Source code for

import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Pool, Queue, Lock, Process
from scipy import ndimage
import time
import os
import urllib

from tqdm import tqdm

import tarfile
import gzip
import zipfile

def as_tuple(x, N, t=None):
    Coerce a value to a tuple of given length (and possibly given type).
    x : value or iterable
    N : integer
        length of the desired tuple
    t : type or tuple of type, optional
        required type or types for all elements
        ``tuple(x)`` if `x` is iterable, ``(x,) * N`` otherwise.
        if `type` is given and `x` or any of its elements do not match it
        if `x` is iterable, but does not have exactly `N` elements
        X = tuple(x)
    except TypeError:
        X = (x,) * N

    if (t is not None) and not all(isinstance(v, t) for v in X):
        if t == int_types:
            expected_type = "int"  # easier to understand
        elif isinstance(t, tuple):
            expected_type = " or ".join(tt.__name__ for tt in t)
            expected_type = t.__name__
        raise TypeError(
            "expected a single value or an iterable "
            "of {0}, got {1} instead".format(expected_type, x)

    if len(X) != N:
        raise ValueError(
            "expected a single value or an iterable "
            "with length {0}, got {1} instead".format(N, x)

    return X

def create_cmap(values, colors):

    from matplotlib.pyplot import Normalize
    import matplotlib

    norm = Normalize(min(values), max(values))
    tuples = list(zip(map(norm, values), colors))
    cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", tuples)
    return cmap, norm

[docs]def patchify_1d(x, window_length, stride): """extract patches from a numpy array Parameters ---------- x: array-like the input data to extract patches from, any shape, the last dimension is the one being patched window_length: int the length of the patches stride: int the amount of stride (bins separating two consecutive patches Returns ------- x_patches: array-like the number of patches is put in the pre-last dimension (-2) """ n_windows = (x.shape[-1] - window_length) // stride + 1 new_x = np.empty(x.shape[:-1] + (n_windows, window_length)) for n in range(n_windows): new_x[..., n, :] = x[..., n * stride : n * stride + window_length] return new_x
[docs]def patchify_2d(x, window_length, stride): # TODO return None
[docs]def train_test_split(*args, train_size=0.8, stratify=None, seed=None): """split given data into two non overlapping sets Parameters ---------- *args: inputs the sets to be split by the function train_size: scalar the amount of data to put in the first set, either an integer value being the actual number of data to keep, or a ratio (0 to 1 number) stratify: array (optional) the optimal stratify guide to spit the array s.t. the same proportion based on the stratify array is kep in both set based on the proportion of the split seed: integer (optional) the seed for the random number generator for reproducibility Returns ------- train_set: list returns the train data, the list has the members of *args split test_set: list returns the test data, the list has the members of *args split Example ------- .. code-block:: python x = numpy.random.randn(100, 4) y = numpy.random.randn(100) train, test = train_test_split(x, y, train_size=0.5) print(train[0].shape, train[1].shape) # (50, 4) (50,) print(test[0].shape, test[1].shape) # (50, 4) (50,) """ if stratify is not None: train_indices = list() test_indices = list() for c in set(list(stratify)): c_indices = np.where(stratify == c)[0] np.random.RandomState(seed=seed).shuffle(c_indices) if train_size > 1: cutoff = train_size else: cutoff = int(len(c_indices) * train_size) train_indices.append(c_indices[:cutoff]) test_indices.append(c_indices[cutoff:]) train_indices = np.concatenate(train_indices, 0) test_indices = np.concatenate(test_indices, 0) else: indices = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed).permutation(len(args[0])) if train_size > 1: assert type(train_size) == int cutoff = train_size else: cutoff = int(len(args[0]) * train_size) print(cutoff) train_indices = indices[:cutoff] test_indices = indices[cutoff:] train_set = [arg[train_indices] for arg in args] test_set = [arg[test_indices] for arg in args] if len(args) == 1: return train_set[0], test_set[0] return train_set, test_set
[docs]class batchify: def __init__( self, *args, batch_size, option="random", load_func=None, extra_process=0, n_batches=None ): """generator to iterate though mini-batches Parameters ---------- load_func: None or list of func same length as the number of args. A function is called on a single datum and it can be used to apply some normalization but its main goal is to load files if the args were list of filenames extra_processes: int (optional) if there is no load_func then extra process is useless n_batches: int (optional) the number of batches to produce, only used if option is random, if not given it is taken to be the length of the data divided by the batch_size Returns ------- *batch_args: list the iterator containing the batch values of each arg in args Example ------- .. code-block:: python for x, y in batchify(X, Y): train(x, y) """ self.n_batches = n_batches or len(args[0]) // batch_size self.args = args self.start_index = 0 self.option = option self.batch_size = batch_size self.extra_process = extra_process self.terminate = False if option == "random_see_all": self.permutation = np.random.permutation(len(args[0])) # set up load function if load_func is None: self.load_func = (None,) * len(args) else: self.load_func = [] for i in range(len(load_func)): if load_func[i] is None: self.load_func.append(None) elif extra_process == 0: def fn(args, queue, f=load_func[i]): result = np.asarray([f(arg) for arg in args]) queue.put(result) self.load_func.append(fn) else: def fn(lock, data, queue, f=load_func[i]): lock.acquire() with Pool(processes=extra_process) as pool: result =, data) queue.put(np.asarray(result)) lock.release() self.load_func.append(fn) assert[len(args[0]) == len(arg) for arg in args[1:]]) self.queues = [Queue() for f in self.load_func] self.locks = [Lock() for f in self.load_func] # launch the first batch straight away batch = self.get_batch() self.launch_process(batch) def chunk(self, items, n): for i in range(0, len(items), n): yield items[i : i + n] def launch_process(self, batch): for b, lock, load_func, queue in zip( batch, self.locks, self.load_func, self.queues ): if load_func is None: queue.put(b) elif load_func is not None and self.extra_process == 0: load_func(b, queue) elif load_func is not None and self.extra_process > 0: # first chunk for each process and launch a process p = Process(target=load_func, args=(lock, b, queue)) p.start() def __iter__(self): return self def get_batch(self): indices = (self.start_index, self.start_index + self.batch_size) # check if we exhausted the samples if self.option == "random": if indices[1] > self.batch_size * self.n_batches: raise StopIteration() elif indices[1] > len(self.args[0]): raise StopIteration() # proceed to get the data if self.option == "random_see_all": perm = self.permutation[indices[0] : indices[1]] batch = [ arg[perm] if hasattr(arg, "shape") else [arg[i] for i in perm] for arg in self.args ] elif self.option == "continuous": batch = [arg[indices[0] : indices[1]] for arg in self.args] elif self.option == "random": perm = np.random.randint(0, len(self.args[0]), self.batch_size) batch = [ arg[perm] if hasattr(arg, "shape") else [arg[i] for i in perm] for arg in self.args ] return batch def __next__(self): if self.terminate: raise StopIteration() # we prepare the next batch if possible try: self.start_index += self.batch_size batch = self.get_batch() self.launch_process(batch) except StopIteration: self.terminate = True if len(self.queues) == 1: return self.queues[0].get() else: return tuple([queue.get() for queue in self.queues]) def apply_func(self, batch): # now check if needs to apply a load func for i, load_func in enumerate(self.load_func): if load_func is not None: batch[i] = load_func(batch[i])
def vq_to_boundary(states, N, M, duplicate=1): # the following should take as input a collection of points # in the input space and return a list of binary states, each # element of the list is for 1 specific layer and it is a 2D array if states.ndim > 1: states = vq_to_values(states) partitioning = values_to_boundary( states.reshape((N, M)).astype("float32"), duplicate ) return partitioning def values_to_boundary(x, duplicate=0): # compute each directional (one step) derivative as a boolean mask # representing jump from one region to another and add them (boolean still) g_vertical = np.greater( np.pad(np.abs(x[1:] - x[:-1]), ((1, 0), (0, 0)), "constant"), 0 ) g_horizontal = np.greater( np.pad(np.abs(x[:, 1:] - x[:, :-1]), [[0, 0], [1, 0]], "constant"), 0 ) g_diagonaldo = np.greater( np.pad(np.abs(x[1:, 1:] - x[:-1, :-1]), [[1, 0], [1, 0]], "constant"), 0, ) g_diagonalup = np.greater( np.pad(np.abs(x[:-1:, 1:] - x[1:, :-1]), [[1, 0], [1, 0]], "constant"), 0, ) overall = g_vertical + g_horizontal + g_diagonaldo + g_diagonalup if duplicate > 0: overall = np.stack( [np.roll(overall, k, 1) for k in range(duplicate + 1)] + [np.roll(overall, k, 0) for k in range(duplicate + 1)] ).sum(0) overall[:duplicate] *= 0 overall[-duplicate:] *= 0 overall[:, :duplicate] *= 0 overall[:, -duplicate:] *= 0 return np.greater(overall, 0).astype("float32") def vq_to_values(states, vq_to_value_dict=None, return_dict=False): """Given binary masks obtained for example from the ReLU activation, convert the binary vectors to a single float scalar, the same scalar for the same masks. This allows to drastically reduce the memory overhead to keep track of a large number of masks. The mapping mask -> real is kept inside a dict and thus allow to go from one to another. Thus given a large collection of masks, one ends up with a large collection of scalars and a mapping mask <-> real only for unique masks and thus allow reduced memory requirements. Parameters ---------- states : bool matrix the matrix of shape (#samples,#binary values). Thus if using a deep net the masks of ReLU for all the layers must first be flattened prior using this function. vq_to_value_dict : dict optional dict containing an already built mask <-> real mapping which should be used and updated given the states value. return_dict : bool if the update/created dict should be return as part of the output Returns ------- values : scalar vector a vector of length #samples in which each entry is the scalar representation of the corresponding mask from states vq_to_value_dict : dict (optional) the newly created or updated dict mapping mask to value and vice-versa. """ if vq_to_value_dict is None: vq_to_value_dict = dict() if "count" not in vq_to_value_dict: vq_to_value_dict["count"] = 0 values = np.zeros(states.shape[0]) for i, state in enumerate(states): str_s = "".join(state.astype("uint8").astype("str")) if str_s not in vq_to_value_dict: vq_to_value_dict[str_s] = vq_to_value_dict["count"] vq_to_value_dict["count"] += 0.001 values[i] = vq_to_value_dict[str_s] return values
[docs]def resample_images( images, target_shape, ratio="same", order=1, mode="nearest", data_format="channels_first", ): if data_format == "channels_first": output_images = np.zeros( (len(images), images[0].shape[0]) + target_shape, dtype=images[0].dtype, ) else: output_images = np.zeros( (len(images),) + target_shape + (images[0].shape[-1],), dtype=images[0].dtype, ) for i, image in enumerate(images): # the first step is to resample to fit it into the target shape if data_format != "channels_first": image = image.transpose(2, 0, 1) if ratio == "same": width_change = target_shape[1] / image.shape[2] height_change = target_shape[0] / image.shape[1] change = min(width_change, height_change) x = np.linspace(0, image.shape[1] - 1, int(image.shape[1] * change)) y = np.linspace(0, image.shape[2] - 1, int(image.shape[2] * change)) coordinates = np.stack(np.meshgrid(x, y)) coordinates = np.stack([coordinates[0].reshape(-1), coordinates[1].reshape(-1)]) new_image = np.stack( [ ndimage.map_coordinates(channel, coordinates, order=order, mode=mode) .reshape((len(y), len(x))) .T for channel in image ] ) # now we position this image into the output middle_height = (target_shape[0] - len(x)) // 2 middle_width = (target_shape[1] - len(y)) // 2 if data_format != "channels_first": output_images[ i, middle_height : middle_height + len(x), middle_width : middle_width + len(y), :, ] = new_image.transpose(1, 2, 0) else: output_images[ i, :, middle_height : middle_height + len(x), middle_width : middle_width + len(y), ] = new_image return output_images
class _DownloadProgressBar(tqdm): def update_to(self, b=1, bsize=1, tsize=None): if tsize is not None: = tsize self.update(b * bsize - self.n) def _download_url(url, output_path): with _DownloadProgressBar( unit="B", unit_scale=True, miniters=1, desc=url.split("/")[-1] ) as t: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename=output_path, reporthook=t.update_to)
[docs]def download_dataset(path, dataset, urls_names, baseurl="", extract=False): """dataset downlading utility Args: path: string the path where the dataset should be download dataset: string the name of the dataset, used as the folder name urls_names: dict dictionnary mapping urls to filename. If the urls have a common root, then it can be omited from this variable and put into the baseurl argument baseurl: string the common url to prepend onto each url in urls_names """ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, dataset)): print("\tCreating Directory") os.mkdir(os.path.join(path, dataset)) for file in urls_names: target = os.path.join(path, dataset, urls_names[file]) if not os.path.exists(target): print("\t...Downloading {}".format(urls_names[file])) _download_url(baseurl + file, target) if extract: print("\t...Extracting...") extract_file(target, os.path.join(path, dataset)) else: # we assume that the correct extraction process was done # before # ToDo: check for extraction... print("\t... {} already exists".format(urls_names[file]))
[docs]def extract_file(filename, target): if filename[-3:] == "tgz" or filename[-6:] == "tar.gz": tar =, "r:gz") tar.extractall(target) tar.close() elif filename[-3:] == "zip": with zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(target)