to be implemented by the user in a own actor class inheriting from `symjax.rl.Actor`. This method should take two arguments, the states and the action_dim, and return the actions after a possible nonlinear transformation of the given states by say a deep networks Parameters: ----------- states: Tensor the states with shape (batch_size, *state_shape) action_shape: tuple or list the shape of a (single) action, for example in classical pendulum this would be `(2,)`. Returns: -------- actions: Tensor the actions with shape (batch_size, *action_shape) """ raise RuntimeError("Not implemented, user should define its own")
[docs]class Critic(object): def __init__(self, states, actions=None): self.state_shape = states.shape[1:] state = T.Placeholder((1,) + states.shape[1:], "float32", name="critic_state") if actions: self.action_shape = actions.shape[1:] action = T.Placeholder( (1,) + actions.shape[1:], "float32", name="critic_action" ) action_shape = action.shape[1:] with symjax.Scope("critic"): q_values = self.create_network(states, actions) if q_values.ndim == 2: assert q_values.shape[1] == 1 q_values = q_values[:, 0] q_value = q_values.clone({states: state, actions: action}) self._params = symjax.get_variables( trainable=None, scope=symjax.current_graph().scope_name ) inputs = [states, actions] input = [state, action] self.actions = actions self.action = action else: with symjax.Scope("critic"): q_values = self.create_network(states) if q_values.ndim == 2: assert q_values.shape[1] == 1 q_values = q_values[:, 0] q_value = q_values.clone({states: state}) self._params = symjax.get_variables( trainable=None, scope=symjax.current_graph().scope_name ) inputs = [states] input = [state] self.q_values = q_values self.state = state self.states = states self._get_q_values = symjax.function(*inputs, outputs=q_values) self._get_q_value = symjax.function(*input, outputs=q_value[0]) def params(self, trainable): if trainable is None: return self._params return [p for p in self._params if p.trainable == trainable] def get_q_value(self, state, action=None): if state.ndim == len(self.state_shape): state = state[np.newaxis, :] if action is not None: if action.ndim == len(self.action_shape): action = action[np.newaxis, :] if not hasattr(self, "_get_q_value"): raise RuntimeError("critic not well initialized") if action is None: return self._get_q_value(state) else: return self._get_q_value(state, action) def get_q_values(self, states, actions=None): if not hasattr(self, "_get_q_values"): raise RuntimeError("critic not well initialized") if actions is not None: return self._get_q_values(states, actions) else: return self._get_q_values(states) def create_network(self, states, actions=None): raise RuntimeError("Not implemented, user should define its own")
class OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess: """dXt = theta*(mu-Xt)*dt + sigma*dWt""" def __init__( self, mean=0.0, std_dev=0.2, theta=0.15, dt=1e-2, noise_decay=0.99, initial_noise_scale=1, init=None, ): self.theta = theta self.mean = mean self.std_dev = std_dev self.dt = (dt,) self.init = init self.noise_decay = noise_decay self.initial_noise_scale = initial_noise_scale self.end_episode() def __call__(self, action, episode): with symjax.Scope("OUProcess"): self.episode = T.Variable(1, "float32", name="episode", trainable=False) self.noise_scale = self.initial_noise_scale * self.noise_decay ** episode x = ( self.process + self.theta * (self.mean - self.process) * self.dt + self.std_dev * np.sqrt(self.dt) * np.random.normal(size=action.shape) ) # Store x into process # Makes next noise dependent on current one self.process = x return action + self.noise_scale * self.process def end_episode(self): if self.init is None: self.process = np.zeros(1) else: self.process = self.init