Source code for jax._src.numpy.lax_numpy

# Copyright 2018 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# pytype: skip-file
Implements the NumPy API, using the primitives in :mod:`jax.lax`.

NumPy operations are implemented in Python in terms of the primitive operations
in :mod:`jax.lax`. Since NumPy operations are not primitive and instead are
implemented in terms of :mod:`jax.lax` operations, we do not need to define
transformation rules such as gradient or batching rules. Instead,
transformations for NumPy primitives can be derived from the transformation
rules for the underlying :code:`lax` primitives.

import builtins
import collections
import operator
import os
import types
from typing import Sequence, FrozenSet, Tuple, Union, Iterable
from textwrap import dedent as _dedent
import warnings

import numpy as np
import opt_einsum

import jax
from jax import jit, custom_jvp
from .vectorize import vectorize
from .util import _wraps
from jax import core
from jax import dtypes
from jax.core import UnshapedArray, ShapedArray, ConcreteArray, canonicalize_shape
from jax.config import flags, config
from jax.interpreters.xla import DeviceArray, _DeviceArray, _CppDeviceArray
from jax.interpreters.masking import Poly
from jax import lax
from jax._src.lax.lax import _device_put_raw
from jax import ops
from jax.util import (partial, unzip2, prod as _prod,
                      subvals, safe_zip, canonicalize_axis as _canonicalize_axis)
from jax.tree_util import tree_leaves, tree_flatten

    'jax_numpy_rank_promotion', os.getenv('JAX_NUMPY_RANK_PROMOTION', 'allow'),
    enum_values=['allow', 'warn', 'raise'],
    'Control NumPy-style automatic rank promotion broadcasting '
    '("allow", "warn", or "raise").')

newaxis = None

# Common docstring additions:

In addition to the original NumPy arguments listed below, also supports
``precision`` for extra control over matrix-multiplication precision
on supported devices. ``precision`` may be set to ``None``, which means
default precision for the backend, a ``lax.Precision`` enum value
(``Precision.DEFAULT``, ``Precision.HIGH`` or ``Precision.HIGHEST``) or a tuple
of two ``lax.Precision`` enums indicating separate precision for each argument.

# We replace some builtin names to follow Numpy's API, so we capture here.
_abs = builtins.abs
_all = builtins.all
_any = builtins.any
_max = builtins.max
_min = builtins.min
_sum = builtins.sum
_divmod = builtins.divmod

# NumPy constants

pi = np.pi
e = np.e
euler_gamma = np.euler_gamma
inf = np.inf
nan = np.nan

# And some numpy utility functions
set_printoptions = np.set_printoptions

# We want isinstance(x, np.ndarray) checks in user code to work with the our
# array-like types, including DeviceArray and UnshapedArray (i.e. the abstract
# array base class). We can override the isinstance behavior directly, without
# having the complexity of multiple inheritance on those classes, by defining
# the ndarray class to have a metaclass with special __instancecheck__ behavior.
_arraylike_types = (np.ndarray, UnshapedArray, DeviceArray)

class _ArrayMeta(type(np.ndarray)):  # type: ignore
  """Metaclass for overriding ndarray isinstance checks."""

  def __instancecheck__(self, instance):
      return isinstance(instance.aval, _arraylike_types)
    except AttributeError:
      return isinstance(instance, _arraylike_types)

class ndarray(np.ndarray, metaclass=_ArrayMeta):
  dtype: np.dtype
  shape: Tuple[int, ...]
  size: int

  def __init__(shape, dtype=None, buffer=None, offset=0, strides=None,
    raise TypeError("jax.numpy.ndarray() should not be instantiated explicitly."
                    " Use jax.numpy.array, or jax.numpy.zeros instead.")

iscomplexobj = np.iscomplexobj

shape = _shape = np.shape
ndim = _ndim = np.ndim
size = np.size
_dtype = dtypes.result_type

# At present JAX doesn't have a reason to distinguish between scalars and arrays
# in its object system. Further, we want JAX scalars to have the same type
# promotion behaviors as JAX arrays. Rather than introducing a new type of JAX
# scalar object with JAX promotion behaviors, instead we make the JAX scalar
# types return JAX arrays when instantiated.

class _ScalarMeta(type):
  def __hash__(self):
    return hash(self.dtype.type)

  def __eq__(self, other):
    return id(self) == id(other) or self.dtype.type == other

  def __ne__(self, other):
    return not (self == other)

  def __call__(self, x):
    return array(x, dtype=self.dtype)

def _make_scalar_type(np_scalar_type):
  return _ScalarMeta(np_scalar_type.__name__, (object,),
                     {"dtype": np.dtype(np_scalar_type)})

bool_ = _make_scalar_type(np.bool_)
uint8 = _make_scalar_type(np.uint8)
uint16 = _make_scalar_type(np.uint16)
uint32 = _make_scalar_type(np.uint32)
uint64 = _make_scalar_type(np.uint64)
int8 = _make_scalar_type(np.int8)
int16 = _make_scalar_type(np.int16)
int32 = _make_scalar_type(np.int32)
int64 = _make_scalar_type(np.int64)
bfloat16 = _make_scalar_type(dtypes.bfloat16)
float16 = _make_scalar_type(np.float16)
float32 = single = _make_scalar_type(np.float32)
float64 = double = _make_scalar_type(np.float64)
complex64 = csingle = _make_scalar_type(np.complex64)
complex128 = cdouble = _make_scalar_type(np.complex128)

int_ = int32 if dtypes.int_ == np.int32 else int64
float_ = float32 if dtypes.float_ == np.float32 else float64
complex_ = complex64 if dtypes.complex_ == np.complex64 else complex128

number = np.number
inexact = np.inexact
complexfloating = np.complexfloating
floating = np.floating
integer = np.integer
signedinteger = np.signedinteger
unsignedinteger = np.unsignedinteger

flexible = np.flexible
character = np.character
object_ = np.object_

iinfo = dtypes.iinfo

dtype = np.dtype
can_cast = dtypes.can_cast
issubsctype = dtypes.issubsctype
promote_types = dtypes.promote_types

ComplexWarning = np.ComplexWarning

array_str = np.array_str
array_repr = np.array_repr

save =
savez = np.savez
load = np.load

### utility functions

  np.bool_: bool_,
  np.int_: int_,
  np.float_: float_,
  np.complex_: complex_

  16: np.int16,
  32: np.int32,
  64: np.int64,

def _np_array(obj, dtype=None, **kwargs):
  """Return a properly-typed numpy array.

  `_np_array(obj, **kwds)` is equivalent to `np.array(obj, **kwds)`, with the
  exception that when obj.dtype is not defined and dtype is not specified, it
  uses Jax's default dtypes.
  arr = np.array(obj, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)
  obj_dtype = getattr(obj, 'dtype', None)
  arr_dtype = np.dtype(arr.dtype).type
  if dtype is None and obj_dtype is None and arr_dtype in _DEFAULT_TYPEMAP:
    arr = arr.astype(_DEFAULT_TYPEMAP[arr_dtype])
  return arr

_np_asarray = partial(_np_array, copy=False)

def _promote_shapes(fun_name, *args):
  """Prepend implicit leading singleton dimensions for Numpy broadcasting."""
  if len(args) < 2:
    return args
    shapes = [shape(arg) for arg in args]
    nonscalar_ranks = [len(shp) for shp in shapes if shp]
    if not nonscalar_ranks or len(set(nonscalar_ranks)) == 1:
      return args
      if FLAGS.jax_numpy_rank_promotion != "allow":
        _rank_promotion_warning_or_error(fun_name, shapes)
      result_rank = len(lax.broadcast_shapes(*shapes))
      return [broadcast_to(arg, (1,) * (result_rank - len(shp)) + shp)
              for arg, shp in zip(args, shapes)]

def _rank_promotion_warning_or_error(fun_name, shapes):
  if FLAGS.jax_numpy_rank_promotion == "warn":
    msg = ("Following NumPy automatic rank promotion for {} on shapes {}. "
           "Set the jax_numpy_rank_promotion config option to 'allow' to "
           "disable this warning; for more information, see "
    warnings.warn(msg.format(fun_name, ' '.join(map(str, shapes))))
  elif FLAGS.jax_numpy_rank_promotion == "raise":
    msg = ("Operands could not be broadcast together for {} on shapes {} "
           "and with the config option jax_numpy_rank_promotion='raise'. "
           "For more information, see "
    raise ValueError(msg.format(fun_name, ' '.join(map(str, shapes))))

def _promote_dtypes(*args):
  """Convenience function to apply Numpy argument dtype promotion."""
  # TODO(dougalm,mattjj): This is a performance bottleneck. Consider memoizing.
  if len(args) < 2:
    return args
    to_dtype = result_type(*args)
    return [lax.convert_element_type(x, to_dtype) for x in args]

def _promote_dtypes_inexact(*args):
  """Convenience function to apply Numpy argument dtype promotion.

  Promotes arguments to an inexact type."""
  to_dtype = _to_inexact_dtype(result_type(*args))
  return [lax.convert_element_type(x, to_dtype) for x in args]

def _to_inexact_dtype(dtype):
  """Promotes a dtype into an inexact dtype, if it is not already one."""
  return dtype if issubdtype(dtype, inexact) else promote_types(dtype, float_)

def _complex_elem_type(dtype):
  """Returns the float type of the real/imaginary parts of a complex dtype."""
  return np.abs(np.zeros((), dtype)).dtype

def _result_dtype(op, *args):
  """Compute result dtype of applying op to arguments with given dtypes."""
  args = [np.ones((0,) * ndim(arg), _dtype(arg)) for arg in args]
  return _dtype(op(*args))

def _arraylike(x): return isinstance(x, ndarray) or isscalar(x)
def _check_arraylike(fun_name, *args):
  """Check if all args fit JAX's definition of arraylike (ndarray or scalar)."""
  assert isinstance(fun_name, str), f"fun_name must be a string. Got {fun_name}"
  if _any(not _arraylike(arg) for arg in args):
    pos, arg = next((i, arg) for i, arg in enumerate(args)
                    if not _arraylike(arg))
    msg = "{} requires ndarray or scalar arguments, got {} at position {}."
    raise TypeError(msg.format(fun_name, type(arg), pos))

def _check_no_float0s(fun_name, *args):
  """Check if none of the args have dtype float0."""
  if _any(dtypes.dtype(arg) is dtypes.float0 for arg in args):
    raise TypeError(
        f"Called {fun_name} with a float0 array. "
        "float0s do not support any operations by design because they "
        "are not compatible with non-trivial vector spaces. No implicit dtype "
        "conversion is done. You can use np.zeros_like(arr, dtype=np.float) "
        "to cast a float0 array to a regular zeros array. \n"
        "If you didn't expect to get a float0 you might have accidentally "
        "taken a gradient with respect to an integer argument.")

def _promote_args(fun_name, *args):
  """Convenience function to apply Numpy argument shape and dtype promotion."""
  _check_arraylike(fun_name, *args)
  _check_no_float0s(fun_name, *args)
  return _promote_shapes(fun_name, *_promote_dtypes(*args))

def _promote_args_inexact(fun_name, *args):
  """Convenience function to apply Numpy argument shape and dtype promotion.

  Promotes non-inexact types to an inexact type."""
  _check_arraylike(fun_name, *args)
  _check_no_float0s(fun_name, *args)
  return _promote_shapes(fun_name, *_promote_dtypes_inexact(*args))

def _constant_like(x, const):
  return np.array(const, dtype=_dtype(x))

### implementations of numpy functions in terms of lax

def fmin(x1, x2):
  return where((x1 < x2) | isnan(x2), x1, x2)

def fmax(x1, x2):
  return where((x1 > x2) | isnan(x2), x1, x2)

def finfo(dtype):
  return dtypes.finfo(dtype)

[docs]@_wraps(np.issubdtype) def issubdtype(arg1, arg2): return dtypes.issubdtype(arg1, arg2)
[docs]@_wraps(np.isscalar) def isscalar(element): return dtypes.is_python_scalar(element) or np.isscalar(element)
iterable = np.iterable
[docs]@_wraps(np.result_type) def result_type(*args): return dtypes.result_type(*args)
def _one_to_one_unop(numpy_fn, lax_fn, promote_to_inexact=False, lax_doc=False): if promote_to_inexact: fn = lambda x: lax_fn(*_promote_args_inexact(numpy_fn.__name__, x)) else: fn = lambda x: lax_fn(*_promote_args(numpy_fn.__name__, x)) if lax_doc: doc = _dedent('\n\n'.join(lax_fn.__doc__.split('\n\n')[1:])).strip() return _wraps(numpy_fn, lax_description=doc)(fn) else: return _wraps(numpy_fn)(fn) def _one_to_one_binop(numpy_fn, lax_fn, promote_to_inexact=False, lax_doc=False): if promote_to_inexact: fn = lambda x1, x2: lax_fn(*_promote_args_inexact(numpy_fn.__name__, x1, x2)) else: fn = lambda x1, x2: lax_fn(*_promote_args(numpy_fn.__name__, x1, x2)) if lax_doc: doc = _dedent('\n\n'.join(lax_fn.__doc__.split('\n\n')[1:])).strip() return _wraps(numpy_fn, lax_description=doc)(fn) else: return _wraps(numpy_fn)(fn) def _maybe_bool_binop(numpy_fn, lax_fn, bool_lax_fn, lax_doc=False): def fn(x1, x2): x1, x2 = _promote_args(numpy_fn.__name__, x1, x2) return lax_fn(x1, x2) if x1.dtype != bool_ else bool_lax_fn(x1, x2) return _wraps(numpy_fn)(fn) if lax_doc: doc = _dedent('\n\n'.join(lax_fn.__doc__.split('\n\n')[1:])).strip() return _wraps(numpy_fn, lax_description=doc)(fn) else: return _wraps(numpy_fn)(fn) fabs = _one_to_one_unop(np.fabs, lax.abs, True) bitwise_not = _one_to_one_unop(np.bitwise_not, lax.bitwise_not) invert = _one_to_one_unop(np.invert, lax.bitwise_not) negative = _one_to_one_unop(np.negative, lax.neg) positive = _one_to_one_unop(np.positive, lambda x: x) floor = _one_to_one_unop(np.floor, lax.floor, True) ceil = _one_to_one_unop(np.ceil, lax.ceil, True) exp = _one_to_one_unop(np.exp, lax.exp, True) log = _one_to_one_unop(np.log, lax.log, True) expm1 = _one_to_one_unop(np.expm1, lax.expm1, True) log1p = _one_to_one_unop(np.log1p, lax.log1p, True) sin = _one_to_one_unop(np.sin, lax.sin, True) cos = _one_to_one_unop(np.cos, lax.cos, True) tan = _one_to_one_unop(np.tan, lax.tan, True) arcsin = _one_to_one_unop(np.arcsin, lax.asin, True) arccos = _one_to_one_unop(np.arccos, lax.acos, True) arctan = _one_to_one_unop(np.arctan, lax.atan, True) sinh = _one_to_one_unop(np.sinh, lax.sinh, True) cosh = _one_to_one_unop(np.cosh, lax.cosh, True) arcsinh = _one_to_one_unop(np.arcsinh, lax.asinh, True) tanh = _one_to_one_unop(np.tanh, lax.tanh, True) arcsinh = _one_to_one_unop(np.arcsinh, lax.asinh, True) arccosh = _one_to_one_unop(np.arccosh, lax.acosh, True) arctanh = _one_to_one_unop(np.arctanh, lax.atanh, True) sqrt = _one_to_one_unop(np.sqrt, lax.sqrt, True) add = _maybe_bool_binop(np.add, lax.add, lax.bitwise_or) bitwise_and = _one_to_one_binop(np.bitwise_and, lax.bitwise_and) bitwise_or = _one_to_one_binop(np.bitwise_or, lax.bitwise_or) bitwise_xor = _one_to_one_binop(np.bitwise_xor, lax.bitwise_xor) left_shift = _one_to_one_binop(np.left_shift, lax.shift_left) equal = _one_to_one_binop(np.equal, lax.eq) multiply = _maybe_bool_binop(np.multiply, lax.mul, lax.bitwise_and) not_equal = _one_to_one_binop(np.not_equal, subtract = _one_to_one_binop(np.subtract, lax.sub) arctan2 = _one_to_one_binop(np.arctan2, lax.atan2, True) minimum = _one_to_one_binop(np.minimum, lax.min) maximum = _one_to_one_binop(np.maximum, lax.max) float_power = _one_to_one_binop(np.float_power, lax.pow, True) nextafter = _one_to_one_binop(np.nextafter, lax.nextafter, True, True) def _comparison_op(numpy_fn, lax_fn): def fn(x1, x2): x1, x2 = _promote_args(numpy_fn.__name__, x1, x2) # Comparison on complex types are defined as a lexicographic ordering on # the (real, imag) pair. if issubdtype(_dtype(x1), complexfloating): rx = lax.real(x1) ry = lax.real(x2) return, ry), lax_fn(lax.imag(x1), lax.imag(x2)), lax_fn(rx, ry)) return lax_fn(x1, x2) return _wraps(numpy_fn)(fn) greater_equal = _comparison_op(np.greater_equal, greater = _comparison_op(np.greater, less_equal = _comparison_op(np.less_equal, lax.le) less = _comparison_op(np.less, def _logical_op(np_op, bitwise_op): @_wraps(np_op, update_doc=False) def op(*args): zero = lambda x: lax.full_like(x, shape=(), fill_value=0) args = (x if issubdtype(_dtype(x), bool_) else, zero(x)) for x in args) return bitwise_op(*_promote_args(np_op.__name__, *args)) return op logical_and = _logical_op(np.logical_and, lax.bitwise_and) logical_not = _logical_op(np.logical_not, lax.bitwise_not) logical_or = _logical_op(np.logical_or, lax.bitwise_or) logical_xor = _logical_op(np.logical_xor, lax.bitwise_xor)
[docs]@_wraps(np.right_shift) def right_shift(x1, x2): x1, x2 = _promote_args(np.right_shift.__name__, x1, x2) lax_fn = lax.shift_right_logical if \ np.issubdtype(x1.dtype, np.unsignedinteger) else lax.shift_right_arithmetic return lax_fn(x1, x2)
[docs]@_wraps(np.absolute) def absolute(x): _check_arraylike('absolute', x) dt = _dtype(x) return x if dt == bool_ or issubdtype(dt, unsignedinteger) else lax.abs(x)
abs = _wraps(np.abs)(absolute) @_wraps(np.rint) def rint(x): _check_arraylike('rint', x) dtype = _dtype(x) if issubdtype(dtype, integer): return lax.convert_element_type(x, float_) if issubdtype(dtype, complexfloating): return lax.complex(rint(lax.real(x)), rint(lax.imag(x))) return lax.round(x, lax.RoundingMethod.TO_NEAREST_EVEN)
[docs]@_wraps(np.sign) def sign(x): _check_arraylike('sign', x) dtype = _dtype(x) if issubdtype(dtype, complexfloating): re = lax.real(x) return lax.complex( lax.sign(where(re != 0, re, lax.imag(x))), _constant_like(re, 0)) return lax.sign(x)
@_wraps(np.copysign) def copysign(x1, x2): x1, x2 = _promote_args_inexact("copysign", x1, x2) if issubdtype(_dtype(x1), complexfloating): raise TypeError("copysign does not support complex-valued inputs") return where(signbit(x2), -lax.abs(x1), lax.abs(x1))
[docs]@_wraps(np.true_divide) def true_divide(x1, x2): x1, x2 = _promote_args_inexact("true_divide", x1, x2) return lax.div(x1, x2)
divide = true_divide
[docs]@_wraps(np.floor_divide) def floor_divide(x1, x2): x1, x2 = _promote_args("floor_divide", x1, x2) dtype = _dtype(x1) if issubdtype(dtype, integer): quotient = lax.div(x1, x2) select = logical_and(lax.sign(x1) != lax.sign(x2), lax.rem(x1, x2) != 0) # TODO(mattjj): investigate why subtracting a scalar was causing promotion return where(select, quotient - np.array(1, _dtype(quotient)), quotient) elif issubdtype(dtype, complexfloating): x1r = lax.real(x1) x1i = lax.imag(x1) x2r = lax.real(x2) x2i = lax.imag(x2) which =, lax.abs(x2i)) rat1 = where(which, lax._const(x2i, 1), lax.div(x2r, x2i)) rat2 = where(which, lax.div(x2i, x2r), lax._const(x2i, 1)) out = lax.floor(lax.div(lax.add(lax.mul(x1r, rat1), lax.mul(x1i, rat2)), lax.add(lax.mul(x2r, rat1), lax.mul(x2i, rat2)))) return lax.convert_element_type(out, dtype) else: return _float_divmod(x1, x2)[0]
[docs]@_wraps(np.divmod) def divmod(x1, x2): x1, x2 = _promote_args("divmod", x1, x2) if issubdtype(_dtype(x1), integer): return floor_divide(x1, x2), remainder(x1, x2) else: return _float_divmod(x1, x2)
def _float_divmod(x1, x2): # see float_divmod in floatobject.c of CPython mod = lax.rem(x1, x2) div = lax.div(lax.sub(x1, mod), x2) ind = lax.bitwise_and(mod != 0, lax.sign(x2) != lax.sign(mod)) mod =, mod + x2, mod) div =, div - _constant_like(div, 1), div) return lax.round(div), mod
[docs]@_wraps(np.power) def power(x1, x2): # Special case for small positive integer scalars: use binary exponentiation. # Using lax.pow may be imprecise for floating-point values; the goal of this # code path is to make sure we end up with a precise output for the common # pattern ``x ** 2`` or similar. if isinstance(x2, int): return lax.integer_pow(x1, x2) x1, x2 = _promote_args("power", x1, x2) dtype = _dtype(x1) if not issubdtype(dtype, integer): return lax.pow(x1, x2) # Integer power => use binary exponentiation. # TODO(phawkins): add integer pow support to XLA. bits = 6 # Anything more would overflow for any x1 > 1 acc = ones(shape(x1), dtype=dtype) for _ in range(bits): acc = where(lax.bitwise_and(x2, _constant_like(x2, 1)), lax.mul(acc, x1), acc) x1 = lax.mul(x1, x1) x2 = lax.shift_right_logical(x2, _constant_like(x2, 1)) return acc
[docs]@custom_jvp @_wraps(np.logaddexp) def logaddexp(x1, x2): x1, x2 = _promote_shapes("logaddexp", *_promote_dtypes_inexact(x1, x2)) amax = lax.max(x1, x2) delta = lax.sub(x1, x2) return, lax.add(x1, x2), # NaNs or infinities of the same sign. lax.add(amax, lax.log1p(lax.exp(-lax.abs(delta)))))
@logaddexp.defjvp def _logaddexp_jvp(primals, tangents): x1, x2 = primals t1, t2 = tangents x1, x2, t1, t2 = broadcast_arrays(x1, x2, t1, t2) primal_out = logaddexp(x1, x2) tangent_out = (t1 * exp(_replace_inf(x1) - _replace_inf(primal_out)) + t2 * exp(_replace_inf(x2) - _replace_inf(primal_out))) return primal_out, tangent_out def _replace_inf(x): return, zeros_like(x), x)
[docs]@custom_jvp @_wraps(np.logaddexp2) def logaddexp2(x1, x2): x1, x2 = _promote_shapes("logaddexp2", *_promote_dtypes_inexact(x1, x2)) amax = lax.max(x1, x2) delta = lax.sub(x1, x2) return, lax.add(x1, x2), # NaNs or infinities of the same sign. lax.add(amax, lax.div(lax.log1p(exp2(-lax.abs(delta))), _constant_like(x1, np.log(2)))))
@logaddexp2.defjvp def _logaddexp2_jvp(primals, tangents): x1, x2 = primals t1, t2 = tangents x1, x2, t1, t2 = broadcast_arrays(x1, x2, t1, t2) primal_out = logaddexp2(x1, x2) tangent_out = (t1 * 2 ** (_replace_inf(x1) - _replace_inf(primal_out)) + t2 * 2 ** (_replace_inf(x2) - _replace_inf(primal_out))) return primal_out, tangent_out
[docs]@_wraps(np.log2) def log2(x): x, = _promote_dtypes_inexact(x) return lax.div(lax.log(x), lax.log(_constant_like(x, 2)))
[docs]@_wraps(np.log10) def log10(x): x, = _promote_dtypes_inexact(x) return lax.div(lax.log(x), lax.log(_constant_like(x, 10)))
[docs]@_wraps(np.exp2) def exp2(x): x, = _promote_dtypes_inexact(x) return lax.exp(lax.mul(lax.log(_constant_like(x, 2)), x))
[docs]@_wraps(np.signbit) def signbit(x): x, = _promote_shapes("signbit", x) dtype = _dtype(x) if issubdtype(dtype, integer): return, _constant_like(x, 0)) elif issubdtype(dtype, bool_): return full_like(x, False, dtype=bool_) elif not issubdtype(dtype, floating): raise ValueError( "jax.numpy.signbit is not well defined for %s" % dtype) # TPU supports BF16 but not S16 types, so as a workaround, convert BF16 to # F32. if dtype == bfloat16: dtype = float32 x = lax.convert_element_type(x, float32) info = finfo(dtype) if info.bits not in _INT_DTYPES: raise NotImplementedError( "jax.numpy.signbit only supports 16, 32, and 64-bit types.") int_type = _INT_DTYPES[info.bits] x = lax.bitcast_convert_type(x, int_type) return lax.convert_element_type(x >> (info.nexp + info.nmant), np.bool_)
@_wraps(np.trapz) def trapz(y, x=None, dx=1.0, axis=-1): _check_arraylike('trapz', y) y = moveaxis(y, axis, -1) if x is not None: if ndim(x) == 1: dx = diff(x) else: dx = moveaxis(diff(x, axis=axis), axis, -1) return 0.5 * (dx * (y[..., 1:] + y[..., :-1])).sum(-1) @_wraps(np.trunc) def trunc(x): _check_arraylike('trunc', x) return where(, lax._const(x, 0)), ceil(x), floor(x)) def _conv(x, y, mode, op, precision): if issubdtype(_dtype(x), complexfloating) or issubdtype(_dtype(y), complexfloating): raise NotImplementedError(f"{op}() does not support complex inputs") if ndim(x) != 1 or ndim(y) != 1: raise ValueError(f"{op}() only support 1-dimensional inputs.") x, y = _promote_dtypes_inexact(x, y) if len(x) == 0 or len(y) == 0: raise ValueError(f"{op}: inputs cannot be empty, got shapes {x.shape} and {y.shape}.") out_order = slice(None) if len(x) < len(y): x, y = y, x if op == "correlate": out_order = slice(None, None, -1) if op == 'convolve': y = y[::-1] if mode == 'valid': padding = [(0, 0)] elif mode == 'same': padding = [(y.shape[0] // 2, y.shape[0] - y.shape[0] // 2 - 1)] elif mode == 'full': padding = [(y.shape[0] - 1, y.shape[0] - 1)] else: raise ValueError("mode must be one of ['full', 'same', 'valid']") result = lax.conv_general_dilated(x[None, None, :], y[None, None, :], (1,), padding, precision=precision) return result[0, 0, out_order] @_wraps(np.convolve, lax_description=_PRECISION_DOC) def convolve(a, v, mode='full', *, precision=None): _check_arraylike("convolve", a, v) return _conv(a, v, mode, 'convolve', precision) @_wraps(np.correlate, lax_description=_PRECISION_DOC) def correlate(a, v, mode='valid', *, precision=None): _check_arraylike("correlate", a, v) return _conv(a, v, mode, 'correlate', precision) def _normalize_float(x): info = finfo(_dtype(x)) cond = lax.abs(x) < info.tiny x1 = where(cond, x * lax._const(x, 1 << info.nmant), x) x2 = where(cond, lax._const(np.int32, -info.nmant), lax._const(np.int32, 0)) int_type = _INT_DTYPES[info.bits] return lax.bitcast_convert_type(x1, int_type), x2 @_wraps(np.ldexp) @jit def ldexp(x1, x2): dtype = dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(_result_dtype(np.ldexp, x1, x2)) x1, x2 = _promote_shapes("ldexp", x1, x2) x1 = lax.convert_element_type(x1, dtype) info = finfo(dtype) mask = (1 << info.nexp) - 1 bias = ((1 << info.nexp) - 1) >> 1 int_type = _INT_DTYPES[info.bits] x, e = _normalize_float(x1) x2 += e + ((x >> info.nmant) & mask) - bias # find underflow/overflow before denormalization underflow_cond = x2 < -(bias + info.nmant) overflow_cond = x2 > bias m = ones_like(x, dtype=dtype) # denormals cond = x2 < -bias + 1 x2 = where(cond, x2 + info.nmant, x2) m = where(cond, m / (1 << info.nmant), m) x2 = lax.convert_element_type(x2, np.int32) x &= ~(mask << info.nmant) x |= ((lax.convert_element_type(x2, int_type) + bias) << info.nmant) x = lax.convert_element_type(m, dtype) * lax.bitcast_convert_type(x, dtype) # underflow x = where(underflow_cond, zeros_like(x, dtype=dtype), x) # overflow x = where(overflow_cond, lax.sign(x1) * full_like(x, np.inf), x) # ldexp(x1, x2) = x1 for x1 = inf, -inf, nan, 0 return where(isinf(x1) | isnan(x1) | (x1 == 0), x1, x) @_wraps(np.frexp) @jit def frexp(x): x = asarray(x) if issubdtype(x.dtype, complexfloating): raise TypeError("frexp does not support complex-valued inputs") elif not issubdtype(x.dtype, floating): x = lax.convert_element_type(x, float_) dtype = _dtype(x) info = finfo(dtype) mask = (1 << info.nexp) - 1 bias = ((1 << info.nexp) - 1) >> 1 x1, x2 = _normalize_float(x) x2 += ((x1 >> info.nmant) & mask) - bias + 1 x1 &= ~(mask << info.nmant) x1 |= (bias - 1) << info.nmant x1 = lax.bitcast_convert_type(x1, dtype) cond = isinf(x) | isnan(x) | (x == 0) x2 = where(cond, zeros_like(x2), x2) return where(cond, x, x1), lax.convert_element_type(x2, int32)
[docs]@_wraps(np.remainder) def remainder(x1, x2): x1, x2 = _promote_args("remainder", x1, x2) zero = _constant_like(x1, 0) trunc_mod = lax.rem(x1, x2) trunc_mod_not_zero =, zero) do_plus = lax.bitwise_and(, zero),, zero)), trunc_mod_not_zero) return, lax.add(trunc_mod, x2), trunc_mod)
mod = _wraps(np.mod)(remainder)
[docs]@_wraps(np.fmod) def fmod(x1, x2): _check_arraylike("fmod", x1, x2) if issubdtype(_dtype(x1, x2), integer): x2 = where(x2 == 0, 1, x2) return lax.rem(*_promote_args("fmod", x1, x2))
@_wraps(np.cbrt) def cbrt(x): _check_arraylike("cbrt", x) x, = _promote_dtypes_inexact(x) return lax.sign(x) * power(lax.abs(x), _constant_like(x, 1. / 3.))
[docs]@_wraps(np.square) def square(x): _check_arraylike("square", x) return lax.integer_pow(x, 2)
[docs]@_wraps(np.deg2rad) def deg2rad(x): _check_arraylike("deg2rad", x) x, = _promote_dtypes_inexact(x) return lax.mul(x, lax._const(x, pi / 180))
[docs]@_wraps(np.rad2deg) def rad2deg(x): _check_arraylike("rad2deg", x) x, = _promote_dtypes_inexact(x) return lax.mul(x, lax._const(x, 180 / pi))
degrees = rad2deg radians = deg2rad @_wraps(np.histogram_bin_edges) def histogram_bin_edges(a, bins=10, range=None, weights=None): if isinstance(bins, str): raise NotImplementedError("string values for `bins` not implemented.") a = ravel(a) b = asarray(bins) if b.ndim == 1: return b if range is None: range = (a.min(), a.max()) assert len(range) == 2 range = asarray(range) range = (where(ptp(range) == 0, range[0] - 0.5, range[0]), where(ptp(range) == 0, range[1] + 0.5, range[1])) dtype = _dtype(a) if issubdtype(dtype, integer): dtype = promote_types(dtype, float32) return linspace(range[0], range[1], bins + 1, dtype=dtype) @_wraps(np.histogram) def histogram(a, bins=10, range=None, weights=None, density=None): if weights is not None and a.shape != weights.shape: raise ValueError("weights should have the same shape as a.") a = ravel(a) if weights is not None: weights = ravel(weights) else: weights = ones_like(a) bin_edges = histogram_bin_edges(a, bins, range, weights) bin_idx = searchsorted(bin_edges, a, side='right') bin_idx = where(a == bin_edges[-1], len(bin_edges) - 1, bin_idx) counts = bincount(bin_idx, weights, length=len(bin_edges))[1:] if density: bin_widths = diff(bin_edges) counts = counts / bin_widths / counts.sum() return counts, bin_edges @_wraps(np.histogram2d) def histogram2d(x, y, bins=10, range=None, weights=None, density=None): try: N = len(bins) except TypeError: N = 1 if N != 1 and N != 2: x_edges = y_edges = asarray(bins) bins = [x_edges, y_edges] sample = transpose(asarray([x, y])) hist, edges = histogramdd(sample, bins, range, weights, density) return hist, edges[0], edges[1] @_wraps(np.histogramdd) def histogramdd(sample, bins=10, range=None, weights=None, density=None): _check_arraylike("histogramdd", sample) N, D = shape(sample) if weights is not None and weights.shape != (N,): raise ValueError("should have one weight for each sample.") try: num_bins = len(bins) if num_bins != D: raise ValueError("should be a bin for each dimension.") except TypeError: # when bin_size is integer, the same bin is used for each dimension bins = D * [bins] bin_idx_by_dim = D*[None] nbins = np.empty(D, int) bin_edges_by_dim = D*[None] dedges = D*[None] for i in builtins.range(D): bin_edges = histogram_bin_edges(sample[:, i], bins[i], range, weights) bin_idx = searchsorted(bin_edges, sample[:, i], side='right') bin_idx = where(sample[:, i] == bin_edges[-1], bin_idx - 1, bin_idx) bin_idx_by_dim[i] = bin_idx nbins[i] = len(bin_edges) + 1 bin_edges_by_dim[i] = bin_edges dedges[i] = diff(bin_edges_by_dim[i]) xy = ravel_multi_index(bin_idx_by_dim, nbins, mode='clip') hist = bincount(xy, weights, hist = reshape(hist, nbins) core = D*(slice(1, -1),) hist = hist[core] if density: s = sum(hist) for i in builtins.range(D): _shape = np.ones(D, int) _shape[i] = nbins[i] - 2 hist = hist / reshape(dedges[i], _shape) hist /= s return hist, bin_edges_by_dim
[docs]@_wraps(np.heaviside) def heaviside(x1, x2): _check_arraylike("heaviside", x1, x2) x1, x2 = _promote_dtypes_inexact(x1, x2) zero = lax._const(x1, 0) return where(, zero), zero, where(, zero), lax._const(x1, 1), x2))
[docs]@_wraps(np.hypot) def hypot(x1, x2): _check_arraylike("hypot", x1, x2) x1, x2 = _promote_dtypes_inexact(x1, x2) x1 = lax.abs(x1) x2 = lax.abs(x2) x1, x2 = maximum(x1, x2), minimum(x1, x2) return == 0, x1, x1 * lax.sqrt(1 + lax.square(lax.div(x2, == 0, ones_like(x1), x1)))))
[docs]@_wraps(np.reciprocal) def reciprocal(x): _check_arraylike("reciprocal", x) x, = _promote_dtypes_inexact(x) return lax.integer_pow(x, -1)
[docs]@_wraps(np.sinc, update_doc=False) def sinc(x): _check_arraylike("sinc", x) x, = _promote_dtypes_inexact(x) eq_zero = lax.eq(x, lax._const(x, 0)) pi_x = lax.mul(lax._const(x, pi), x) safe_pi_x = where(eq_zero, lax._const(x, 0), pi_x) return where(eq_zero, _sinc_maclaurin(0, pi_x), lax.div(lax.sin(safe_pi_x), safe_pi_x))
@partial(custom_jvp, nondiff_argnums=(0,)) def _sinc_maclaurin(k, x): # compute the kth derivative of x -> sin(x)/x evaluated at zero (since we # compute the monomial term in the jvp rule) if k % 2: return lax.full_like(x, 0) else: return lax.full_like(x, (-1) ** (k // 2) / (k + 1)) @_sinc_maclaurin.defjvp def _sinc_maclaurin_jvp(k, primals, tangents): (x,), (t,) = primals, tangents return _sinc_maclaurin(k, x), _sinc_maclaurin(k + 1, x) * t
[docs]@_wraps(np.transpose) def transpose(a, axes=None): _check_arraylike("transpose", a) axes = np.arange(ndim(a))[::-1] if axes is None else axes return lax.transpose(a, axes)
[docs]@_wraps(np.rot90) def rot90(m, k=1, axes=(0, 1)): _check_arraylike("rot90", m) ax1, ax2 = axes ax1 = _canonicalize_axis(ax1, ndim(m)) ax2 = _canonicalize_axis(ax2, ndim(m)) if ax1 == ax2: raise ValueError("Axes must be different") # same as numpy error k = k % 4 if k == 0: return m elif k == 2: return flip(flip(m, ax1), ax2) else: perm = list(range(m.ndim)) perm[ax1], perm[ax2] = perm[ax2], perm[ax1] if k == 1: return transpose(flip(m, ax2), perm) else: return flip(transpose(m, perm), ax2)
[docs]@_wraps(np.flip) def flip(m, axis=None): _check_arraylike("flip", m) if axis is None: return lax.rev(m, list(range(len(shape(m))))) return lax.rev(m, [_canonicalize_axis(axis, ndim(m))])
[docs]@_wraps(np.fliplr) def fliplr(m): return flip(m, 1)
[docs]@_wraps(np.flipud) def flipud(m): return flip(m, 0)
[docs]@_wraps(np.conjugate) def conjugate(x): _check_arraylike("conjugate", x) return lax.conj(x) if iscomplexobj(x) else x
conj = conjugate
[docs]@_wraps(np.imag) def imag(val): _check_arraylike("imag", val) return lax.imag(val) if iscomplexobj(val) else zeros_like(val)
[docs]@_wraps(np.real) def real(val): _check_arraylike("real", val) return lax.real(val) if iscomplexobj(val) else val
[docs]@_wraps(np.iscomplex) def iscomplex(x): i = imag(x) return, lax._const(i, 0))
[docs]@_wraps(np.isreal) def isreal(x): i = imag(x) return lax.eq(i, lax._const(i, 0))
[docs]@_wraps(np.angle) def angle(z): re = real(z) im = imag(z) dtype = _dtype(re) if not issubdtype(dtype, inexact) or ( issubdtype(_dtype(z), floating) and ndim(z) == 0): dtype = dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(float_) re = lax.convert_element_type(re, dtype) im = lax.convert_element_type(im, dtype) return lax.atan2(im, re)
@_wraps(np.diff) def diff(a, n=1, axis=-1, prepend=None, append=None): _check_arraylike("diff", a) if n == 0: return a if n < 0: raise ValueError(f"order must be non-negative but got {n}") if ndim(a) == 0: raise ValueError(f"diff requires input that is at least one dimensional; got {a}") nd = a.ndim combined = [] if prepend is not None: _check_arraylike("diff", prepend) if isscalar(prepend): shape = list(a.shape) shape[axis] = 1 prepend = broadcast_to(prepend, tuple(shape)) combined.append(prepend) combined.append(a) if append is not None: _check_arraylike("diff", append) if isscalar(append): shape = list(a.shape) shape[axis] = 1 append = broadcast_to(append, tuple(shape)) combined.append(append) if len(combined) > 1: a = concatenate(combined, axis) slice1 = [slice(None)] * nd slice2 = [slice(None)] * nd slice1[axis] = slice(1, None) slice2[axis] = slice(None, -1) slice1 = tuple(slice1) slice2 = tuple(slice2) op = not_equal if a.dtype == np.bool_ else subtract for _ in range(n): a = op(a[slice1], a[slice2]) return a _EDIFF1D_DOC = """\ Unlike NumPy's implementation of ediff1d, :py:func:`jax.numpy.ediff1d` will not issue an error if casting ``to_end`` or ``to_begin`` to the type of ``ary`` loses precision. """ @_wraps(np.ediff1d, lax_description=_EDIFF1D_DOC) def ediff1d(ary, to_end=None, to_begin=None): ary = ravel(asarray(ary)) result = lax.sub(ary[1:], ary[:-1]) if to_begin is not None: result = concatenate((ravel(asarray(to_begin, dtype=ary.dtype)), result)) if to_end is not None: result = concatenate((result, ravel(asarray(to_end, dtype=ary.dtype)))) return result @partial(jit, static_argnums=2) def _gradient(a, varargs, axis): def gradient_along_axis(a, h, axis): sliced = partial(lax.slice_in_dim, a, axis=axis) a_grad = concatenate(( (sliced(1, 2) - sliced(0, 1)), # upper edge (sliced(2, None) - sliced(None, -2)) * 0.5, # inner (sliced(-1, None) - sliced(-2, -1)), # lower edge ), axis) return a_grad / h if axis is None: axis = range(a.ndim) else: if isinstance(axis, int): axis = (axis,) if not isinstance(axis, tuple) and not isinstance(axis, list): raise ValueError("Give `axis` either as int or iterable") elif len(axis) == 0: return [] axis = [_canonicalize_axis(i, a.ndim) for i in axis] if _min([s for i, s in enumerate(a.shape) if i in axis]) < 2: raise ValueError("Shape of array too small to calculate " "a numerical gradient, " "at least 2 elements are required.") len_axes = len(axis) n = len(varargs) if n == 0 or varargs is None: # no spacing dx = [1.0] * len_axes elif n == 1: # single value for all axes dx = varargs * len_axes elif n == len_axes: dx = varargs else: TypeError("Invalid number of spacing arguments %d" % n) if ndim(dx[0]) != 0: raise NotImplementedError("Non-constant spacing not implemented") # TODO: use jax.lax loop tools if possible a_grad = [gradient_along_axis(a, h, ax) for ax, h in zip(axis, dx)] if len(axis) == 1: a_grad = a_grad[0] return a_grad @_wraps(np.gradient) def gradient(f, *varargs, axis=None, edge_order=None): if edge_order is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'edge_order' argument to jnp.gradient is not supported.") return _gradient(f, varargs, axis) @_wraps(np.isrealobj) def isrealobj(x): return not iscomplexobj(x)
[docs]@_wraps(np.reshape) def reshape(a, newshape, order="C"): try: return a.reshape(newshape, order=order) # forward to method for ndarrays except AttributeError: return _reshape(a, newshape, order=order)
def _compute_newshape(a, newshape): """Fixes a -1 value in newshape, if present.""" # other errors, like having more than one -1, are caught downstream try: iter(newshape) except: iterable = False else: iterable = True def check(size): return size if type(size) is Poly else core.concrete_or_error( int, size, "The error arose in jax.numpy.reshape.") newshape = [check(size) for size in newshape] if iterable else check(newshape) if np.any(np.equal(newshape, -1)): fix = -a.size // (newshape if type(newshape) is Poly else _prod(newshape)) return [d if d != -1 else fix for d in newshape] else: return newshape def _reshape(a, newshape, order="C"): computed_newshape = _compute_newshape(a, newshape) if order == "C": return lax.reshape(a, computed_newshape, None) elif order == "F": dims = np.arange(ndim(a))[::-1] return lax.reshape(a, computed_newshape[::-1], dims).T elif order == "A": raise NotImplementedError("np.reshape order=A is not implemented.") else: raise ValueError("Unexpected value for 'order' argument: {}.".format(order)) def _reshape_method(a, *newshape, **kwargs): order = kwargs.pop("order", "C") if len(kwargs) == 1: invalid_kwarg, = kwargs msg = "'{}' is an invalid keyword argument for this function" raise TypeError(msg.format(invalid_kwarg)) # same as NumPy error elif kwargs: invalid_kwargs = "'{}'".format("'".join(kwargs)) msg = "{} are invalid keyword arguments for this function" raise TypeError(msg.format(invalid_kwargs)) # different from NumPy error if (len(newshape) == 1 and not isinstance(newshape[0], int) and type(newshape[0]) is not Poly): newshape = newshape[0] return _reshape(a, newshape, order=order)
[docs]@_wraps(np.ravel) def ravel(a, order="C"): if order == "K": raise NotImplementedError("Ravel not implemented for order='K'.") return reshape(a, (size(a),), order)
@_wraps(np.ravel_multi_index) def ravel_multi_index(multi_index, dims, mode='raise', order='C'): assert len(multi_index) == len(dims), f"len(multi_index)={len(multi_index)} != len(dims)={len(dims)}" dims = tuple(core.concrete_or_error(int, d, "in `dims` argument of ravel_multi_index().") for d in dims) _check_arraylike("ravel_multi_index", *multi_index) for index in multi_index: if mode == 'raise': core.concrete_or_error(array, index, "The error occurred because ravel_multi_index was jit-compiled" " with mode='raise'. Use mode='wrap' or mode='clip' instead.") if not issubdtype(_dtype(index), integer): raise TypeError("only int indices permitted") if mode == "raise": if _any(any((i < 0) | (i >= d)) for i, d in zip(multi_index, dims)): raise ValueError("invalid entry in coordinates array") elif mode == "clip": multi_index = [clip(i, 0, d - 1) for i, d in zip(multi_index, dims)] elif mode == "wrap": multi_index = [i % d for i, d in zip(multi_index, dims)] else: raise ValueError(f"invalid mode={mode!r}. Expected 'raise', 'wrap', or 'clip'") if order == "F": strides = np.cumprod((1,) + dims[:-1]) elif order == "C": strides = np.cumprod((1,) + dims[1:][::-1])[::-1] else: raise ValueError(f"invalid order={order!r}. Expected 'C' or 'F'") result = 0 for i, s in zip(multi_index, strides): result = result + i * s return result _UNRAVEL_INDEX_DOC = """\ Unlike numpy's implementation of unravel_index, negative indices are accepted and out-of-bounds indices are clipped. """ @_wraps(np.unravel_index, lax_description=_UNRAVEL_INDEX_DOC) def unravel_index(indices, shape): indices = asarray(indices) sizes = pad(shape, (0, 1), constant_values=1) cumulative_sizes = cumprod(sizes[::-1])[::-1] total_size = cumulative_sizes[0] # Clip so raveling and unraveling an oob index will not change the behavior clipped_indices = clip(indices, -total_size, total_size - 1) # Add enough trailing dims to avoid conflict with flat_index cumulative_sizes = cumulative_sizes.reshape([-1] + [1] * indices.ndim) idx = clipped_indices % cumulative_sizes[:-1] // cumulative_sizes[1:] return tuple(idx)
[docs]@_wraps(np.squeeze) def squeeze(a, axis: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = None): _check_arraylike("squeeze", a) if axis is None: a_shape = shape(a) axis = tuple(i for i, d in enumerate(a_shape) if d == 1) elif not isinstance(axis, tuple): axis = (axis,) return lax.squeeze(a, axis)
[docs]@_wraps(np.expand_dims) def expand_dims(a, axis: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]): _check_arraylike("expand_dims", a) if not isinstance(axis, tuple): axis = (axis,) return lax.expand_dims(a, axis)
[docs]@_wraps(np.swapaxes) def swapaxes(a, axis1, axis2): _check_arraylike("swapaxes", a) perm = np.arange(ndim(a)) perm[axis1], perm[axis2] = perm[axis2], perm[axis1] return lax.transpose(a, perm)
[docs]@_wraps(np.moveaxis) def moveaxis(a, source, destination): _check_arraylike("moveaxis", a) try: source = (operator.index(source),) except TypeError: pass try: destination = (operator.index(destination),) except TypeError: pass source = tuple(_canonicalize_axis(i, ndim(a)) for i in source) destination = tuple(_canonicalize_axis(i, ndim(a)) for i in destination) if len(source) != len(destination): raise ValueError("Inconsistent number of elements: {} vs {}" .format(len(source), len(destination))) perm = [i for i in range(ndim(a)) if i not in source] for dest, src in sorted(zip(destination, source)): perm.insert(dest, src) return lax.transpose(a, perm)
[docs]@_wraps(np.isclose) def isclose(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): a, b = _promote_args("isclose", asarray(a), asarray(b)) dtype = _dtype(a) if issubdtype(dtype, inexact): if issubdtype(dtype, complexfloating): dtype = _complex_elem_type(dtype) rtol = lax.convert_element_type(rtol, dtype) atol = lax.convert_element_type(atol, dtype) out = lax.le( lax.abs(lax.sub(a, b)), lax.add(atol, lax.mul(rtol, lax.abs(b)))) # This corrects the comparisons for infinite and nan values a_inf = isinf(a) b_inf = isinf(b) any_inf = logical_or(a_inf, b_inf) both_inf = logical_and(a_inf, b_inf) # Make all elements where either a or b are infinite to False out = logical_and(out, logical_not(any_inf)) # Make all elements where both a or b are the same inf to True same_value = lax.eq(a, b) same_inf = logical_and(both_inf, same_value) out = logical_or(out, same_inf) # Make all elements where either a or b is NaN to False a_nan = isnan(a) b_nan = isnan(b) any_nan = logical_or(a_nan, b_nan) out = logical_and(out, logical_not(any_nan)) if equal_nan: # Make all elements where both a and b is NaN to True both_nan = logical_and(a_nan, b_nan) out = logical_or(out, both_nan) return _maybe_numpy_1_13_isclose_behavior(a, out) else: return lax.eq(a, b)
numpy_version = tuple(map(int, np.version.version.split('.')[:2])) if numpy_version < (1, 14): # see discussion at def _maybe_numpy_1_13_isclose_behavior(a, out): if size(out) == 1 and issubdtype(_dtype(a), complexfloating): return lax.reshape(out, (1,)) else: return out else: def _maybe_numpy_1_13_isclose_behavior(a, out): return out @_wraps(np.interp) def interp(x, xp, fp, left=None, right=None, period=None): if shape(xp) != shape(fp) or ndim(xp) != 1: raise ValueError("xp and fp must be one-dimensional arrays of equal size") x, xp, fp = map(asarray, _promote_dtypes_inexact(x, xp, fp)) if period is not None: if period == 0: raise ValueError(f"period must be a non-zero value; got {period}") period = abs(period) x = x % period xp = xp % period xp, fp = lax.sort_key_val(xp, fp) xp = concatenate([xp[-1:] - period, xp, xp[:1] + period]) fp = concatenate([fp[-1:], fp, fp[:1]]) i = clip(searchsorted(xp, x, side='right'), 1, len(xp) - 1) df = fp[i] - fp[i - 1] dx = xp[i] - xp[i - 1] delta = x - xp[i - 1] f = where((dx == 0), fp[i], fp[i - 1] + (delta / dx) * df) if period is None: f = where(x < xp[0], fp[0] if left is None else left, f) f = where(x > xp[-1], fp[-1] if right is None else right, f) return f @_wraps(np.in1d, lax_description=""" In the JAX version, the `assume_unique` argument is not referenced. """) def in1d(ar1, ar2, assume_unique=False, invert=False): ar1 = ravel(ar1) ar2 = ravel(ar2) # Note: an algorithm based on searchsorted has better scaling, but in practice # is very slow on accelerators because it relies on lax control flow. If XLA # ever supports binary search natively, we should switch to this: # ar2 = jnp.sort(ar2) # ind = jnp.searchsorted(ar2, ar1) # if invert: # return ar1 != ar2[ind] # else: # return ar1 == ar2[ind] if invert: return (ar1[:, None] != ar2).all(-1) else: return (ar1[:, None] == ar2).any(-1) @_wraps(np.setdiff1d, lax_description=""" In the JAX version, the `assume_unique` argument is not referenced. """) def setdiff1d(ar1, ar2, assume_unique=False): ar1 = core.concrete_or_error(asarray, ar1, "The error arose in setdiff1d()") ar2 = core.concrete_or_error(asarray, ar2, "The error arose in setdiff1d()") ar1 = unique(ar1) ar2 = unique(ar2) idx = in1d(ar1, ar2, invert=True) return ar1[idx] @partial(jit, static_argnums=2) def _intersect1d_sorted_mask(ar1, ar2, return_indices=False): """ Helper function for intersect1d which is jit-able """ ar = concatenate((ar1, ar2)) if return_indices: iota = lax.broadcasted_iota(np.int64, shape(ar), dimension=0) aux, indices = lax.sort_key_val(ar, iota) else: aux = sort(ar) mask = aux[1:] == aux[:-1] if return_indices: return aux, mask, indices else: return aux, mask @_wraps(np.intersect1d) def intersect1d(ar1, ar2, assume_unique=False, return_indices=False): ar1 = core.concrete_or_error(asarray, ar1, "The error arose in intersect1d()") ar2 = core.concrete_or_error(asarray, ar2, "The error arose in intersect1d()") if not assume_unique: if return_indices: ar1, ind1 = unique(ar1, return_index=True) ar2, ind2 = unique(ar2, return_index=True) else: ar1 = unique(ar1) ar2 = unique(ar2) else: ar1 = ravel(ar1) ar2 = ravel(ar2) if return_indices: aux, mask, aux_sort_indices = _intersect1d_sorted_mask(ar1, ar2, return_indices) else: aux, mask = _intersect1d_sorted_mask(ar1, ar2, return_indices) int1d = aux[:-1][mask] if return_indices: ar1_indices = aux_sort_indices[:-1][mask] ar2_indices = aux_sort_indices[1:][mask] - ar1.size if not assume_unique: ar1_indices = ind1[ar1_indices] ar2_indices = ind2[ar2_indices] return int1d, ar1_indices, ar2_indices else: return int1d @_wraps(np.isin, lax_description=""" In the JAX version, the `assume_unique` argument is not referenced. """) def isin(element, test_elements, assume_unique=False, invert=False): result = in1d(element, test_elements, assume_unique=assume_unique, invert=invert) return result.reshape(shape(element)) # The `jit` on `where` exists to avoid materializing constants in cases like # `np.where(np.zeros(1000), 7, 4)`. In op-by-op mode, we don't want to # materialize the broadcast forms of scalar arguments. @jit def _where(condition, x=None, y=None): if x is None or y is None: raise ValueError("Either both or neither of the x and y arguments should " "be provided to jax.numpy.where, got {} and {}." .format(x, y)) if not issubdtype(_dtype(condition), bool_): condition =, zeros_like(condition)) x, y = _promote_dtypes(x, y) condition, x, y = broadcast_arrays(condition, x, y) return, x, y) if np.size(x) else x _WHERE_DOC = """\ At present, JAX does not support JIT-compilation of the single-argument form of :py:func:`jax.numpy.where` because its output shape is data-dependent. The three-argument form does not have a data-dependent shape and can be JIT-compiled successfully. """ @_wraps(np.where, update_doc=False, lax_description=_WHERE_DOC) def where(condition, x=None, y=None): if x is None and y is None: return nonzero(asarray(condition)) else: return _where(condition, x, y)
[docs]@_wraps( def select(condlist, choicelist, default=0): if len(condlist) != len(choicelist): msg = "condlist must have length equal to choicelist ({} vs {})" raise ValueError(msg.format(len(condlist), len(choicelist))) if len(condlist) == 0: raise ValueError("condlist must be non-empty") choices = _promote_dtypes(default, *choicelist) choicelist = choices[1:] output = choices[0] for cond, choice in zip(condlist[::-1], choicelist[::-1]): output = where(cond, choice, output) return output
@_wraps(np.bincount, lax_description="""\ Jax adds the optional `length` parameter which specifies the output length, and defaults to ``x.max() + 1``. It must be specified for bincount to be compilable. Values larger than the specified length will be discarded. Additionally, while ``np.bincount`` raises an error if the input array contains negative values, ``jax.numpy.bincount`` treats negative values as zero. """) def bincount(x, weights=None, minlength=0, *, length=None): _check_arraylike("bincount", x) if not issubdtype(_dtype(x), integer): msg = f"x argument to bincount must have an integer type; got {x.dtype}" raise TypeError(msg) if length is None: x = core.concrete_or_error(asarray, x, "The error occured because of argument 'x' of jnp.bincount. " "To avoid this error, pass a static `length` argument.") length = max(x) + 1 length = _max(length, minlength) if ndim(x) != 1: raise ValueError("only 1-dimensional input supported.") if weights is None: weights = array(1, dtype=int32) else: if shape(x) != shape(weights): raise ValueError("shape of weights must match shape of x.") return ops.index_add(zeros((length,), _dtype(weights)), ops.index[clip(x, 0)], weights)
[docs]def broadcast_arrays(*args): """Like Numpy's broadcast_arrays but doesn't return views.""" shapes = [shape(arg) for arg in args] if len(set(shapes)) == 1: return [arg if isinstance(arg, ndarray) or isscalar(arg) else array(arg) for arg in args] result_shape = lax.broadcast_shapes(*shapes) return [broadcast_to(arg, result_shape) for arg in args]
[docs]@_wraps(np.broadcast_to, lax_description="""\ The JAX version does not necessarily return a view of the input. """) def broadcast_to(arr, shape): arr = arr if isinstance(arr, ndarray) else array(arr) shape = canonicalize_shape(shape) # check that shape is concrete arr_shape = _shape(arr) if arr_shape == shape: return arr else: nlead = len(shape) - len(arr_shape) compatible = np.equal(arr_shape, shape[nlead:]) | np.equal(arr_shape, 1) if nlead < 0 or not np.all(compatible): msg = "Incompatible shapes for broadcasting: {} and requested shape {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(arr_shape, shape)) diff, = np.where(np.not_equal(shape[nlead:], arr_shape)) new_dims = tuple(range(nlead)) + tuple(nlead + diff) kept_dims = tuple(np.delete(np.arange(len(shape)), new_dims)) return lax.broadcast_in_dim(squeeze(arr, tuple(diff)), shape, kept_dims)
def _split(op, ary, indices_or_sections, axis=0): axis = core.concrete_or_error(int, axis, f"in jax.numpy.{op} argument `axis`") size = ary.shape[axis] if isinstance(indices_or_sections, (tuple, list) + _arraylike_types): indices_or_sections = np.array( [core.concrete_or_error(np.int64, i_s, f"in jax.numpy.{op} argument 1") for i_s in indices_or_sections], np.int64) split_indices = np.concatenate([[np.int64(0)], indices_or_sections, [np.int64(size)]]) else: indices_or_sections = core.concrete_or_error(np.int64, indices_or_sections, f"in jax.numpy.{op} argument 1") part_size, r = _divmod(size, indices_or_sections) if r == 0: split_indices = np.arange(indices_or_sections + 1, dtype=np.int64) * part_size elif op == "array_split": split_indices = np.concatenate( [np.arange(r + 1, dtype=np.int64) * (part_size + 1), np.arange(indices_or_sections - r, dtype=np.int64) * part_size + ((r + 1) * (part_size + 1) - 1)]) else: raise ValueError("array split does not result in an equal division") starts, ends = [0] * ndim(ary), shape(ary) _subval = lambda x, i, v: subvals(x, [(i, v)]) return [lax.slice(ary, _subval(starts, axis, start), _subval(ends, axis, end)) for start, end in zip(split_indices[:-1], split_indices[1:])]
[docs]@_wraps(np.split) def split(ary, indices_or_sections, axis=0): return _split("split", ary, indices_or_sections, axis=axis)
def _split_on_axis(np_fun, axis): @_wraps(np_fun, update_doc=False) def f(ary, indices_or_sections): return split(ary, indices_or_sections, axis=axis) return f vsplit = _split_on_axis(np.vsplit, axis=0) hsplit = _split_on_axis(np.hsplit, axis=1) dsplit = _split_on_axis(np.dsplit, axis=2) @_wraps(np.array_split) def array_split(ary, indices_or_sections, axis=0): return _split("array_split", ary, indices_or_sections, axis=axis)
[docs]@_wraps(np.clip) def clip(a, a_min=None, a_max=None, out=None): _check_arraylike("clip", a) if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.clip is not supported.") if a_min is None and a_max is None: raise ValueError("At most one of a_min and a_max may be None") if a_min is not None: a = maximum(a_min, a) if a_max is not None: a = minimum(a_max, a) return a
[docs]@_wraps(np.round, update_doc=False) def round(a, decimals=0, out=None): _check_arraylike("round", a) if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.round is not supported.") dtype = _dtype(a) if issubdtype(dtype, integer): if decimals < 0: raise NotImplementedError( "integer np.round not implemented for decimals < 0") return a # no-op on integer types def _round_float(x): if decimals == 0: return lax.round(x, lax.RoundingMethod.TO_NEAREST_EVEN) # TODO(phawkins): the strategy of rescaling the value isn't necessarily a # good one since we may be left with an incorrectly rounded value at the # end due to precision problems. As a workaround for float16, convert to # float32, x = lax.convert_element_type(x, np.float32) if dtype == np.float16 else x factor = _constant_like(x, 10 ** decimals) out = lax.div(lax.round(lax.mul(x, factor), lax.RoundingMethod.TO_NEAREST_EVEN), factor) return lax.convert_element_type(out, dtype) if dtype == np.float16 else out if issubdtype(dtype, complexfloating): return lax.complex(_round_float(lax.real(a)), _round_float(lax.imag(a))) else: return _round_float(a)
around = round
[docs]@_wraps(np.fix) def fix(x, out=None): _check_arraylike("fix", x) if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.fix is not supported.") zero = lax._const(x, 0) return where(, zero), floor(x), ceil(x))
@_wraps(np.modf) def modf(x, out=None): _check_arraylike("modf", x) if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.modf is not supported.") whole = fix(x) return x - whole, whole
[docs]@_wraps(np.isfinite) def isfinite(x): _check_arraylike("isfinite", x) dtype = _dtype(x) if issubdtype(dtype, floating): return lax.is_finite(x) elif issubdtype(dtype, complexfloating): return lax.bitwise_and(lax.is_finite(real(x)), lax.is_finite(imag(x))) else: return full_like(x, True, dtype=bool_)
[docs]@_wraps(np.isinf) def isinf(x): _check_arraylike("isinf", x) dtype = _dtype(x) if issubdtype(dtype, floating): return lax.eq(lax.abs(x), _constant_like(x, inf)) elif issubdtype(dtype, complexfloating): re = lax.real(x) im = lax.imag(x) return lax.bitwise_or(lax.eq(lax.abs(re), _constant_like(re, inf)), lax.eq(lax.abs(im), _constant_like(im, inf))) else: return full_like(x, False, dtype=bool_)
def _isposneginf(infinity, x, out): if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to isneginf/isposinf is not supported.") dtype = _dtype(x) if issubdtype(dtype, floating): return lax.eq(x, _constant_like(x, infinity)) elif issubdtype(dtype, complexfloating): raise ValueError("isposinf/isneginf are not well defined for complex types") else: return full_like(x, False, dtype=bool_) isposinf = _wraps(np.isposinf)(lambda x, out=None: _isposneginf(inf, x, out)) isneginf = _wraps(np.isneginf)(lambda x, out=None: _isposneginf(-inf, x, out))
[docs]@_wraps(np.isnan) def isnan(x): _check_arraylike("isnan", x) return, x)
[docs]@_wraps(np.nan_to_num) def nan_to_num(x, copy=True, nan=0.0, posinf=None, neginf=None): del copy _check_arraylike("nan_to_num", x) dtype = _dtype(x) if issubdtype(dtype, complexfloating): return lax.complex( nan_to_num(lax.real(x), nan=nan, posinf=posinf, neginf=neginf), nan_to_num(lax.imag(x), nan=nan, posinf=posinf, neginf=neginf)) info = finfo(dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(dtype)) posinf = info.max if posinf is None else posinf neginf = info.min if neginf is None else neginf x = where(isnan(x), _constant_like(x, nan), x) x = where(isposinf(x), _constant_like(x, posinf), x) x = where(isneginf(x), _constant_like(x, neginf), x) return x
### Reducers def _reduction(a, name, np_fun, op, init_val, has_identity=True, preproc=None, bool_op=None, upcast_f16_for_computation=False, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False, initial=None, where_=None): bool_op = bool_op or op if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError(f"The 'out' argument to jnp.{name} is not supported.") _check_arraylike(name, a) lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, name) axis = core.concrete_or_error(None, axis, f"axis argument to jnp.{name}().") if initial is None and not has_identity: if not size(a): raise ValueError(f"zero-size array to reduction operation {name} which has no identity") if where_ is not None: raise ValueError(f"reduction operation {name} does not have an identity, so to use a " f"where mask one has to specify 'initial'") a = a if isinstance(a, ndarray) else asarray(a) a = preproc(a) if preproc else a dims = _reduction_dims(a, axis) result_dtype = dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(dtype or _dtype(np_fun(np.ones((), dtype=_dtype(a))))) if upcast_f16_for_computation and issubdtype(result_dtype, inexact): computation_dtype = promote_types(result_dtype, float32) else: computation_dtype = result_dtype a = lax.convert_element_type(a, computation_dtype) op = op if computation_dtype != np.bool_ else bool_op # NB: in XLA, init_val must be an identity for the op, so the user-specified # initial value must be applied afterward. init_val = _reduction_init_val(a, init_val) if where_ is not None: a = where(where_, a, init_val) result = lax.reduce(a, init_val, op, dims) if initial is not None: result = op(_reduction_init_val(a, initial), result) if keepdims: result = expand_dims(result, dims) return lax.convert_element_type(result, dtype or result_dtype) def _reduction_dims(a, axis): if axis is None: return tuple(range(ndim(a))) elif isinstance(axis, (np.ndarray, tuple, list)): if len(axis) != len(set(axis)): raise ValueError(f"duplicate value in 'axis': {axis}") return tuple(_canonicalize_axis(x, ndim(a)) for x in axis) elif isinstance(axis, int): return (_canonicalize_axis(axis, ndim(a)),) else: raise TypeError("Unexpected type of axis argument: {}".format(type(axis))) def _reduction_init_val(a, init_val): a_dtype = dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(_dtype(a)) if a_dtype == 'bool': return np.array(init_val > 0, dtype=a_dtype) try: return np.array(init_val, dtype=a_dtype) except OverflowError: assert issubdtype(a_dtype, integer) sign, info = np.sign(init_val), iinfo(a_dtype) return np.array(info.min if sign < 0 else info.max, dtype=a_dtype) _cast_to_bool = partial(lax.convert_element_type, new_dtype=bool_)
[docs]@_wraps(np.sum) def sum(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=None, initial=None, where=None): return _reduction(a, "sum", np.sum, lax.add, 0, bool_op=lax.bitwise_or, upcast_f16_for_computation=True, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=keepdims, initial=initial, where_=where)
[docs]@_wraps( def prod(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=None, initial=None, where=None): return _reduction(a, "prod",, lax.mul, 1, bool_op=lax.bitwise_and, upcast_f16_for_computation=True, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=keepdims, initial=initial, where_=where)
[docs]@_wraps(np.max) def max(a, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=None, initial=None, where=None): return _reduction(a, "max", np.max, lax.max, -np.inf, has_identity=False, axis=axis, out=out, keepdims=keepdims, initial=initial, where_=where)
[docs]@_wraps(np.min) def min(a, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=None, initial=None, where=None): return _reduction(a, "min", np.min, lax.min, np.inf, has_identity=False, axis=axis, out=out, keepdims=keepdims, initial=initial, where_=where)
[docs]@_wraps(np.all) def all(a, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=None): return _reduction(a, "all", np.all, lax.bitwise_and, True, preproc=_cast_to_bool, axis=axis, out=out, keepdims=keepdims)
[docs]@_wraps(np.any) def any(a, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=None): return _reduction(a, "any", np.any, lax.bitwise_or, False, preproc=_cast_to_bool, axis=axis, out=out, keepdims=keepdims)
product = prod amin = min amax = max alltrue = all sometrue = any
[docs]@_wraps(np.mean) def mean(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False): _check_arraylike("mean", a) lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "mean") if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.mean is not supported.") if axis is None: normalizer = size(a) else: normalizer =, axis)) if dtype is None: if issubdtype(_dtype(a), bool_) or issubdtype(_dtype(a), integer): dtype = float_ else: dtype = _dtype(a) dtype = dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(dtype) return lax.div( sum(a, axis, dtype=dtype, keepdims=keepdims), lax.convert_element_type(normalizer, dtype))
@_wraps(np.average) def average(a, axis=None, weights=None, returned=False): a = asarray(a) if weights is None: # Treat all weights as 1 avg = mean(a, axis=axis) if axis is None: weights_sum = full((), size(a), dtype=avg.dtype) else: weights_sum = full_like(avg, a.shape[axis], dtype=avg.dtype) else: weights = asarray(weights) if issubdtype(a.dtype, inexact): out_dtype = result_type(a.dtype, weights.dtype) else: out_dtype = result_type(a.dtype, weights.dtype, float_) out_dtype = dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(out_dtype) a_shape = shape(a) a_ndim = len(a_shape) weights_shape = shape(weights) axis = None if axis is None else _canonicalize_axis(axis, a_ndim) if a_shape != weights_shape: # Make sure the dimensions work out if axis is None: raise ValueError("Axis must be specified when shapes of a and " "weights differ.") if len(weights_shape) != 1: raise ValueError("1D weights expected when shapes of a and " "weights differ.") if weights_shape[0] != a_shape[axis]: raise ValueError("Length of weights not " "compatible with specified axis.") weights = broadcast_to(weights, (a_ndim - 1) * (1,) + weights_shape) weights = moveaxis(weights, -1, axis) weights_sum = sum(weights, axis=axis, dtype=out_dtype) avg = sum(multiply(a, weights), axis=axis, dtype=out_dtype) / weights_sum if returned: if avg.shape != weights_sum.shape: weights_sum = broadcast_to(weights_sum, avg.shape) return avg, weights_sum return avg
[docs]@_wraps(np.var) def var(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False): _check_arraylike("var", a) lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "var") if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.var is not supported.") a_dtype, dtype = _var_promote_types(_dtype(a), dtype) a_mean = mean(a, axis, dtype=a_dtype, keepdims=True) centered = a - a_mean if issubdtype(centered.dtype, complexfloating): centered = lax.real(lax.mul(centered, lax.conj(centered))) else: centered = lax.square(centered) if axis is None: normalizer = size(a) else: normalizer =, axis)) normalizer = normalizer - ddof result = sum(centered, axis, keepdims=keepdims) out = lax.div(result, lax.convert_element_type(normalizer, result.dtype)) return lax.convert_element_type(out, dtype)
def _var_promote_types(a_dtype, dtype): if dtype: if (not issubdtype(dtype, complexfloating) and issubdtype(a_dtype, complexfloating)): msg = ("jax.numpy.var does not yet support real dtype parameters when " "computing the variance of an array of complex values. The " "semantics of numpy.var seem unclear in this case. Please comment " "on if this behavior is " "important to you.") raise ValueError(msg) a_dtype = promote_types(a_dtype, dtype) else: if not issubdtype(a_dtype, inexact): dtype = a_dtype = dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(float_) else: dtype = _complex_elem_type(a_dtype) a_dtype = promote_types(a_dtype, float32) return a_dtype, dtype
[docs]@_wraps(np.std) def std(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False): _check_arraylike("std", a) lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "std") if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.std is not supported.") return sqrt(var(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, ddof=ddof, keepdims=keepdims))
[docs]@_wraps(np.ptp) def ptp(a, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False): _check_arraylike("ptp", a) if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.ptp is not supported.") x = amax(a, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) y = amin(a, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) return lax.sub(x, y)
[docs]@_wraps(np.allclose) def allclose(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): return all(isclose(a, b, rtol, atol, equal_nan))
[docs]@_wraps(np.count_nonzero) def count_nonzero(a, axis=None, keepdims=False): _check_arraylike("count_nonzero", a) return sum(, _constant_like(a, 0)), axis=axis, dtype=dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(np.int_), keepdims=keepdims)
_NONZERO_DOC = """\ At present, JAX does not support JIT-compilation of :py:func:`jax.numpy.nonzero` because its output shape is data-dependent. """
[docs]@_wraps(np.nonzero, lax_description=_NONZERO_DOC) def nonzero(a): # Note: this function cannot be jitted because its output has a dynamic # shape. a = core.concrete_or_error(atleast_1d, a, "The error arose in jnp.nonzero") dims = shape(a) ndims = len(dims) ds = [lax.broadcasted_iota(int_, dims + (1,), i) for i in range(ndims)] d = concatenate(ds, axis=-1) indexes = d[a != 0] return tuple(indexes[..., i] for i in range(ndims))
@_wraps(np.flatnonzero) def flatnonzero(a): return nonzero(ravel(a))[0] def _nan_reduction(a, name, jnp_reduction, init_val, nan_if_all_nan, axis=None, keepdims=None, **kwargs): _check_arraylike(name, a) out = jnp_reduction(where(isnan(a), _reduction_init_val(a, init_val), a), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, **kwargs) if nan_if_all_nan: return where(all(isnan(a), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims), _constant_like(a, nan), out) else: return out
[docs]@_wraps(np.nanmin) def nanmin(a, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=None): return _nan_reduction(a, 'nanmin', min, inf, nan_if_all_nan=True, axis=axis, out=out, keepdims=keepdims)
[docs]@_wraps(np.nanmax) def nanmax(a, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=None): return _nan_reduction(a, 'nanmax', max, -inf, nan_if_all_nan=True, axis=axis, out=out, keepdims=keepdims)
[docs]@_wraps(np.nansum) def nansum(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=None): return _nan_reduction(a, 'nansum', sum, 0, nan_if_all_nan=False, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=keepdims)
[docs]@_wraps(np.nanprod) def nanprod(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=None): return _nan_reduction(a, 'nanprod', prod, 1, nan_if_all_nan=False, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=keepdims)
@_wraps(np.nanmean) def nanmean(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False): _check_arraylike("nanmean", a) lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "nanmean") if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.nanmean is not supported.") if issubdtype(_dtype(a), bool_) or issubdtype(_dtype(a), integer): return mean(a, axis, dtype, out, keepdims) if dtype is None: dtype = _dtype(a) nan_mask = logical_not(isnan(a)) normalizer = sum(nan_mask, axis=axis, dtype=int32, keepdims=keepdims) normalizer = lax.convert_element_type(normalizer, dtype) td = lax.div(nansum(a, axis, dtype=dtype, keepdims=keepdims), normalizer) return td @_wraps(np.nanvar) def nanvar(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False): _check_arraylike("nanvar", a) lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "nanvar") if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.nanvar is not supported.") a_dtype, dtype = _var_promote_types(_dtype(a), dtype) a_mean = nanmean(a, axis, dtype=a_dtype, keepdims=True) centered = a - a_mean if issubdtype(centered.dtype, complexfloating): centered = lax.real(lax.mul(centered, lax.conj(centered))) else: centered = lax.square(centered) normalizer = sum(logical_not(isnan(a)), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) normalizer = normalizer - ddof if config.omnistaging_enabled: normalizer_mask = lax.le(normalizer, 0) else: zero = lax.full_like(normalizer, 0, shape=()) normalizer_mask = lax.le(normalizer, zero) result = nansum(centered, axis, keepdims=keepdims) result = where(normalizer_mask, nan, result) divisor = where(normalizer_mask, 1, normalizer) out = lax.div(result, lax.convert_element_type(divisor, result.dtype)) return lax.convert_element_type(out, dtype) @_wraps(np.nanstd) def nanstd(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False): _check_arraylike("nanstd", a) lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "nanstd") if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.nanstd is not supported.") return sqrt(nanvar(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, ddof=ddof, keepdims=keepdims)) def _make_cumulative_reduction(np_reduction, reduction, fill_nan=False, fill_value=0): # We want to allow XLA to fuse the pad and reduce-window operators to # avoid materializing the padded output. # Consider removing `jit` once again if reduce-window is generalized to # support arbitrary padding. @partial(jit, static_argnums=(1, 2)) def _cumulative_reduction(a, axis, dtype): if axis is None or isscalar(a): a = ravel(a) axis = 0 a_shape = list(shape(a)) num_dims = len(a_shape) axis = _canonicalize_axis(axis, num_dims) if fill_nan: a = where(isnan(a), _constant_like(a, fill_value), a) if not dtype and _dtype(a) == bool_: dtype = int_ if dtype: a = lax.convert_element_type(a, dtype) return reduction(a, axis) @_wraps(np_reduction) def cumulative_reduction(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None): _check_arraylike(np_reduction.__name__, a) if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError(f"The 'out' argument to jnp.{np_reduction.__name__} " f"is not supported.") lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, np_reduction.__name__) # jit doesn't support kwargs as static_args. return _cumulative_reduction(a, axis, dtype) return cumulative_reduction cumsum = _make_cumulative_reduction(np.cumsum, lax.cumsum, fill_nan=False) cumprod = _make_cumulative_reduction(np.cumprod, lax.cumprod, fill_nan=False) cumproduct = cumprod nancumsum = _make_cumulative_reduction(np.nancumsum, lax.cumsum, fill_nan=True, fill_value=0) nancumprod = _make_cumulative_reduction(np.nancumprod, lax.cumprod, fill_nan=True, fill_value=1) @_wraps(np.unwrap) def unwrap(p, discont=pi, axis=-1): _check_arraylike("unwrap", p) dd = diff(p, axis=axis) ddmod = mod(dd + pi, 2 * pi) - pi ddmod = where((ddmod == -pi) & (dd > 0), pi, ddmod) ph_correct = where(abs(dd) < discont, 0, ddmod - dd) up = concatenate(( lax.slice_in_dim(p, 0, 1, axis=axis), lax.slice_in_dim(p, 1, None, axis=axis) + cumsum(ph_correct, axis=axis) ), axis=axis) return up ### Array-creation functions def _check_no_padding(axis_padding, mode): if (axis_padding[0] > 0 or axis_padding[1] > 0): msg = "Cannot apply '{}' padding to empty axis" raise ValueError(msg.format(mode)) def _pad_constant(array, pad_width, constant_values): nd = ndim(array) constant_values = broadcast_to(asarray(constant_values), (nd, 2)) constant_values = lax.convert_element_type(constant_values, array.dtype) for i in range(nd): widths = [(0, 0, 0)] * nd widths[i] = (pad_width[i, 0], 0, 0) array = lax.pad(array, constant_values[i, 0], widths) widths[i] = (0, pad_width[i, 1], 0) array = lax.pad(array, constant_values[i, 1], widths) return array def _pad_wrap(array, pad_width): for i in range(ndim(array)): if array.shape[i] == 0: _check_no_padding(pad_width[i], "wrap") continue size = array.shape[i] repeats, (left_remainder, right_remainder) = _divmod(pad_width[i], size) total_repeats = repeats.sum() + 1 parts = [] if left_remainder: parts += [lax.slice_in_dim(array, size - left_remainder, size, axis=i)] parts += total_repeats * [array] if right_remainder: parts += [lax.slice_in_dim(array, 0, right_remainder, axis=i)] array = lax.concatenate(parts, dimension=i) return array def _pad_symmetric_or_reflect(array, pad_width, mode): assert mode in ("symmetric", "reflect") for i in range(ndim(array)): if array.shape[i] == 0: _check_no_padding(pad_width[i], mode) continue n = array.shape[i] rarray = lax.rev(array, dimensions=(i,)) offset = 1 if (mode == "reflect" and n > 1) else 0 def build_padding(padding, forward): xs = [] delta = n - offset while padding > delta: padding -= delta p = array if forward else rarray xs.append(lax.slice_in_dim(p, offset, n, axis=i)) forward = not forward if padding > 0: x = lax.slice_in_dim(array if forward else rarray, offset, padding + offset, axis=i) xs.append(x) return xs parts = reversed(build_padding(pad_width[i, 0], forward=True)) parts = [lax.rev(x, dimensions=(i,)) for x in parts] parts += [array] parts += build_padding(pad_width[i, 1], forward=False) array = lax.concatenate(parts, dimension=i) return array def _pad_edge(array, pad_width): nd = ndim(array) for i in range(nd): if array.shape[i] == 0: _check_no_padding(pad_width[i], "edge") continue n = array.shape[i] npad_before, npad_after = pad_width[i] edge_before = lax.slice_in_dim(array, 0, 1, axis=i) pad_before = repeat(edge_before, npad_before, axis=i) edge_after = lax.slice_in_dim(array, n-1, n, axis=i) pad_after = repeat(edge_after, npad_after, axis=i) array = lax.concatenate([pad_before, array, pad_after], dimension=i) return array def _pad_stats(array, pad_width, stat_length, stat_func): nd = ndim(array) for i in range(nd): if stat_length is None: stat_before = stat_func(array, axis=i, keepdims=True) stat_after = stat_before else: array_length = array.shape[i] length_before, length_after = stat_length[i] if length_before == 0 or length_after == 0: raise ValueError("stat_length of 0 yields no value for padding") # Limit stat_length to length of array. length_before = _min(length_before, array_length) length_after = _min(length_after, array_length) slice_before = lax.slice_in_dim(array, 0, length_before, axis=i) slice_after = lax.slice_in_dim(array, -length_after, None, axis=i) stat_before = stat_func(slice_before, axis=i, keepdims=True) stat_after = stat_func(slice_after, axis=i, keepdims=True) if np.issubdtype(array.dtype, np.integer): stat_before = round(stat_before) stat_after = round(stat_after) stat_before = stat_before.astype(array.dtype) stat_after = stat_after.astype(array.dtype) npad_before, npad_after = pad_width[i] pad_before = repeat(stat_before, npad_before, axis=i) pad_after = repeat(stat_after, npad_after, axis=i) array = lax.concatenate([pad_before, array, pad_after], dimension=i) return array def _broadcast_to_pairs(nvals, nd, name): nvals_shape = np.shape(nvals) if nvals_shape == (nd, 2): # ((before_1, after_1), ..., (before_N, after_N)) pass elif nvals_shape == (1, 2): # ((before, after),) nvals = nvals * nd elif nvals_shape == (2,): # (before, after) (not in the numpy docstring but works anyway) before, after = nvals nvals = (nvals,) * nd elif nvals_shape == (1,): # (pad,) nvals, = nvals nvals = ((nvals, nvals),) * nd elif nvals_shape == (): # pad nvals = ((nvals, nvals),) * nd else: raise ValueError(f"{name} given unexpected structure: {nvals}. " "See docstring for valid {name} formats.") return nvals @partial(jit, static_argnums=(1, 2, 4)) def _pad(array, pad_width, mode, constant_values, stat_length): array = asarray(array) nd = ndim(array) if nd == 0: return array stat_funcs = {"maximum": amax, "minimum": amin, "mean": mean, "median": median} pad_width = _broadcast_to_pairs(pad_width, nd, "pad_width") pad_width = np.array(pad_width) assert pad_width.shape == (nd, 2), pad_width if np.any(pad_width < 0): raise ValueError("index can't contain negative values") if mode == "constant": return _pad_constant(array, pad_width, constant_values) elif mode == "wrap": return _pad_wrap(array, pad_width) elif mode in ("symmetric", "reflect"): return _pad_symmetric_or_reflect(array, pad_width, mode) elif mode == "edge": return _pad_edge(array, pad_width) elif mode in stat_funcs: if stat_length is not None: stat_length = _broadcast_to_pairs(stat_length, nd, "stat_length") return _pad_stats(array, pad_width, stat_length, stat_funcs[mode]) else: msg = "Unimplemented padding mode '{}' for np.pad." raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(mode))
[docs]@_wraps(np.pad) def pad(array, pad_width, mode="constant", constant_values=0, stat_length=None): if isinstance(pad_width, Iterable): pad_width = tuple( tuple(int(i) for i in x) if isinstance(x, Iterable) else x for x in pad_width) return _pad(array, pad_width, mode, constant_values, stat_length)
[docs]@_wraps(np.stack) def stack(arrays, axis=0, out=None): if not len(arrays): raise ValueError("Need at least one array to stack.") if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.stack is not supported.") _check_arraylike("stack", *arrays) shape0 = shape(arrays[0]) axis = _canonicalize_axis(axis, len(shape0) + 1) new_arrays = [] for a in arrays: if shape(a) != shape0: raise ValueError("All input arrays must have the same shape.") new_arrays.append(expand_dims(a, axis)) return concatenate(new_arrays, axis=axis)
[docs]@_wraps(np.tile) def tile(A, reps): _check_arraylike("tile", A) if isinstance(reps, int): reps = (reps,) A_shape = (1,) * (len(reps) - ndim(A)) + shape(A) reps = (1,) * (len(A_shape) - len(reps)) + tuple(reps) result = broadcast_to(reshape(A, [j for i in A_shape for j in [1, i]]), [k for pair in zip(reps, A_shape) for k in pair]) return reshape(result, tuple(np.multiply(A_shape, reps)))
[docs]@_wraps(np.concatenate) def concatenate(arrays, axis=0): _check_arraylike("concatenate", *arrays) if not len(arrays): raise ValueError("Need at least one array to concatenate.") if ndim(arrays[0]) == 0: raise ValueError("Zero-dimensional arrays cannot be concatenated.") if axis is None: return concatenate([ravel(a) for a in arrays], axis=0) axis = _canonicalize_axis(axis, ndim(arrays[0])) arrays = _promote_dtypes(*arrays) # lax.concatenate can be slow to compile for wide concatenations, so form a # tree of concatenations as a workaround especially for op-by-op mode. # ( k = 16 if len(arrays) == 1: return asarray(arrays[0]) else: while len(arrays) > 1: arrays = [lax.concatenate(arrays[i:i+k], axis) for i in range(0, len(arrays), k)] return arrays[0]
[docs]@_wraps(np.vstack) def vstack(tup): return concatenate([atleast_2d(m) for m in tup], axis=0)
row_stack = vstack
[docs]@_wraps(np.hstack) def hstack(tup): arrs = [atleast_1d(m) for m in tup] if arrs[0].ndim == 1: return concatenate(arrs, 0) return concatenate(arrs, 1)
[docs]@_wraps(np.dstack) def dstack(tup): return concatenate([atleast_3d(m) for m in tup], axis=2)
[docs]@_wraps(np.column_stack) def column_stack(tup): arrays = [] for v in tup: arr = asarray(v) if arr.ndim < 2: arr = atleast_2d(arr).T arrays.append(arr) return concatenate(arrays, 1)
@_wraps(np.choose) def choose(a, choices, out=None, mode='raise'): if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.choose is not supported.") _check_arraylike('choose', a, *choices) if not issubdtype(_dtype(a), integer): raise ValueError("`a` array must be integer typed") N = len(choices) if mode == 'raise': a = core.concrete_or_error(asarray, a, "The error occurred because jnp.choose was jit-compiled" " with mode='raise'. Use mode='wrap' or mode='clip' instead.") if any((a < 0) | (a >= N)): raise ValueError("invalid entry in choice array") elif mode == 'wrap': a = a % N elif mode == 'clip': a = clip(a, 0, N - 1) else: raise ValueError(f"mode={mode!r} not understood. Must be 'raise', 'wrap', or 'clip'") a, *choices = broadcast_arrays(a, *choices) return array(choices)[(a,) + indices(a.shape, sparse=True)] def _atleast_nd(x, n): m = ndim(x) return lax.broadcast(x, (1,) * (n - m)) if m < n else x def _block(xs): if isinstance(xs, tuple): raise ValueError("jax.numpy.block does not allow tuples, got {}" .format(xs)) elif isinstance(xs, list): if len(xs) == 0: raise ValueError("jax.numpy.block does not allow empty list arguments") xs, depths = unzip2([_block(x) for x in xs]) if _any(d != depths[0] for d in depths[1:]): raise ValueError("Mismatched list depths in jax.numpy.block") rank = _max(depths[0], _max(ndim(x) for x in xs)) xs = [_atleast_nd(x, rank) for x in xs] return concatenate(xs, axis=-depths[0]), depths[0] + 1 else: return asarray(xs), 1
[docs]@_wraps(np.block) @jit def block(arrays): out, _ = _block(arrays) return out
[docs]@_wraps(np.atleast_1d, update_doc=False) def atleast_1d(*arys): if len(arys) == 1: arr = asarray(arys[0]) return arr if ndim(arr) >= 1 else reshape(arr, -1) else: return [atleast_1d(arr) for arr in arys]
[docs]@_wraps(np.atleast_2d, update_doc=False) def atleast_2d(*arys): if len(arys) == 1: arr = asarray(arys[0]) if ndim(arr) >= 2: return arr elif ndim(arr) == 1: return expand_dims(arr, axis=0) else: return expand_dims(arr, axis=(0, 1)) else: return [atleast_2d(arr) for arr in arys]
[docs]@_wraps(np.atleast_3d, update_doc=False) def atleast_3d(*arys): if len(arys) == 1: arr = asarray(arys[0]) if ndim(arr) == 0: arr = expand_dims(arr, axis=(0, 1, 2)) elif ndim(arr) == 1: arr = expand_dims(arr, axis=(0, 2)) elif ndim(arr) == 2: arr = expand_dims(arr, axis=2) return arr else: return [atleast_3d(arr) for arr in arys]
@_wraps(np.array) def array(object, dtype=None, copy=True, order="K", ndmin=0): if order is not None and order != "K": raise NotImplementedError("Only implemented for order='K'") lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "array") dtype = dtype and dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(dtype) if _can_call_numpy_array(object): object = _np_array(object, dtype=dtype, ndmin=ndmin, copy=False) assert type(object) not in dtypes.python_scalar_dtypes if type(object) is np.ndarray: out = _device_put_raw(object) if dtype: assert _dtype(out) == dtype elif isinstance(object, (DeviceArray, core.Tracer)): if isinstance(object, DeviceArray) and copy: # We perform a copy by bouncing back to the host # TODO(phawkins): add a device runtime function to copy a buffer out = _device_put_raw(_np_asarray(object)) else: out = object elif isinstance(object, (list, tuple)): if object: out = stack([asarray(elt, dtype=dtype) for elt in object]) else: out = _device_put_raw(_np_array([], dtype=dtype)) else: try: view = memoryview(object) except TypeError: pass # `object` does not support the buffer interface. else: return array(_np_asarray(view), dtype, copy) raise TypeError("Unexpected input type for array: {}".format(type(object))) if dtype and _dtype(out) != dtype: out = lax.convert_element_type(out, dtype) if ndmin > ndim(out): out = lax.broadcast(out, (1,) * (ndmin - ndim(out))) return out def _can_call_numpy_array(x): return _all(not isinstance(l, (core.Tracer, DeviceArray)) for l in tree_leaves(x))
[docs]@_wraps(np.asarray) def asarray(a, dtype=None, order=None): lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "asarray") dtype = dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(dtype) if dtype is not None else dtype return array(a, dtype=dtype, copy=False, order=order)
@_wraps(np.zeros_like) def zeros_like(a, dtype=None, shape=None): _check_arraylike("zeros_like", a) lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "zeros_like") if np.isscalar(shape): shape = (shape,) return lax.full_like(a, 0, dtype, shape) @_wraps(np.ones_like) def ones_like(a, dtype=None, shape=None): _check_arraylike("ones_like", a) lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "ones_like") if np.isscalar(shape): shape = (shape,) return lax.full_like(a, 1, dtype, shape)
[docs]@_wraps(np.full) def full(shape, fill_value, dtype=None): lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "full") shape = (shape,) if ndim(shape) == 0 else shape return lax.full(shape, fill_value, dtype)
[docs]@_wraps(np.full_like) def full_like(a, fill_value, dtype=None, shape=None): _check_arraylike("full_like", a) lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "full_like") if np.isscalar(shape): shape = (shape,) return lax.full_like(a, fill_value, dtype, shape)
[docs]@_wraps(np.zeros) def zeros(shape, dtype=None): if isinstance(shape, types.GeneratorType): raise TypeError("expected sequence object with len >= 0 or a single integer") lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "zeros") dtype = float_ if dtype is None else dtype shape = (shape,) if ndim(shape) == 0 else shape return lax.full(shape, 0, dtype)
[docs]@_wraps(np.ones) def ones(shape, dtype=None): if isinstance(shape, types.GeneratorType): raise TypeError("expected sequence object with len >= 0 or a single integer") lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "ones") dtype = float_ if dtype is None else dtype shape = (shape,) if ndim(shape) == 0 else shape return lax.full(shape, 1, dtype)
@_wraps(np.array_equal) def array_equal(a1, a2, equal_nan=False): try: a1, a2 = asarray(a1), asarray(a2) except Exception: return False if shape(a1) != shape(a2): return False eq = asarray(a1 == a2) if equal_nan: eq = logical_or(eq, logical_and(isnan(a1), isnan(a2))) return all(eq) @_wraps(np.array_equiv) def array_equiv(a1, a2): try: a1, a2 = asarray(a1), asarray(a2) except Exception: return False try: eq = equal(a1, a2) except ValueError: # shapes are not broadcastable return False return all(eq) # We can't create uninitialized arrays in XLA; use zeros for empty. empty_like = zeros_like empty = zeros
[docs]@_wraps(np.eye) def eye(N, M=None, k=0, dtype=None): lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "eye") dtype = float_ if dtype is None else dtype M = N if M is None else M k = int(k) if N < 0 or M < 0: msg = "negative dimensions are not allowed, got {} and {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(N, M)) if k is not None: k_dtype = _dtype(k) if not issubdtype(k_dtype, integer): msg = "eye argument `k` must be of integer dtype, got {}" raise TypeError(msg.format(k_dtype)) return lax._eye(dtype, (N, M), k)
[docs]@_wraps(np.identity) def identity(n, dtype=None): lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "identity") return eye(n, dtype=dtype)
[docs]@_wraps(np.arange) def arange(start, stop=None, step=None, dtype=None): lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "arange") require = partial(core.concrete_or_error, _np_asarray) msg = "It arose in jax.numpy.arange argument `{}`.".format if stop is None and step is None: start = require(start, msg("stop")) dtype = dtype or _dtype(start) return lax.iota(dtype, np.ceil(start)) # avoids materializing else: start = require(start, msg("start")) stop = None if stop is None else require(stop, msg("stop")) step = None if step is None else require(step, msg("step")) if dtype is None: dtype = _dtype(start, *(x for x in [stop, step] if x is not None)) return array(np.arange(start, stop=stop, step=step, dtype=dtype))
def _wrap_numpy_nullary_function(f): """Adapts `f` to return a DeviceArray instead of an np.ndarray. `f` cannot have any non-static array arguments. """ @_wraps(f, update_doc=False) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return asarray(f(*args, **kwargs)) return wrapper
[docs]@_wraps(np.linspace) def linspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, retstep=False, dtype=None, axis=0): """Implementation of linspace differentiable in start and stop args.""" lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "linspace") if num < 0: raise ValueError("Number of samples, %s, must be non-negative." % num) dtype = dtype or result_type(start, stop, dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(float_)) computation_dtype = promote_types(dtype, dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(float_)) start = asarray(start, dtype=computation_dtype) stop = asarray(stop, dtype=computation_dtype) bounds_shape = list(lax.broadcast_shapes(shape(start), shape(stop))) broadcast_start = broadcast_to(start, bounds_shape) broadcast_stop = broadcast_to(stop, bounds_shape) axis = len(bounds_shape) + axis + 1 if axis < 0 else axis bounds_shape.insert(axis, 1) iota_shape = [1,] * len(bounds_shape) iota_shape[axis] = num div = (num - 1) if endpoint else num if num > 1: delta = lax.convert_element_type(stop - start, computation_dtype) / div if issubdtype(dtype, integer): # This is similar to how numpy computes linspace, but it # can fail to recover the endpoints in float32 arithmetic. out = (reshape(broadcast_start, bounds_shape) + reshape(lax.iota(dtype, num), iota_shape) * reshape(delta, bounds_shape)) else: # This approach recovers the endpoints with float32 arithmetic, # but can lead to rounding errors for integer outputs. step = reshape(lax.iota(computation_dtype, num), iota_shape) / div out = (reshape(broadcast_start, bounds_shape) * (1 - step) + reshape(broadcast_stop, bounds_shape) * step) elif num == 1: delta = nan if endpoint else stop - start out = reshape(broadcast_start, bounds_shape) else: # num == 0 degenerate case, match numpy behavior empty_shape = list(lax.broadcast_shapes(shape(start), shape(stop))) empty_shape.insert(axis, 0) delta = nan out = reshape(array([], dtype=dtype), empty_shape) if retstep: return lax.convert_element_type(out, dtype), delta else: return lax.convert_element_type(out, dtype)
[docs]@_wraps(np.logspace) def logspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, base=10.0, dtype=None, axis=0): """Implementation of logspace differentiable in start and stop args.""" lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "logspace") dtype = dtype or result_type(start, stop, dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(float_)) computation_dtype = promote_types(dtype, dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(float_)) start = asarray(start, dtype=computation_dtype) stop = asarray(stop, dtype=computation_dtype) lin = linspace(start, stop, num, endpoint=endpoint, retstep=False, dtype=None, axis=axis) return lax.convert_element_type(power(base, lin), dtype)
[docs]@_wraps(np.geomspace) def geomspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, dtype=None, axis=0): """Implementation of geomspace differentiable in start and stop args.""" lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "geomspace") dtype = dtype or result_type(start, stop, dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(float_)) computation_dtype = promote_types(dtype, dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(float_)) start = asarray(start, dtype=computation_dtype) stop = asarray(stop, dtype=computation_dtype) # follow the numpy geomspace convention for negative and complex endpoints signflip = 1 - (1 - sign(real(start))) * (1 - sign(real(stop))) // 2 res = signflip * logspace(log10(signflip * start), log10(signflip * stop), num, endpoint=endpoint, base=10.0, dtype=computation_dtype, axis=0) if axis != 0: res = moveaxis(res, 0, axis) return lax.convert_element_type(res, dtype)
[docs]@_wraps(np.meshgrid) def meshgrid(*args, **kwargs): indexing = kwargs.get("indexing", "xy") sparse = kwargs.get("sparse", False) copy = kwargs.get("copy", True) if not copy: raise ValueError("jax.numpy.meshgrid only supports copy=True") args = list(args) if indexing == "xy": if len(args) >= 2: args[0], args[1] = args[1], args[0] elif indexing != "ij": raise ValueError("Valid values for indexing are 'xy' and 'ij', got {}" .format(indexing)) shape = [] for i, a in enumerate(args): args[i] = a = asarray(a) if len(a.shape) != 1: msg = "Arguments to jax.numpy.meshgrid must be 1D, got shape {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(a.shape)) shape.append(1 if sparse else a.shape[0]) output = [] for i, a in enumerate(args): a = asarray(a) s = shape if sparse: s = list(s) s[i] = a.shape[0] output.append(lax.broadcast_in_dim(a, s, (i,))) if indexing == "xy" and len(args) >= 2: output[0], output[1] = output[1], output[0] return output
@_wraps(np.i0) def i0(x): x = lax.abs(*_promote_args_inexact("i0", x)) return lax.mul(lax.exp(x), lax.bessel_i0e(x))
[docs]@_wraps(np.ix_) def ix_(*args): n = len(args) output = [] for i, a in enumerate(args): a = asarray(a) if len(a.shape) != 1: msg = "Arguments to jax.numpy.ix_ must be 1-dimensional, got shape {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(a.shape)) if _dtype(a) == bool_: raise NotImplementedError( "Boolean arguments to jax.numpy.ix_ are not implemented") shape = [1] * n shape[i] = a.shape[0] if a.size == 0: # Numpy uses an integer index type for empty arrays. output.append(lax.full(shape, np.zeros((), np.intp))) else: output.append(lax.broadcast_in_dim(a, shape, (i,))) return tuple(output)
@_wraps(np.indices) def indices(dimensions, dtype=int32, sparse=False): dimensions = tuple( core.concrete_or_error(int, d, "dimensions argument of jnp.indices") for d in dimensions) N = len(dimensions) output = [] s = dimensions for i, dim in enumerate(dimensions): idx = lax.iota(dtype, dim) if sparse: s = (1,)*i + (dim,) + (1,)*(N - i - 1) output.append(lax.broadcast_in_dim(idx, s, (i,))) if sparse: return tuple(output) return stack(output, 0) if output else array([], dtype=dtype) _TOTAL_REPEAT_LENGTH_DOC = """\ Jax adds the optional `total_repeat_length` parameter which specifies the total number of repeat, and defaults to sum(repeats). It must be specified for repeat to be compilable. If `sum(repeats)` is larger than the specified `total_repeat_length` the remaining values will be discarded. In the case of `sum(repeats)` being smaller than the specified target length, the final value will be repeated. """
[docs]@_wraps(np.repeat, lax_description=_TOTAL_REPEAT_LENGTH_DOC) def repeat(a, repeats, axis=None, *, total_repeat_length=None): _check_arraylike("repeat", a) if axis is None: a = ravel(a) axis = 0 # If total_repeat_length is not given, can't compile, use a default. if total_repeat_length is None: repeats = core.concrete_or_error(np.array, repeats, "When jit-compiling jnp.repeat, the total number of repeats must be static. " "To fix this, either specify a static value for `repeats`, or pass a static " "value to `total_repeat_length`.") repeats = np.ravel(repeats) if ndim(a) != 0: repeats = np.broadcast_to(repeats, [a.shape[axis]]) total_repeat_length = np.sum(repeats) else: repeats = ravel(repeats) if ndim(a) != 0: repeats = broadcast_to(repeats, [a.shape[axis]]) # Special case when a is a scalar. if ndim(a) == 0: if repeats.shape == (1,): return full([total_repeat_length], a) else: raise ValueError('`repeat` with a scalar parameter `a` is only ' 'implemented for scalar values of the parameter `repeats`.') # Special case if total_repeat_length is zero. if total_repeat_length == 0: result_shape = list(a.shape) result_shape[axis] = 0 return reshape(array([], dtype=a.dtype), result_shape) # If repeats is on a zero sized axis, then return the array. if a.shape[axis] == 0: return a # This implementation of repeat avoid having to instantiate a large. # intermediate tensor. # Modify repeats from e.g. [1,2,0,5] -> [0,1,2,0] for exclusive repeat. exclusive_repeats = roll(repeats, shift=1).at[0].set(0) # Cumsum to get indices of new number in repeated tensor, e.g. [0, 1, 3, 3] scatter_indices = cumsum(exclusive_repeats) # Scatter these onto a zero buffer, e.g. [1,1,0,2,0,0,0,0] block_split_indicators = ops.index_add( x=zeros([total_repeat_length], dtype=int32), idx=scatter_indices, y=1) # Cumsum again to get scatter indices for repeat, e.g. [0,1,1,3,3,3,3,3] gather_indices = cumsum(block_split_indicators) - 1 return take(a, gather_indices, axis=axis)
[docs]@_wraps(np.tri) def tri(N, M=None, k=0, dtype=None): lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "tri") M = M if M is not None else N dtype = dtype or float32 return lax._tri(dtype, (N, M), k)
[docs]@_wraps(np.tril) def tril(m, k=0): _check_arraylike("tril", m) m_shape = shape(m) if len(m_shape) < 2: raise ValueError("Argument to jax.numpy.tril must be at least 2D") mask = tri(*m_shape[-2:], k=k, dtype=bool) return, m_shape[:-2]), m, zeros_like(m))
[docs]@_wraps(np.triu, update_doc=False) def triu(m, k=0): _check_arraylike("triu", m) m_shape = shape(m) if len(m_shape) < 2: raise ValueError("Argument to jax.numpy.triu must be at least 2D") mask = tri(*m_shape[-2:], k=k - 1, dtype=bool) return, m_shape[:-2]), zeros_like(m), m)
[docs]@_wraps(np.trace) def trace(a, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1, dtype=None, out=None): _check_arraylike("trace", a) if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.trace is not supported.") lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "trace") axis1 = _canonicalize_axis(axis1, ndim(a)) axis2 = _canonicalize_axis(axis2, ndim(a)) a_shape = shape(a) if dtype is None: dtype = _dtype(a) if issubdtype(dtype, integer): default_int = dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(np.int_) if iinfo(dtype).bits < iinfo(default_int).bits: dtype = default_int # Move the axis? dimensions to the end. perm = [i for i in range(len(a_shape)) if i != axis1 and i != axis2] perm = perm + [axis1, axis2] a = lax.transpose(a, perm) # Mask out the diagonal and reduce. a = where(eye(a_shape[axis1], a_shape[axis2], k=offset, dtype=bool), a, zeros_like(a)) return sum(a, axis=(-2, -1), dtype=dtype)
def _wrap_indices_function(f): @_wraps(f, update_doc=False) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return tuple(asarray(x) for x in f(*args, **kwargs)) return wrapper tril_indices = _wrap_indices_function(np.tril_indices) triu_indices = _wrap_indices_function(np.triu_indices) mask_indices = _wrap_indices_function(np.mask_indices) @_wraps(np.triu_indices_from) def triu_indices_from(arr, k=0): return triu_indices(arr.shape[-2], k=k, m=arr.shape[-1]) @_wraps(np.tril_indices_from) def tril_indices_from(arr, k=0): return tril_indices(arr.shape[-2], k=k, m=arr.shape[-1])
[docs]@_wraps(np.diag_indices) def diag_indices(n, ndim=2): if n < 0: raise ValueError("n argument to diag_indices must be nonnegative, got {}" .format(n)) if ndim < 0: raise ValueError("ndim argument to diag_indices must be nonnegative, got {}" .format(ndim)) return (lax.iota(int_, n),) * ndim
@_wraps(np.diag_indices_from) def diag_indices_from(arr): _check_arraylike("diag_indices_from", arr) if not arr.ndim >= 2: raise ValueError("input array must be at least 2-d") if len(set(arr.shape)) != 1: raise ValueError("All dimensions of input must be of equal length") return diag_indices(arr.shape[0], ndim=arr.ndim)
[docs]@_wraps(np.diagonal) def diagonal(a, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1): _check_arraylike("diagonal", a) a_shape = shape(a) a_ndims = len(a_shape) # Move the two dimensions to the end. axis1 = _canonicalize_axis(axis1, a_ndims) axis2 = _canonicalize_axis(axis2, a_ndims) perm = [i for i in range(a_ndims) if i != axis1 and i != axis2] perm = perm + [axis1, axis2] a = lax.transpose(a, perm) # Mask out the diagonal and reduce over one of the axes a = where(eye(a_shape[axis1], a_shape[axis2], k=offset, dtype=bool), a, zeros_like(a)) reduce_axis = -2 if offset < 0 else -1 d = sum(a, axis=reduce_axis, dtype=_dtype(a)) # Slice out the correct diagonal size. diag_size = _max(0, _min(a_shape[axis1] + _min(offset, 0), a_shape[axis2] - _max(offset, 0))) return lax.slice_in_dim(d, 0, diag_size, axis=-1)
[docs]@_wraps(np.diag) def diag(v, k=0): _check_arraylike("diag", v) v_shape = shape(v) if len(v_shape) == 1: zero = lambda x: lax.full_like(x, shape=(), fill_value=0) n = v_shape[0] + _abs(k) v = lax.pad(v, zero(v), ((_max(0, k), _max(0, -k), 0),)) return where(eye(n, k=k, dtype=bool), v, zeros_like(v)) elif len(v_shape) == 2: return diagonal(v, offset=k) else: raise ValueError("diag input must be 1d or 2d")
_SCALAR_VALUE_DOC="""\ This differs from np.diagflat for some scalar values of v, jax always returns a two-dimensional array, whereas numpy may return a scalar depending on the type of v. """ @_wraps(np.diagflat, lax_description=_SCALAR_VALUE_DOC) def diagflat(v, k=0): _check_arraylike("diagflat", v) v = ravel(v) v_length = len(v) adj_length = v_length + _abs(k) res = zeros(adj_length*adj_length, dtype=v.dtype) i = arange(0, adj_length-_abs(k)) if (k >= 0): fi = i+k+i*adj_length else: fi = i+(i-k)*adj_length res = ops.index_update(res, ops.index[fi], v) res = res.reshape(adj_length,adj_length) return res
[docs]@_wraps(np.polyval) def polyval(p, x): if isinstance(p, np.poly1d): p = np.asarray(p) if isinstance(x, np.poly1d): y = 0 else: y = zeros_like(x) for i in range(len(p)): y = y * x + p[i] return y
@_wraps(np.polyadd) def polyadd(a1, a2): a1 = asarray(a1) a2 = asarray(a2) if a2.shape[0] <= a1.shape[0]: return[-a2.shape[0]:].add(a2) else: return[-a1.shape[0]:].add(a1) @_wraps(np.polyder) def polyder(p, m=1): p = asarray(p) if m < 0: raise ValueError("Order of derivative must be positive") if m == 0: return p if m % 1: raise ValueError("m must be an integer") coeff = (arange(len(p), m, -1) - 1 - arange(m)[:, newaxis]).prod(0) return p[:-m] * coeff @_wraps(np.trim_zeros) def trim_zeros(filt, trim='fb'): filt = core.concrete_or_error(asarray, filt, "Error arose in the `filt` argument of trim_zeros()") nz = asarray(filt) == 0 if all(nz): return empty(0, _dtype(filt)) start = argmin(nz) if 'f' in trim.lower() else 0 end = argmin(nz[::-1]) if 'b' in trim.lower() else 0 return filt[start:len(filt) - end] _LEADING_ZEROS_DOC="""\ Setting trim_leading_zeros=True makes the output match that of numpy. But prevents the function from being able to be used in compiled code. """ @_wraps(np.polymul, lax_description=_LEADING_ZEROS_DOC) def polymul(a1, a2, *, trim_leading_zeros=False): if isinstance(a1, np.poly1d): a1 = asarray(a1) if isinstance(a2, np.poly1d): a2 = asarray(a2) if trim_leading_zeros and (len(a1) > 1 or len(a2) > 1): a1, a2 = trim_zeros(a1, trim='f'), trim_zeros(a2, trim='f') if len(a1) == 0: a1 = asarray([0.]) if len(a2) == 0: a2 = asarray([0.]) val = convolve(a1, a2, mode='full') return val @_wraps(np.polysub) def polysub(a1, a2): return polyadd(asarray(a1), -asarray(a2))
[docs]@_wraps(np.append) def append(arr, values, axis=None): if axis is None: return concatenate([ravel(arr), ravel(values)], 0) else: return concatenate([arr, values], axis=axis)
@_wraps(np.apply_along_axis) def apply_along_axis(func1d, axis, arr, *args, **kwargs): num_dims = ndim(arr) axis = _canonicalize_axis(axis, num_dims) func = lambda arr: func1d(arr, *args, **kwargs) for i in range(1, num_dims - axis): func = jax.vmap(func, in_axes=i, out_axes=-1) for i in range(axis): func = jax.vmap(func, in_axes=0, out_axes=0) return func(arr) @_wraps(np.apply_over_axes) def apply_over_axes(func, a, axes): for axis in axes: b = func(a, axis=axis) if b.ndim == a.ndim: a = b elif b.ndim == a.ndim - 1: a = expand_dims(b, axis) else: raise ValueError("function is not returning an array of the correct shape") return a ### Tensor contraction operations
[docs]@_wraps(, lax_description=_PRECISION_DOC) def dot(a, b, *, precision=None): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring _check_arraylike("dot", a, b) a, b = _promote_dtypes(a, b) a_ndim, b_ndim = ndim(a), ndim(b) if a_ndim == 0 or b_ndim == 0: return lax.mul(a, b) if _max(a_ndim, b_ndim) <= 2: return, b, precision=precision) if b_ndim == 1: contract_dims = ((a_ndim - 1,), (0,)) else: contract_dims = ((a_ndim - 1,), (b_ndim - 2,)) batch_dims = ((), ()) return lax.dot_general(a, b, (contract_dims, batch_dims), precision)
[docs]@_wraps(np.matmul, lax_description=_PRECISION_DOC) def matmul(a, b, *, precision=None): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring _check_arraylike("matmul", a, b) for i, x in enumerate((a, b)): if ndim(x) < 1: msg = (f"matmul input operand {i} must have ndim at least 1, " f"but it has ndim {ndim(x)}") raise ValueError(msg) a, b = _promote_dtypes(a, b) a_is_mat, b_is_mat = (ndim(a) > 1), (ndim(b) > 1) a_batch_dims = shape(a)[:-2] if a_is_mat else () b_batch_dims = shape(b)[:-2] if b_is_mat else () num_batch_dims = _max(len(a_batch_dims), len(b_batch_dims)) a_batch_dims = (None,) * (num_batch_dims - len(a_batch_dims)) + a_batch_dims b_batch_dims = (None,) * (num_batch_dims - len(b_batch_dims)) + b_batch_dims # Dimensions to squeeze from the inputs. a_squeeze = [] b_squeeze = [] # Positions of batch dimensions in squeezed inputs. a_batch = [] b_batch = [] # Desired index in final output of each kind of dimension, in the order that # lax.dot_general will emit them. idx_batch = [] idx_a_other = [] # other = non-batch, non-contracting. idx_b_other = [] for i, (ba, bb) in enumerate(zip(a_batch_dims, b_batch_dims)): if ba is None: idx_b_other.append(i) elif bb is None: idx_a_other.append(i) elif ba == 1: idx_b_other.append(i) a_squeeze.append(len(idx_batch) + len(idx_a_other) + len(a_squeeze)) elif bb == 1: idx_a_other.append(i) b_squeeze.append(len(idx_batch) + len(idx_b_other) + len(b_squeeze)) elif ba == bb: a_batch.append(len(idx_batch) + len(idx_a_other)) b_batch.append(len(idx_batch) + len(idx_b_other)) idx_batch.append(i) else: raise ValueError("Incompatible shapes for matmul arguments: {} and {}" .format(shape(a), shape(b))) if a_is_mat: idx_a_other.append(num_batch_dims) if b_is_mat: idx_b_other.append(num_batch_dims + a_is_mat) perm = np.argsort(np.concatenate([idx_batch, idx_a_other, idx_b_other])) a = lax.squeeze(a, tuple(a_squeeze)) b = lax.squeeze(b, tuple(b_squeeze)) out = lax.dot_general( a, b, (((ndim(a) - 1,), (ndim(b) - 1 - b_is_mat,)), (a_batch, b_batch)), precision=precision) return lax.transpose(out, perm)
[docs]@_wraps(np.vdot, lax_description=_PRECISION_DOC) def vdot(a, b, *, precision=None): _check_arraylike("vdot", a, b) if issubdtype(_dtype(a), complexfloating): a = conj(a) return dot(a.ravel(), b.ravel(), precision=precision)
[docs]@_wraps(np.tensordot, lax_description=_PRECISION_DOC) def tensordot(a, b, axes=2, *, precision=None): _check_arraylike("tensordot", a, b) a_ndim = ndim(a) b_ndim = ndim(b) a, b = _promote_dtypes(a, b) if type(axes) is int: if axes > _min(a_ndim, b_ndim): msg = "Number of tensordot axes (axes {}) exceeds input ranks ({} and {})" raise TypeError(msg.format(axes, a.shape, b.shape)) contracting_dims = tuple(range(a_ndim - axes, a_ndim)), tuple(range(axes)) elif type(axes) in (list, tuple) and len(axes) == 2: ax1, ax2 = axes if type(ax1) == type(ax2) == int: contracting_dims = ((_canonicalize_axis(ax1, a_ndim),), (_canonicalize_axis(ax2, b_ndim),)) elif type(ax1) in (list, tuple) and type(ax2) in (list, tuple): if len(ax1) != len(ax2): msg = "tensordot requires axes lists to have equal length, got {} and {}." raise TypeError(msg.format(ax1, ax2)) contracting_dims = (tuple(_canonicalize_axis(i, a_ndim) for i in ax1), tuple(_canonicalize_axis(i, b_ndim) for i in ax2)) else: msg = ("tensordot requires both axes lists to be either ints, tuples or " "lists, got {} and {}") raise TypeError(msg.format(ax1, ax2)) else: msg = ("tensordot axes argument must be an int, a pair of ints, or a pair " "of lists/tuples of ints.") raise TypeError(msg) return lax.dot_general(a, b, (contracting_dims, ((), ())), precision=precision)
[docs]@_wraps(np.einsum, lax_description=_PRECISION_DOC) def einsum(*operands, out=None, optimize='greedy', precision=None): if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.einsum is not supported.") optimize = 'greedy' if optimize is True else optimize # using einsum_call=True here is an internal api for opt_einsum operands, contractions = opt_einsum.contract_path( *operands, einsum_call=True, use_blas=True, optimize=optimize) contractions = tuple((a, frozenset(b), c) for a, b, c, *_ in contractions) return _einsum(operands, contractions, precision)
@_wraps(np.einsum_path) def einsum_path(subscripts, *operands, optimize='greedy'): # using einsum_call=True here is an internal api for opt_einsum return opt_einsum.contract_path(subscripts, *operands, optimize=optimize) def _removechars(s, chars): return s.translate(str.maketrans(dict.fromkeys(chars))) @partial(jit, static_argnums=(1, 2)) def _einsum(operands: Sequence, contractions: Sequence[Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], FrozenSet[str], str]], precision): operands = list(_promote_dtypes(*operands)) def sum(x, axes): return lax.reduce(x, np.array(0, x.dtype), lax.add if x.dtype != bool_ else lax.bitwise_or, axes) def sum_uniques(operand, names, uniques): if uniques: axes = [names.index(name) for name in uniques] operand = sum(operand, axes) names = _removechars(names, uniques) return operand, names def sum_repeats(operand, names, counts, keep_names): for name, count in counts.items(): if count > 1: axes = [i for i, n in enumerate(names) if n == name] eye = lax._delta(operand.dtype, operand.shape, axes) if name not in keep_names: operand = sum(operand * eye, axes) names = names.replace(name, '') else: operand = sum(operand * eye, axes[:-1]) names = names.replace(name, '', count - 1) return operand, names def filter_singleton_dims(operand, names, other_shape, other_names): s = shape(operand) new_shape = [] new_names = [] for i, d in enumerate(names): other_i = other_names.find(d) if s[i] != 1 or other_i == -1 or other_shape[other_i] == 1: new_shape.append(s[i]) new_names.append(d) return reshape(operand, tuple(new_shape)), "".join(new_names) for operand_indices, contracted_names_set, einstr in contractions: contracted_names = sorted(contracted_names_set) input_str, result_names = einstr.split('->') input_names = input_str.split(',') # switch on the number of operands to be processed in this loop iteration. # every case here sets 'operand' and 'names'. if len(operand_indices) == 1: operand = operands.pop(operand_indices[0]) names, = input_names counts = collections.Counter(names) # sum out unique contracted indices with a single reduce-sum uniques = [name for name in contracted_names if counts[name] == 1] operand, names = sum_uniques(operand, names, uniques) # for every repeated index, do a contraction against an identity matrix operand, names = sum_repeats(operand, names, counts, result_names) elif len(operand_indices) == 2: lhs, rhs = map(operands.pop, operand_indices) lhs_names, rhs_names = input_names # handle cases where one side of a contracting or batch dimension is 1 # but its counterpart is not. lhs, lhs_names = filter_singleton_dims(lhs, lhs_names, shape(rhs), rhs_names) rhs, rhs_names = filter_singleton_dims(rhs, rhs_names, shape(lhs), lhs_names) lhs_counts = collections.Counter(lhs_names) rhs_counts = collections.Counter(rhs_names) # sum out unique contracted indices in lhs and rhs lhs_uniques = [name for name in contracted_names if lhs_counts[name] == 1 and rhs_counts[name] == 0] lhs, lhs_names = sum_uniques(lhs, lhs_names, lhs_uniques) rhs_uniques = [name for name in contracted_names if rhs_counts[name] == 1 and lhs_counts[name] == 0] rhs, rhs_names = sum_uniques(rhs, rhs_names, rhs_uniques) # for every repeated index, contract against an identity matrix lhs, lhs_names = sum_repeats(lhs, lhs_names, lhs_counts, result_names + rhs_names) rhs, rhs_names = sum_repeats(rhs, rhs_names, rhs_counts, result_names + lhs_names) lhs_or_rhs_names = set(lhs_names) | set(rhs_names) contracted_names = [x for x in contracted_names if x in lhs_or_rhs_names] lhs_and_rhs_names = set(lhs_names) & set(rhs_names) batch_names = [x for x in result_names if x in lhs_and_rhs_names] lhs_batch, rhs_batch = unzip2((lhs_names.find(n), rhs_names.find(n)) for n in batch_names) # NOTE(mattjj): this can fail non-deterministically in python3, maybe # due to opt_einsum assert _all( name in lhs_names and name in rhs_names and lhs.shape[lhs_names.index(name)] == rhs.shape[rhs_names.index(name)] for name in contracted_names) # contract using lax.dot_general batch_names_str = ''.join(batch_names) lhs_cont, rhs_cont = unzip2((lhs_names.index(n), rhs_names.index(n)) for n in contracted_names) dimension_numbers = ((lhs_cont, rhs_cont), (lhs_batch, rhs_batch)) operand = lax.dot_general(lhs, rhs, dimension_numbers, precision) deleted_names = batch_names_str + ''.join(contracted_names) names = (batch_names_str + _removechars(lhs_names, deleted_names) + _removechars(rhs_names, deleted_names)) else: raise NotImplementedError # if this is actually reachable, open an issue! # the resulting 'operand' with axis labels 'names' should be a permutation # of the desired result assert len(names) == len(result_names) == len(set(names)) assert set(names) == set(result_names) if names != result_names: perm = tuple([names.index(name) for name in result_names]) operand = lax.transpose(operand, perm) operands.append(operand) # used in next iteration return operands[0] def _movechars(s, src, dst): """Helper for einsum string munging, like moveaxis on identifier strings.""" chars = [c for i, c in enumerate(s) if i not in src] for i, j in sorted(zip(dst, src)): chars.insert(i, s[j]) return ''.join(chars)
[docs]@_wraps(np.inner, lax_description=_PRECISION_DOC) def inner(a, b, *, precision=None): if ndim(a) == 0 or ndim(b) == 0: return a * b return tensordot(a, b, (-1, -1), precision=precision)
[docs]@_wraps(np.outer) def outer(a, b, out=None): if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.outer is not supported.") a, b = _promote_dtypes(a, b) return ravel(a)[:, None] * ravel(b)[None, :]
@partial(jit, static_argnums=(2, 3, 4)) def _cross(a, b, axisa, axisb, axisc): a = moveaxis(a, axisa, -1) b = moveaxis(b, axisb, -1) if a.shape[-1] not in (2, 3) or b.shape[-1] not in (2, 3): raise ValueError("Dimension must be either 2 or 3 for cross product") if a.shape[-1] == 2 and b.shape[-1] == 2: return a[..., 0] * b[..., 1] - a[..., 1] * b[..., 0] a0 = a[..., 0] a1 = a[..., 1] a2 = a[..., 2] if a.shape[-1] == 3 else zeros_like(a0) b0 = b[..., 0] b1 = b[..., 1] b2 = b[..., 2] if b.shape[-1] == 3 else zeros_like(b0) c = array([a1 * b2 - a2 * b1, a2 * b0 - a0 * b2, a0 * b1 - a1 * b0]) return moveaxis(c, 0, axisc)
[docs]@_wraps(np.cross) def cross(a, b, axisa=-1, axisb=-1, axisc=-1, axis=None): if axis is not None: axisa = axis axisb = axis axisc = axis return _cross(a, b, axisa, axisb, axisc)
[docs]@_wraps(np.kron) def kron(a, b): a, b = _promote_dtypes(a, b) if ndim(a) < ndim(b): a = reshape(a, (1,) * (ndim(b) - ndim(a)) + shape(a)) elif ndim(b) < ndim(a): b = reshape(b, (1,) * (ndim(a) - ndim(b)) + shape(b)) a_reshaped = reshape(a, [i for d in shape(a) for i in (d, 1)]) b_reshaped = reshape(b, [i for d in shape(b) for i in (1, d)]) out_shape = tuple(np.multiply(shape(a), shape(b))) return reshape(lax.mul(a_reshaped, b_reshaped), out_shape)
[docs]@_wraps(np.vander) def vander(x, N=None, increasing=False): x = asarray(x) dtype = _dtype(x) if ndim(x) != 1: raise ValueError("x must be a one-dimensional array") x_shape = shape(x) N = N or x_shape[0] if N < 0: raise ValueError("N must be nonnegative") iota = lax.iota(dtype, N) if not increasing: iota = lax.sub(lax._const(iota, N - 1), iota) return power(x[..., None], iota)
### Misc @_wraps(np.argwhere) def argwhere(a): result = transpose(vstack(nonzero(a))) if ndim(a) == 0: return result[:0].reshape(result.shape[0], 0) return result.reshape(result.shape[0], ndim(a))
[docs]@_wraps(np.argmax) def argmax(a, axis=None, out=None): _check_arraylike("argmax", a) if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.argmax is not supported.") if axis is None: a = ravel(a) axis = 0 if a.shape[axis] == 0: raise ValueError("attempt to get argmax of an empty sequence") return lax.argmax(a, _canonicalize_axis(axis, a.ndim), int64)
[docs]@_wraps(np.argmin) def argmin(a, axis=None, out=None): _check_arraylike("argmin", a) if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.argmin is not supported.") if axis is None: a = ravel(a) axis = 0 if a.shape[axis] == 0: raise ValueError("attempt to get argmin of an empty sequence") return lax.argmin(a, _canonicalize_axis(axis, a.ndim), int64)
_NANARG_DOC = """\ Warning: jax.numpy.arg{} returns -1 for all-NaN slices and does not raise an error. """ @_wraps(np.nanargmax, lax_description=_NANARG_DOC.format("max")) def nanargmax(a, axis=None): _check_arraylike("nanargmax", a) if not issubdtype(_dtype(a), inexact): return argmax(a, axis=axis) nan_mask = isnan(a) a = where(nan_mask, -inf, a) res = argmax(a, axis=axis) return where(all(nan_mask, axis=axis), -1, res) @_wraps(np.nanargmin, lax_description=_NANARG_DOC.format("min")) def nanargmin(a, axis=None): _check_arraylike("nanargmin", a) if not issubdtype(_dtype(a), inexact): return argmin(a, axis=axis) nan_mask = isnan(a) a = where(nan_mask, inf, a) res = argmin(a, axis=axis) return where(all(nan_mask, axis=axis), -1, res)
[docs]@_wraps(np.sort) def sort(a, axis=-1, kind='quicksort', order=None): _check_arraylike("sort", a) if kind != 'quicksort': warnings.warn("'kind' argument to sort is ignored.") if order is not None: raise ValueError("'order' argument to sort is not supported.") if axis is None: return lax.sort(a.ravel(), dimension=0) else: return lax.sort(a, dimension=_canonicalize_axis(axis, ndim(a)))
@_wraps(np.sort_complex) def sort_complex(a): _check_arraylike("sort_complex", a) a = lax.sort(a, dimension=0) return lax.convert_element_type(a, result_type(a, dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(complex_))) @_wraps(np.lexsort) def lexsort(keys, axis=-1): keys = tuple(keys) if len(keys) == 0: raise TypeError("need sequence of keys with len > 0 in lexsort") if len({shape(key) for key in keys}) > 1: raise ValueError("all keys need to be the same shape") if ndim(keys[0]) == 0: return np.int64(0) axis = _canonicalize_axis(axis, ndim(keys[0])) iota = lax.broadcasted_iota(np.int64, shape(keys[0]), axis) return lax.sort((*keys[::-1], iota), dimension=axis, num_keys=len(keys))[-1]
[docs]@_wraps(np.argsort) def argsort(a, axis=-1, kind='quicksort', order=None): _check_arraylike("argsort", a) if kind != 'quicksort': warnings.warn("'kind' argument to argsort is ignored.") if order is not None: raise ValueError("'order' argument to argsort is not supported.") if axis is None: return argsort(a.ravel(), 0) else: axis = _canonicalize_axis(axis, ndim(a)) iota = lax.broadcasted_iota(np.int64, shape(a), axis) _, perm = lax.sort_key_val(a, iota, dimension=axis) return perm
@_wraps(np.msort) def msort(a): return sort(a, axis=0) @partial(jit, static_argnums=(2,)) def _roll(a, shift, axis): a = asarray(a) a_shape = shape(a) if axis is None: return lax.reshape(roll(ravel(a), shift, axis=0), a_shape) a_ndim = len(a_shape) shift = asarray(shift) axis = np.asarray(axis) b_shape = lax.broadcast_shapes(shift.shape, axis.shape, (1,)) if len(b_shape) != 1: msg = "'shift' and 'axis' arguments to roll must be scalars or 1D arrays" raise ValueError(msg) for x, i in zip(broadcast_to(shift, b_shape), np.broadcast_to(axis, b_shape)): i = _canonicalize_axis(i, a_ndim) x = remainder(x, (a_shape[i] or 1)) a = lax.concatenate((a, a), i) a = lax.dynamic_slice_in_dim(a, a_shape[i] - x, a_shape[i], axis=i) return a
[docs]@_wraps(np.roll) def roll(a, shift, axis=None): if isinstance(axis, list): axis = tuple(axis) return _roll(a, shift, axis)
@_wraps(np.rollaxis) def rollaxis(a, axis, start=0): _check_arraylike("rollaxis", a) a_ndim = ndim(a) axis = _canonicalize_axis(axis, a_ndim) if not (-a_ndim <= start <= a_ndim): raise ValueError(f"start={start} must satisfy {-a_ndim}<=start<={a_ndim}") if start < 0: start += a_ndim if start > axis: start -= 1 return moveaxis(a, axis, start) @_wraps(np.packbits) def packbits(a, axis=None, bitorder='big'): a = asarray(a) if not (issubdtype(dtype(a), integer) or issubdtype(dtype(a), bool_)): raise TypeError('Expected an input array of integer or boolean data type') if bitorder not in ['little', 'big']: raise ValueError("'order' must be either 'little' or 'big'") a = (a > 0).astype('uint8') bits = arange(8, dtype='uint8') if bitorder == 'big': bits = bits[::-1] if axis is None: a = ravel(a) axis = 0 a = swapaxes(a, axis, -1) remainder = a.shape[-1] % 8 if remainder: a = pad(a, (a.ndim - 1) * [(0, 0)] + [(0, 8 - remainder)]) a = a.reshape(a.shape[:-1] + (a.shape[-1] // 8, 8)) packed = (a << bits).sum(-1).astype('uint8') return swapaxes(packed, axis, -1) @_wraps(np.unpackbits) def unpackbits(a, axis=None, count=None, bitorder='big'): a = asarray(a) if dtype(a) != uint8: raise TypeError("Expected an input array of unsigned byte data type") if bitorder not in ['little', 'big']: raise ValueError("'order' must be either 'little' or 'big'") bits = asarray(1) << arange(8, dtype='uint8') if bitorder == 'big': bits = bits[::-1] if axis is None: a = a.ravel() axis = 0 a = swapaxes(a, axis, -1) unpacked = ((a[..., None] & bits) > 0).astype('uint8') unpacked = unpacked.reshape(unpacked.shape[:-2] + (-1,))[..., :count] return swapaxes(unpacked, axis, -1)
[docs]@_wraps(np.take) def take(a, indices, axis=None, out=None, mode=None): if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.take is not supported.") a = asarray(a) indices = asarray(indices) if axis is None: a = ravel(a) axis = 0 axis = _canonicalize_axis(axis, ndim(a)) if mode == "raise": # TODO(phawkins): we have no way to report out of bounds errors yet. raise NotImplementedError("The 'raise' mode to jnp.take is not supported.") elif mode == "wrap": indices = mod(indices, _constant_like(indices, a.shape[axis])) elif mode != "clip" and mode is not None: raise ValueError("Invalid mode '{}' for np.take".format(mode)) index_dims = len(shape(indices)) slice_sizes = list(shape(a)) slice_sizes[axis] = _min(indices.size, 1) dnums = lax.GatherDimensionNumbers( offset_dims=tuple( list(range(axis)) + list(range(axis + index_dims, len(a.shape) + index_dims - 1))), collapsed_slice_dims=(axis,), start_index_map=(axis,)) return lax.gather(a, indices[..., None], dimension_numbers=dnums, slice_sizes=tuple(slice_sizes))
def _normalize_index(index, axis_size): """Normalizes an index value in the range [-N, N) to the range [0, N).""" if type(axis_size) is Poly: return index + axis_size if index < 0 else index return, _constant_like(index, 0)), lax.add(index, _constant_like(index, axis_size)), index) @partial(jit, static_argnums=(2,)) def _take_along_axis(arr, indices, axis): if axis is None: if ndim(indices) != 1: msg = "take_along_axis indices must be 1D if axis=None, got shape {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(indices.shape)) return take_along_axis(arr.ravel(), indices, 0) rank = ndim(arr) if rank != ndim(indices): msg = "indices and arr must have the same number of dimensions; {} vs. {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(ndim(indices), ndim(arr))) axis = _canonicalize_axis(axis, rank) def replace(tup, val): lst = list(tup) lst[axis] = val return tuple(lst) use_64bit_index = _any([type(d) is Poly or d >= (1 << 31) for d in arr.shape]) index_dtype = int64 if use_64bit_index else int32 indices = lax.convert_element_type(indices, index_dtype) bcast_shape = lax.broadcast_shapes(replace(arr.shape, 1), replace(indices.shape, 1)) indices = broadcast_to(indices, replace(bcast_shape, indices.shape[axis])) arr = broadcast_to(arr, replace(bcast_shape, arr.shape[axis])) axis_size = arr.shape[axis] arr_shape = replace(arr.shape, 1) idx_shape = indices.shape out_shape = lax.broadcast_shapes(idx_shape, arr_shape) index_dims = [i for i, idx in enumerate(idx_shape) if i == axis or idx != 1] gather_index_shape = tuple(np.array(out_shape)[index_dims]) + (1,) gather_indices = [] slice_sizes = [] offset_dims = [] start_index_map = [] collapsed_slice_dims = [] j = 0 for i in range(rank): if i == axis: indices = _normalize_index(indices, axis_size) gather_indices.append(lax.reshape(indices, gather_index_shape)) slice_sizes.append(1) start_index_map.append(i) collapsed_slice_dims.append(i) j += 1 elif idx_shape[i] != 1: iota = lax.iota(_dtype(indices), out_shape[i]) if not config.omnistaging_enabled: iota = lax.tie_in(arr, iota) iota = lax.broadcast_in_dim(iota, gather_index_shape, (j,)) gather_indices.append(iota) slice_sizes.append(1) start_index_map.append(i) collapsed_slice_dims.append(i) j += 1 else: # If idx_shape[i] == 1, we can just take the entirety of the arr's axis # and avoid forming an iota index. offset_dims.append(i) slice_sizes.append(arr_shape[i]) gather_indices = lax.concatenate(gather_indices, dimension=j) dnums = lax.GatherDimensionNumbers( offset_dims=tuple(offset_dims), collapsed_slice_dims=tuple(collapsed_slice_dims), start_index_map=tuple(start_index_map)) return lax.gather(arr, gather_indices, dnums, tuple(slice_sizes))
[docs]@_wraps(getattr(np, "take_along_axis", None), update_doc=False) def take_along_axis(arr, indices, axis): _check_arraylike("take_along_axis", arr) return _take_along_axis(arr, indices, axis)
### SetOps @partial(jit, static_argnums=1) def _unique1d_sorted_mask(ar, optional_indices=False): """ Helper function for unique which is jit-able """ ar = asarray(ar).flatten() if optional_indices: perm = ar.argsort() aux = ar[perm] else: aux = ar.sort() mask = empty(aux.shape, dtype=bool_) mask = ops.index_update(mask, ops.index[:1], True) mask = ops.index_update(mask, ops.index[1:], aux[1:] != aux[:-1]) if optional_indices: return aux, mask, perm else: return aux, mask def _unique1d(ar, return_index=False, return_inverse=False, return_counts=False): """ Find the unique elements of an array, ignoring shape. """ optional_indices = return_index or return_inverse if optional_indices: aux, mask, perm = _unique1d_sorted_mask(ar, optional_indices) else: aux, mask = _unique1d_sorted_mask(ar, optional_indices) ret = (aux[mask],) if return_index: ret += (perm[mask],) if return_inverse: imask = cumsum(mask) - 1 inv_idx = zeros(mask.shape, dtype=dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(int_)) inv_idx = ops.index_update(inv_idx, perm, imask) ret += (inv_idx,) if return_counts: idx = concatenate(nonzero(mask) + (array([mask.size]),)) ret += (diff(idx),) return ret @_wraps(np.unique) def unique(ar, return_index=False, return_inverse=False, return_counts=False, axis=None): ar = core.concrete_or_error(asarray, ar, "The error arose in jnp.unique()") if iscomplexobj(ar): raise NotImplementedError( "np.unique is not implemented for complex valued arrays") if axis is None: ret = _unique1d(ar, return_index, return_inverse, return_counts) if len(ret) == 1: return ret[0] else: return ret raise NotImplementedError( "np.unique is not implemented for the axis argument") ### Indexing def _rewriting_take(arr, idx): # Computes arr[idx]. # All supported cases of indexing can be implemented as an XLA gather, # followed by an optional reverse and broadcast_in_dim. arr = asarray(arr) treedef, static_idx, dynamic_idx = _split_index_for_jit(idx) return _gather(arr, treedef, static_idx, dynamic_idx) # TODO(phawkins): re-enable jit after fixing excessive recompilation for # slice indexes (e.g., slice(0, 5, None), slice(10, 15, None), etc.). # @partial(jit, static_argnums=(1, 2)) def _gather(arr, treedef, static_idx, dynamic_idx): idx = _merge_static_and_dynamic_indices(treedef, static_idx, dynamic_idx) indexer = _index_to_gather(shape(arr), idx) # shared with _scatter_update y = arr # Avoid calling gather if the slice shape is empty, both as a fast path and to # handle cases like zeros(0)[array([], int32)]. if _prod(indexer.slice_shape) == 0: return zeros(indexer.slice_shape, dtype=y.dtype) # We avoid generating a gather when indexer.gather_indices.size is empty. if indexer.gather_indices.size: y = lax.gather(y, indexer.gather_indices, indexer.dnums, indexer.gather_slice_shape) # Reverses axes with negative strides. if indexer.reversed_y_dims: y = lax.rev(y, indexer.reversed_y_dims) # This adds np.newaxis/None dimensions. return expand_dims(y, indexer.newaxis_dims) _Indexer = collections.namedtuple("_Indexer", [ # The expected shape of the slice output. "slice_shape", # The slice shape to pass to lax.gather(). "gather_slice_shape", # The gather indices to use. "gather_indices", # A GatherDimensionNumbers object describing the gather to perform. "dnums", # Slice dimensions that have negative strides, and so must be reversed after # the gather. "reversed_y_dims", # Keep track of any axes created by `newaxis`. These must be inserted for # gathers and eliminated for scatters. "newaxis_dims", ]) def _split_index_for_jit(idx): """Splits indices into necessarily-static and dynamic parts. Used to pass indices into `jit`-ted function. """ # Convert list indices to tuples in cases (deprecated by NumPy.) idx = _eliminate_deprecated_list_indexing(idx) # Expand any (concrete) boolean indices. We can then use advanced integer # indexing logic to handle them. idx = _expand_bool_indices(idx) leaves, treedef = tree_flatten(idx) dynamic = [None] * len(leaves) static = [None] * len(leaves) for i, x in enumerate(leaves): if x is Ellipsis: static[i] = x elif isinstance(x, slice): # slice objects aren't hashable. static[i] = (x.start, x.stop, x.step) else: dynamic[i] = x return treedef, tuple(static), dynamic def _merge_static_and_dynamic_indices(treedef, static_idx, dynamic_idx): """Recombines indices that were split by _split_index_for_jit.""" idx = [] for s, d in zip(static_idx, dynamic_idx): if d is not None: idx.append(d) elif isinstance(s, tuple): idx.append(slice(s[0], s[1], s[2])) else: idx.append(s) return treedef.unflatten(idx) def _int(aval): return not aval.shape and issubdtype(aval.dtype, integer) def _index_to_gather(x_shape, idx): # Remove ellipses and add trailing slice(None)s. idx = _canonicalize_tuple_index(len(x_shape), idx) # Check for advanced indexing: # # Do the advanced indexing axes appear contiguously? If not, NumPy semantics # move the advanced axes to the front. advanced_axes_are_contiguous = False advanced_indexes = None # The positions of the advanced indexing axes in `idx`. idx_advanced_axes = [] # The positions of the advanced indexes in x's shape. # collapsed, after None axes have been removed. See below. x_advanced_axes = None if _is_advanced_int_indexer(idx): idx_no_nones = [(i, d) for i, d in enumerate(idx) if d is not None] advanced_pairs = ( (asarray(e), i, j) for j, (i, e) in enumerate(idx_no_nones) if isscalar(e) or isinstance(e, (Sequence, ndarray))) advanced_pairs = ((_normalize_index(e, x_shape[j]), i, j) for e, i, j in advanced_pairs) advanced_indexes, idx_advanced_axes, x_advanced_axes = zip(*advanced_pairs) advanced_axes_are_contiguous = np.all(np.diff(idx_advanced_axes) == 1) x_axis = 0 # Current axis in x. y_axis = 0 # Current axis in y, before collapsing. See below. collapsed_y_axis = 0 # Current axis in y, after collapsing. # Scatter dimension numbers. offset_dims = [] collapsed_slice_dims = [] start_index_map = [] use_64bit_index = _any([type(d) is Poly or d >= (1 << 31) for d in x_shape]) index_dtype = int64 if use_64bit_index else int32 gather_indices = np.zeros((0,), dtype=index_dtype) # use np to save a compilation # We perform three transformations to y before the scatter op, in order: # First, y is broadcast to slice_shape. In general `y` only need broadcast to # the right shape. slice_shape = [] # Next, y is squeezed to remove newaxis_dims. This removes np.newaxis/`None` # indices, which the scatter cannot remove itself. newaxis_dims = [] # Finally, we reverse reversed_y_dims to handle slices with negative strides. reversed_y_dims = [] gather_slice_shape = [] for idx_pos, i in enumerate(idx): # Handle the advanced indices here if: # * the advanced indices were not contiguous and we are the start. # * we are at the position of the first advanced index. if (advanced_indexes is not None and (advanced_axes_are_contiguous and idx_pos == idx_advanced_axes[0] or not advanced_axes_are_contiguous and idx_pos == 0)): advanced_indexes = broadcast_arrays(*advanced_indexes) shape = advanced_indexes[0].shape ndim = len(shape) advanced_indexes = [ lax.convert_element_type(lax.reshape(a, shape + (1,)), index_dtype) for a in advanced_indexes] # Broadcast gather_indices from [..., k] to [..., 1, 1, ..., 1, k]. gather_indices = lax.broadcast_in_dim( gather_indices, np.insert(gather_indices.shape, -1, shape), tuple(range(gather_indices.ndim - 1)) + (gather_indices.ndim + ndim - 1,)) gather_indices = concatenate([gather_indices] + advanced_indexes, -1) start_index_map.extend(x_advanced_axes) collapsed_slice_dims.extend(x_advanced_axes) slice_shape.extend(shape) y_axis += ndim collapsed_y_axis += ndim # Per-index bookkeeping for advanced indexes. if idx_pos in idx_advanced_axes: x_axis += 1 gather_slice_shape.append(1) continue try: abstract_i = core.get_aval(i) except TypeError: abstract_i = None # Handle basic int indexes. if isinstance(abstract_i, (ConcreteArray,ShapedArray)) and _int(abstract_i): if x_shape[x_axis] == 0: # XLA gives error when indexing into an axis of size 0 raise IndexError(f"index is out of bounds for axis {x_axis} with size 0") i = _normalize_index(i, x_shape[x_axis]) if type(i) is Poly: # dummy index if i is polynomial, doesn't matter for shape inference # TODO(mattjj,j-towns,juliuskunze): revise this logic i = 0 i = lax.convert_element_type(i, index_dtype) i = broadcast_to(i, tuple(gather_indices.shape[:-1]) + (1,)) gather_indices = concatenate((gather_indices, i), -1) collapsed_slice_dims.append(x_axis) gather_slice_shape.append(1) start_index_map.append(x_axis) x_axis += 1 # Handle np.newaxis (None) elif i is None: slice_shape.append(1) newaxis_dims.append(y_axis) y_axis += 1 # Handle slice(None) elif _is_slice_none(i): slice_shape.append(x_shape[x_axis]) gather_slice_shape.append(x_shape[x_axis]) offset_dims.append(collapsed_y_axis) collapsed_y_axis += 1 y_axis += 1 x_axis += 1 # Handle slice index (only static, otherwise an error is raised) elif isinstance(i, slice): if not _all(elt is None or type(elt) is Poly or type(core.get_aval(elt)) is ConcreteArray for elt in (i.start, i.stop, i.step)): msg = ("Array slice indices must have static start/stop/step to be used " "with NumPy indexing syntax. To index a statically sized " "array at a dynamic position, try lax.dynamic_slice/" "dynamic_update_slice (JAX does not support dynamically sized " "arrays within JIT compiled functions).") raise IndexError(msg) start, limit, stride, needs_rev = _static_idx(i, x_shape[x_axis]) if needs_rev: reversed_y_dims.append(collapsed_y_axis) if stride == 1: i = lax.convert_element_type(start, index_dtype) i = broadcast_to(i, tuple(gather_indices.shape[:-1]) + (1,)) gather_indices = concatenate((gather_indices, i), -1) slice_shape.append(limit - start) gather_slice_shape.append(limit - start) offset_dims.append(collapsed_y_axis) start_index_map.append(x_axis) else: i = arange(start, limit, stride, dtype=index_dtype) size = i.shape[0] slice_shape.append(size) gather_slice_shape.append(1) gather_indices_shape = tuple(gather_indices.shape[:-1]) + (size,) i = lax.broadcast_in_dim( i, shape=gather_indices_shape + (1,), broadcast_dimensions=(len(gather_indices_shape) - 1,)) gather_indices = lax.broadcast_in_dim( gather_indices, shape=gather_indices_shape + (len(start_index_map),), broadcast_dimensions=( tuple(range(len(gather_indices_shape) - 1)) + (len(gather_indices_shape),))) gather_indices = concatenate( (gather_indices, i), len(gather_indices_shape)) start_index_map.append(x_axis) collapsed_slice_dims.append(x_axis) collapsed_y_axis += 1 y_axis += 1 x_axis += 1 else: if (abstract_i is not None and not (issubdtype(abstract_i.dtype, integer) or issubdtype(abstract_i.dtype, bool_))): msg = ("Indexer must have integer or boolean type, got indexer " "with type {} at position {}, indexer value {}") raise TypeError(msg.format(, idx_pos, i)) msg = "Indexing mode not yet supported. Open a feature request!\n{}" raise IndexError(msg.format(idx)) dnums = lax.GatherDimensionNumbers( offset_dims = tuple(offset_dims), collapsed_slice_dims = tuple(sorted(collapsed_slice_dims)), start_index_map = tuple(start_index_map) ) return _Indexer( slice_shape=slice_shape, newaxis_dims=tuple(newaxis_dims), gather_slice_shape=gather_slice_shape, reversed_y_dims=reversed_y_dims, dnums=dnums, gather_indices=gather_indices) def _should_unpack_list_index(x): """Helper for _eliminate_deprecated_list_indexing.""" return (isinstance(x, ndarray) and np.ndim(x) != 0 or isinstance(x, (Sequence, slice)) or x is Ellipsis or x is None) def _eliminate_deprecated_list_indexing(idx): # "Basic slicing is initiated if the selection object is a non-array, # non-tuple sequence containing slice objects, [Ellipses, or newaxis # objects]". Detects this and raises a TypeError. if not isinstance(idx, tuple): if isinstance(idx, Sequence) and not isinstance(idx, ndarray): # As of numpy 1.16, some non-tuple sequences of indices result in a warning, while # others are converted to arrays, based on a set of somewhat convoluted heuristics # (See # In JAX, we raise an informative TypeError for *all* non-tuple sequences. if _any(_should_unpack_list_index(i) for i in idx): msg = ("Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is not allowed; " "use `arr[tuple(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. " "See for more information.") else: msg = ("Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is not allowed; " "use `arr[array(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. " "See for more information.") raise TypeError(msg) else: idx = (idx,) return idx def _expand_bool_indices(idx): """Converts concrete bool indexes into advanced integer indexes.""" out = [] for i in idx: try: abstract_i = core.get_aval(i) except TypeError: abstract_i = None if (isinstance(abstract_i, ShapedArray) and issubdtype(abstract_i.dtype, bool_) or isinstance(i, list) and _all(not _shape(e) and issubdtype(_dtype(e), bool_) for e in i)): if isinstance(i, list): i = array(i) abstract_i = core.get_aval(i) if not type(abstract_i) is ConcreteArray: # TODO(mattjj): improve this error by tracking _why_ the indices are not # concrete raise IndexError("Array boolean indices must be concrete.") else: out.extend(np.where(i)) else: out.append(i) return tuple(out) def _is_slice_none(idx): """Return True if idx is equal to slice(None), False otherwise.""" if isinstance(idx, slice): return idx.start is None and idx.stop is None and idx.step is None # TODO(mattjj): clean up this logic def _is_advanced_int_indexer(idx): """Returns True if idx should trigger int array indexing, False otherwise.""" # assert isinstance(idx, tuple) if _all(np.ndim(elt) == 0 for elt in idx): return False return _all(e is None or e is Ellipsis or isinstance(e, slice) or _is_int_arraylike(e) for e in idx) def _is_int_arraylike(x): """Returns True if x is array-like with integer dtype, False otherwise.""" return (isinstance(x, int) and not isinstance(x, bool) or issubdtype(getattr(x, "dtype", None), np.integer) or isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) and _all(_is_int_arraylike(e) for e in x)) def _canonicalize_tuple_index(arr_ndim, idx): """Helper to remove Ellipsis and add in the implicit trailing slice(None).""" len_without_none = _sum(1 for e in idx if e is not None and e is not Ellipsis) if len_without_none > arr_ndim: msg = "Too many indices for array: {} non-None/Ellipsis indices for dim {}." raise IndexError(msg.format(len_without_none, arr_ndim)) ellipses = (i for i, elt in enumerate(idx) if elt is Ellipsis) ellipsis_index = next(ellipses, None) if ellipsis_index is not None: if next(ellipses, None) is not None: msg = "Multiple ellipses (...) not supported: {}." raise IndexError(msg.format(list(map(type, idx)))) colons = (slice(None),) * (arr_ndim - len_without_none) idx = idx[:ellipsis_index] + colons + idx[ellipsis_index + 1:] elif len_without_none < arr_ndim: colons = (slice(None),) * (arr_ndim - len_without_none) idx = tuple(idx) + colons return idx def _polymorphic_slice_indices(idx: slice, size: Union[int, Poly]): # like idx.indices(size), but allows for polymorphic indices and size # see assert isinstance(idx, slice) step = 1 if idx.step is None else idx.step step_is_negative = step < 0 lower = -1 if step_is_negative else 0 upper = size + lower def sanitize(index, default): if index is None: return default elif type(index) is Poly: return index elif index < 0: return _max(index + size, lower) else: return _min(index, upper) start = sanitize(idx.start, default=upper if step_is_negative else lower) stop = sanitize(idx.stop, default=lower if step_is_negative else upper) return start, stop, step def _static_idx(idx: slice, size: Union[int, Poly]): """Helper function to compute the static slice start/limit/stride values.""" if _any(type(s) is Poly for s in (idx.start, idx.stop, idx.step, size)): start, stop, step = _polymorphic_slice_indices(idx, size) elif isinstance(size, int): start, stop, step = idx.indices(size) else: raise TypeError(size) if type(start) is not Poly and type(stop) is not Poly: if (step < 0 and stop >= start) or (step > 0 and start >= stop): return 0, 0, 1, False # sliced to size zero if step > 0: return start, stop, step, False else: k = (start - stop - 1) % (-step) return stop + k + 1, start + 1, -step, True blackman = _wrap_numpy_nullary_function(np.blackman) bartlett = _wrap_numpy_nullary_function(np.bartlett) hamming = _wrap_numpy_nullary_function(np.hamming) hanning = _wrap_numpy_nullary_function(np.hanning) # TODO: lower `kaiser` via lax to allow non-constant beta values. kaiser = _wrap_numpy_nullary_function(np.kaiser) def _gcd_cond_fn(xs): x1, x2 = xs return any(x2 != 0) def _gcd_body_fn(xs): x1, x2 = xs x1, x2 = (where(x2 != 0, x2, x1), where(x2 != 0, lax.rem(x1, x2), lax._const(x2, 0))) return (where(x1 < x2, x2, x1), where(x1 < x2, x1, x2))
[docs]@_wraps(getattr(np, "gcd", None)) def gcd(x1, x2): _check_arraylike("gcd", x1, x2) if (not issubdtype(_dtype(x1), integer) or not issubdtype(_dtype(x2), integer)): raise ValueError("Arguments to jax.numpy.gcd must be integers.") x1, x2 = _promote_dtypes(x1, x2) x1, x2 = broadcast_arrays(x1, x2) gcd, _ = lax.while_loop(_gcd_cond_fn, _gcd_body_fn, (abs(x1), abs(x2))) return gcd
[docs]@_wraps(getattr(np, "lcm", None)) def lcm(x1, x2): _check_arraylike("lcm", x1, x2) x1, x2 = _promote_dtypes(x1, x2) d = gcd(x1, x2) return where(d == 0, lax._const(d, 0), abs(multiply(x1, floor_divide(x2, d))))
@_wraps(np.extract) def extract(condition, arr): return compress(ravel(condition), ravel(arr)) @_wraps(np.compress) def compress(condition, a, axis=None, out=None): if out is not None: raise NotImplementedError("The 'out' argument to jnp.compress is not supported.") if ndim(condition) != 1: raise ValueError("condition must be a 1D array") condition = asarray(condition).astype(bool) a = asarray(a) if axis is None: axis = 0 a = ravel(a) else: a = moveaxis(a, axis, 0) condition, extra = condition[:a.shape[0]], condition[a.shape[0]:] if any(extra): raise ValueError("condition contains entries that are out of bounds") a = a[:condition.shape[0]] return moveaxis(a[condition], 0, axis)
[docs]@_wraps(np.cov) def cov(m, y=None, rowvar=True, bias=False, ddof=None, fweights=None, aweights=None): if y is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "jax.numpy.cov not implemented for nontrivial y. " "Open a feature request at !") m, = _promote_args_inexact("cov", m) if m.ndim > 2: raise ValueError("m has more than 2 dimensions") # same as numpy error X = atleast_2d(m) if not rowvar and X.shape[0] != 1: X = X.T if X.shape[0] == 0: return array([]).reshape(0, 0) if ddof is None: ddof = 1 if bias == 0 else 0 w = None if fweights is not None: _check_arraylike("cov", fweights) if ndim(fweights) > 1: raise RuntimeError("cannot handle multidimensional fweights") if shape(fweights)[0] != X.shape[1]: raise RuntimeError("incompatible numbers of samples and fweights") if not issubdtype(_dtype(fweights), integer): raise TypeError("fweights must be integer.") # Ensure positive fweights; note that numpy raises an error on negative fweights. w = asarray(abs(fweights)) if aweights is not None: _check_arraylike("cov", aweights) if ndim(aweights) > 1: raise RuntimeError("cannot handle multidimensional aweights") if shape(aweights)[0] != X.shape[1]: raise RuntimeError("incompatible numbers of samples and aweights") # Ensure positive aweights: note that numpy raises an error for negative aweights. aweights = abs(aweights) w = aweights if w is None else w * aweights avg, w_sum = average(X, axis=1, weights=w, returned=True) w_sum = w_sum[0] if w is None: f = X.shape[1] - ddof elif ddof == 0: f = w_sum elif aweights is None: f = w_sum - ddof else: f = w_sum - ddof * sum(w * aweights) / w_sum X = X - avg[:, None] X_T = X.T if w is None else (X * w).T return true_divide(dot(X, X_T.conj()), f).squeeze()
[docs]@_wraps(np.corrcoef) def corrcoef(x, y=None, rowvar=True): _check_arraylike("corrcoef", x) c = cov(x, y, rowvar) if len(shape(c)) == 0: # scalar - this should yield nan for values (nan/nan, inf/inf, 0/0), 1 otherwise return divide(c, c) d = diag(c) stddev = sqrt(real(d)) c = divide(c, stddev[:,None]) c = divide(c, stddev[None,:]) real_part = clip(real(c), -1, 1) if iscomplexobj(c): complex_part = clip(imag(c), -1, 1) c = lax.complex(real_part, complex_part) else: c = real_part return c
[docs]@_wraps(getattr(np, "quantile", None)) def quantile(a, q, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False, interpolation="linear", keepdims=False): _check_arraylike("quantile", a, q) if overwrite_input or out is not None: msg = ("jax.numpy.quantile does not support overwrite_input=True or " "out != None") raise ValueError(msg) return _quantile(a, q, axis, interpolation, keepdims, False)
@_wraps(getattr(np, "nanquantile", None)) def nanquantile(a, q, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False, interpolation="linear", keepdims=False): _check_arraylike("nanquantile", a, q) if overwrite_input or out is not None: msg = ("jax.numpy.nanquantile does not support overwrite_input=True or " "out != None") raise ValueError(msg) return _quantile(a, q, axis, interpolation, keepdims, True) @partial(jit, static_argnums=(2, 3, 4, 5)) def _quantile(a, q, axis, interpolation, keepdims, squash_nans): if interpolation not in ["linear", "lower", "higher", "midpoint", "nearest"]: raise ValueError("interpolation can only be 'linear', 'lower', 'higher', " "'midpoint', or 'nearest'") a = asarray(a, dtype=promote_types(_dtype(a), float32)) q = asarray(q, dtype=promote_types(_dtype(q), float32)) if axis is None: a = ravel(a) axis = 0 elif isinstance(axis, tuple): raise NotImplementedError("Tuple values for axis are not implemented") else: axis = _canonicalize_axis(axis, ndim(a)) q_shape = shape(q) q_ndim = ndim(q) if q_ndim > 1: raise ValueError("q must be have rank <= 1, got shape {}".format(shape(q))) a_shape = shape(a) a = lax.sort(a, dimension=axis) if squash_nans: counts = sum(logical_not(isnan(a)), axis=axis, dtype=q.dtype, keepdims=keepdims) shape_after_reduction = counts.shape q = lax.expand_dims( q, tuple(range(q_ndim, len(shape_after_reduction) + q_ndim))) counts = lax.expand_dims(counts, tuple(range(q_ndim))) q = lax.mul(q, lax.sub(counts, _constant_like(q, 1))) low = lax.floor(q) high = lax.ceil(q) high_weight = lax.sub(q, low) low_weight = lax.sub(_constant_like(high_weight, 1), high_weight) low = lax.max(_constant_like(low, 0), lax.min(low, counts - 1)) high = lax.max(_constant_like(high, 0), lax.min(high, counts - 1)) low = lax.convert_element_type(low, int64) high = lax.convert_element_type(high, int64) out_shape = q_shape + shape_after_reduction index = [lax.broadcasted_iota(int64, out_shape, dim + q_ndim) for dim in range(len(shape_after_reduction))] if keepdims: index[axis] = low else: index.insert(axis, low) low_value = a[tuple(index)] index[axis] = high high_value = a[tuple(index)] else: n = a_shape[axis] q = lax.mul(q, _constant_like(q, n - 1)) low = lax.floor(q) high = lax.ceil(q) high_weight = lax.sub(q, low) low_weight = lax.sub(_constant_like(high_weight, 1), high_weight) low = lax.clamp(_constant_like(low, 0), low, _constant_like(low, n - 1)) high = lax.clamp(_constant_like(high, 0), high, _constant_like(high, n - 1)) low = lax.convert_element_type(low, int64) high = lax.convert_element_type(high, int64) slice_sizes = list(a_shape) slice_sizes[axis] = 1 dnums = lax.GatherDimensionNumbers( offset_dims=tuple(range( q_ndim, len(a_shape) + q_ndim if keepdims else len(a_shape) + q_ndim - 1)), collapsed_slice_dims=() if keepdims else (axis,), start_index_map=(axis,)) low_value = lax.gather(a, low[..., None], dimension_numbers=dnums, slice_sizes=slice_sizes) high_value = lax.gather(a, high[..., None], dimension_numbers=dnums, slice_sizes=slice_sizes) if q_ndim == 1: low_weight = lax.broadcast_in_dim(low_weight, low_value.shape, broadcast_dimensions=(0,)) high_weight = lax.broadcast_in_dim(high_weight, high_value.shape, broadcast_dimensions=(0,)) if interpolation == "linear": result = lax.add(lax.mul(low_value.astype(q.dtype), low_weight), lax.mul(high_value.astype(q.dtype), high_weight)) elif interpolation == "lower": result = low_value elif interpolation == "higher": result = high_value elif interpolation == "nearest": pred = lax.le(high_weight, _constant_like(high_weight, 0.5)) result =, low_value, high_value) elif interpolation == "midpoint": result = lax.mul(lax.add(low_value, high_value), _constant_like(low_value, 0.5)) else: raise ValueError(f"interpolation={interpolation!r} not recognized") return lax.convert_element_type(result, a.dtype) @partial(jit, static_argnums=2) @partial(vectorize, excluded={0, 2}) def _searchsorted(a, v, side): if len(a) == 0: return 0 op = operator.le if side == 'left' else def body_fun(i, state): low, high = state mid = (low + high) // 2 go_left = op(v, a[mid]) return (where(go_left, low, mid), where(go_left, mid, high)) n_levels = int(np.ceil(np.log2(len(a) + 1))) return lax.fori_loop(0, n_levels, body_fun, (0, len(a)))[1] @_wraps(np.searchsorted) def searchsorted(a, v, side='left', sorter=None): if side not in ['left', 'right']: raise ValueError(f"{side!r} is an invalid value for keyword 'side'") if sorter is not None: raise NotImplementedError("sorter is not implemented") a = asarray(a) v = asarray(v) if ndim(a) != 1: raise ValueError("a should be 1-dimensional") return _searchsorted(a, v, side) @_wraps(np.digitize) def digitize(x, bins, right=False): if len(bins) == 0: return zeros(x, dtype=dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(int_)) side = 'right' if not right else 'left' return where( bins[-1] >= bins[0], searchsorted(bins, x, side=side), len(bins) - searchsorted(bins[::-1], x, side=side) ) _PIECEWISE_DOC = """\ Unlike `np.piecewise`, :py:func:`jax.numpy.piecewise` requires functions in `funclist` to be traceable by JAX, as it is implemeted via :func:`jax.lax.switch`. See the :func:`jax.lax.switch` documentation for more information. """ @_wraps(np.piecewise, lax_description=_PIECEWISE_DOC) def piecewise(x, condlist, funclist, *args, **kw): _check_arraylike("piecewise", x) condlist = array(condlist, dtype=bool_) nc, nf = len(condlist), len(funclist) if nf == nc + 1: funclist = funclist[-1:] + funclist[:-1] elif nf == nc: funclist = [0] + list(funclist) else: raise ValueError(f"with {nc} condition(s), either {nc} or {nc+1} functions are expected; got {nf}") indices = argmax(cumsum(vstack([zeros_like(condlist[:1]), condlist]), 0), 0) dtype = _dtype(x) def _call(f): return lambda x: f(x, *args, **kw).astype(dtype) def _const(v): return lambda x: full_like(x, v) funclist = [_call(f) if callable(f) else _const(f) for f in funclist] return vectorize(lax.switch, excluded=(1,))(indices, funclist, x)
[docs]@_wraps(np.percentile) def percentile(a, q, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False, interpolation="linear", keepdims=False): _check_arraylike("percentile", a) q = true_divide(asarray(q), float32(100.0)) return quantile(a, q, axis=axis, out=out, overwrite_input=overwrite_input, interpolation=interpolation, keepdims=keepdims)
@_wraps(np.nanpercentile) def nanpercentile(a, q, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False, interpolation="linear", keepdims=False): _check_arraylike("nanpercentile", a) q = true_divide(asarray(q), float32(100.0)) return nanquantile(a, q, axis=axis, out=out, overwrite_input=overwrite_input, interpolation=interpolation, keepdims=keepdims)
[docs]@_wraps(np.median) def median(a, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False, keepdims=False): _check_arraylike("median", a) return quantile(a, 0.5, axis=axis, out=out, overwrite_input=overwrite_input, keepdims=keepdims, interpolation='midpoint')
@_wraps(np.nanmedian) def nanmedian(a, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False, keepdims=False): _check_arraylike("nanmedian", a) return nanquantile(a, 0.5, axis=axis, out=out, overwrite_input=overwrite_input, keepdims=keepdims, interpolation='midpoint') def _astype(arr, dtype): lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "astype") return lax.convert_element_type(arr, dtype) def _nbytes(arr): return size(arr) * _dtype(arr).itemsize def _view(arr, dtype=None, type=None): lax._check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "view") if type is not None: raise NotImplementedError("`type` argument of array.view()") if dtype is None: return arr arr_dtype = _dtype(arr) if arr_dtype == dtype: return arr # bool is implemented as lax:PRED, which is not compatible with lax.bitcast_convert_type. # We work around this by casting bool to uint8. if arr_dtype == bool_: arr = arr.astype(uint8) nbits_in = 8 * arr_dtype.itemsize nbits_out = 8 * _dtype(dtype).itemsize if nbits_in == nbits_out: if dtype == bool_: return lax.bitcast_convert_type(arr, uint8).astype(dtype) return lax.bitcast_convert_type(arr, dtype) if nbits_out > nbits_in and (shape(arr)[-1] * nbits_in) % nbits_out != 0: raise ValueError("When changing to a larger dtype, its size must be a divisor " "of the total size in bytes of the last axis of the array.") byte_dtypes = {8: uint8, 16: uint16, 32: uint32, 64: uint64} if nbits_in not in byte_dtypes: raise NotImplementedError(f"arr.view() for arr.dtype={arr_dtype}") if nbits_out not in byte_dtypes: raise NotImplementedError(f"arr.view(dtype) for dtype={dtype}") dt_in = byte_dtypes[nbits_in] dt_out = byte_dtypes[nbits_out] arr_bytes = lax.bitcast_convert_type(arr, dt_in) if nbits_in < nbits_out: shifts = arange(0, nbits_out, nbits_in, dtype=dt_out) arr_bytes = arr_bytes.reshape(arr.shape[:-1] + (-1, nbits_out // nbits_in)).astype(dt_out) arr_bytes = (arr_bytes << shifts).sum(-1).astype(dt_out) else: shifts = arange(0, nbits_in, nbits_out, dtype=dt_in) arr_bytes = ((arr_bytes[..., newaxis] >> shifts) & iinfo(dt_out).max).astype(dt_out) arr_bytes = arr_bytes.reshape(arr_bytes.shape[:-2] + (-1,)) if dtype == bool_: return lax.bitcast_convert_type(arr_bytes, uint8).astype(dtype) return lax.bitcast_convert_type(arr_bytes, dtype) ### track unimplemented functions _NOT_IMPLEMENTED_DESC = """ *** This function is not yet implemented by jax.numpy, and will raise NotImplementedError *** """ def _not_implemented(fun): @_wraps(fun, update_doc=False, lax_description=_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_DESC) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): msg = "Numpy function {} not yet implemented" raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(fun)) return wrapped ### add method and operator overloads to arraylike classes # We add operator overloads to DeviceArray and ShapedArray. These method and # operator overloads mainly just forward calls to the corresponding lax_numpy # functions, which can themselves handle instances from any of these classes. _scalar_types = (int, float, complex, np.generic) def _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(binary_op): # Ensure that other array types have the chance to override arithmetic. def deferring_binary_op(self, other): if not isinstance(other, _scalar_types + _arraylike_types + (core.Tracer,)): return NotImplemented return binary_op(self, other) return deferring_binary_op def _swap_args(f): return lambda x, y: f(y, x) def _unimplemented_setitem(self, i, x): msg = ("'{}' object does not support item assignment. JAX arrays are " "immutable; perhaps you want jax.ops.index_update or " "jax.ops.index_add instead?") raise TypeError(msg.format(type(self))) def _operator_round(number, ndigits=None): out = round(number, decimals=ndigits or 0) # If `ndigits` is None, for a builtin float round(7.5) returns an integer. return out.astype(int_) if ndigits is None else out _operators = { "getitem": _rewriting_take, "setitem": _unimplemented_setitem, "neg": negative, "pos": positive, "eq": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(equal), "ne": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(not_equal), "lt": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(less), "le": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(less_equal), "gt": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(greater), "ge": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(greater_equal), "abs": abs, "add": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(add), "radd": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(add), "sub": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(subtract), "rsub": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(_swap_args(subtract)), "mul": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(multiply), "rmul": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(multiply), "div": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(divide), "rdiv": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(_swap_args(divide)), "truediv": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(true_divide), "rtruediv": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(_swap_args(true_divide)), "floordiv": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(floor_divide), "rfloordiv": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(_swap_args(floor_divide)), "divmod": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(divmod), "rdivmod": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(_swap_args(divmod)), "mod": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(mod), "rmod": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(_swap_args(mod)), "pow": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(power), "rpow": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(_swap_args(power)), "matmul": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(matmul), "rmatmul": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(_swap_args(matmul)), "and": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(bitwise_and), "rand": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(bitwise_and), "or": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(bitwise_or), "ror": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(bitwise_or), "xor": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(bitwise_xor), "rxor": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(bitwise_xor), "invert": bitwise_not, "lshift": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(left_shift), "rshift": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(right_shift), "rlshift": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(_swap_args(left_shift)), "rrshift": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(_swap_args(right_shift)), "round": _operator_round, } # These numpy.ndarray methods are just refs to an equivalent numpy function _nondiff_methods = ["all", "any", "argmax", "argmin", "argpartition", "argsort", "nonzero", "searchsorted", "round"] _diff_methods = ["clip", "conj", "conjugate", "cumprod", "cumsum", "diagonal", "dot", "max", "mean", "min", "prod", "ptp", "ravel", "repeat", "sort", "squeeze", "std", "sum", "swapaxes", "take", "tile", "trace", "transpose", "var"] # These methods are mentioned explicitly by nondiff_methods, so we create # _not_implemented implementations of them here rather than in # TODO(phawkins): implement these. argpartition = _not_implemented(np.argpartition) _NOT_IMPLEMENTED = ['argpartition'] # Set up operator, method, and property forwarding on Tracer instances containing # ShapedArray avals by following the forwarding conventions for Tracer. # Forward operators using a single-underscore-prefix naming convention: for operator_name, function in _operators.items(): setattr(ShapedArray, "_{}".format(operator_name), staticmethod(function)) # Forward methods and properties using core.aval_method and core.aval_property: for method_name in _nondiff_methods + _diff_methods: setattr(ShapedArray, method_name, core.aval_method(globals()[method_name])) setattr(ShapedArray, "reshape", core.aval_method(_reshape_method)) setattr(ShapedArray, "flatten", core.aval_method(ravel)) setattr(ShapedArray, "T", core.aval_property(transpose)) setattr(ShapedArray, "real", core.aval_property(real)) setattr(ShapedArray, "imag", core.aval_property(imag)) setattr(ShapedArray, "astype", core.aval_method(_astype)) setattr(ShapedArray, "view", core.aval_method(_view)) setattr(ShapedArray, "nbytes", core.aval_property(_nbytes)) # Forward operators, methods, and properties on DeviceArray to lax_numpy # functions (with no Tracers involved; this forwarding is direct) for device_array in [_DeviceArray, _CppDeviceArray]: for operator_name, function in _operators.items(): setattr(device_array, "__{}__".format(operator_name), function) for method_name in _nondiff_methods + _diff_methods: setattr(device_array, method_name, globals()[method_name]) setattr(device_array, "reshape", _reshape_method) setattr(device_array, "flatten", ravel) setattr(device_array, "T", property(transpose)) setattr(device_array, "real", property(real)) setattr(device_array, "imag", property(imag)) setattr(device_array, "astype", _astype) setattr(device_array, "view", _view) setattr(device_array, "nbytes", property(_nbytes)) # Experimental support for NumPy's module dispatch with NEP-37. # Currently requires _JAX_ARRAY_TYPES = (DeviceArray, core.Tracer) _HANDLED_ARRAY_TYPES = _JAX_ARRAY_TYPES + (np.ndarray,) def __array_module__(self, types): if builtins.all(issubclass(t, _HANDLED_ARRAY_TYPES) for t in types): return jax.numpy else: return NotImplemented setattr(ShapedArray, "_array_module", staticmethod(__array_module__)) setattr(_DeviceArray, "__array_module__", __array_module__) setattr(_CppDeviceArray, "__array_module__", __array_module__) # Extra methods that are handy setattr(ShapedArray, "broadcast", core.aval_method(lax.broadcast)) setattr(ShapedArray, "broadcast_in_dim", core.aval_method(lax.broadcast_in_dim)) setattr(ShapedArray, "split", core.aval_method(split)) for device_array in [_DeviceArray, _CppDeviceArray]: setattr(device_array, "broadcast", lax.broadcast) setattr(device_array, "broadcast_in_dim", lax.broadcast_in_dim) setattr(device_array, "split", split) def _compress_method(a, condition, axis=None, out=None): return compress(condition, a, axis, out) setattr(ShapedArray, "compress", _compress_method) setattr(_DeviceArray, "compress", _compress_method) setattr(_CppDeviceArray, "compress", _compress_method) @partial(jit, static_argnums=(1,2,3)) def _multi_slice(arr, start_indices: Tuple[Tuple[int, ...]], limit_indices: Tuple[Tuple[int, ...]], removed_dims: Tuple[Tuple[int, ...]]): """Extracts multiple slices from `arr`. This is used to shard DeviceArray arguments to pmap. It's implemented as a DeviceArray method here to avoid circular imports. """ results = [] for starts, limits, removed in safe_zip(start_indices, limit_indices, removed_dims): sliced = lax.slice(arr, starts, limits) if removed: sliced = sliced.reshape(np.delete(sliced.shape, removed_dims)) results.append(sliced) return results setattr(_DeviceArray, "_multi_slice", _multi_slice) setattr(_CppDeviceArray, "_multi_slice", _multi_slice) # Syntactic sugar for scatter operations. class _IndexUpdateHelper: # Note: this docstring will appear as the docstring for the `at` property. """Indexable helper object to call indexed update functions. The `at` property is syntactic sugar for calling the indexed update functions defined in :mod:`jax.ops`, and acts as a pure equivalent of in-place modificatons. In particular: - ``x =[idx].set(y)`` is a pure equivalent of ``x[idx] = y``. - ``x =[idx].add(y)`` is a pure equivalent of ``x[idx] += y``. - ``x =[idx].mul(y)`` is a pure equivalent of ``x[idx] *= y``. - ``x =[idx].min(y)`` is a pure equivalent of ``x[idx] = minimum(x[idx], y)``. - ``x =[idx].max(y)`` is a pure equivalent of ``x[idx] = maximum(x[idx], y)``. """ __slots__ = ("array",) def __init__(self, array): self.array = array def __getitem__(self, index): return _IndexUpdateRef(self.array, index) def __repr__(self): return f"_IndexUpdateHelper({repr(self.array)})" class _IndexUpdateRef: """Helper object to call indexed update functions for an (advanced) index. This object references a source array and a specific indexer into that array. Methods on this object return copies of the source array that have been modified at the positions specified by the indexer. """ __slots__ = ("array", "index") def __init__(self, array, index): self.array = array self.index = index def __repr__(self): return f"_IndexUpdateRef({repr(self.array)}, {repr(self.index)})" def set(self, values, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False): """Pure equivalent of ``x[idx] = y``. ``[idx].set(y)`` is syntactic sugar for ``jax.ops.index_update(x, jax.ops.index[idx], y)``, and returns the value of ``x`` that would result from the NumPy-style :mod:indexed assignment <numpy.doc.indexing>` ``x[idx] = y``. See :mod:`jax.ops` for details. """ return ops.index_update(self.array, self.index, values, indices_are_sorted=indices_are_sorted, unique_indices=unique_indices) def add(self, values, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False): """Pure equivalent of ``x[idx] += y``. ``[idx].add(y)`` is syntactic sugar for ``jax.ops.index_add(x, jax.ops.index[idx], y)``, and returns the value of ``x`` that would result from the NumPy-style :mod:indexed assignment <numpy.doc.indexing>` ``x[idx] += y``. See :mod:`jax.ops` for details. """ return ops.index_add(self.array, self.index, values, indices_are_sorted=indices_are_sorted, unique_indices=unique_indices) def mul(self, values, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False): """Pure equivalent of ``x[idx] += y``. ``[idx].mul(y)`` is syntactic sugar for ``jax.ops.index_mul(x, jax.ops.index[idx], y)``, and returns the value of ``x`` that would result from the NumPy-style :mod:indexed assignment <numpy.doc.indexing>` ``x[idx] *= y``. See :mod:`jax.ops` for details. """ return ops.index_mul(self.array, self.index, values, indices_are_sorted=indices_are_sorted, unique_indices=unique_indices) def min(self, values, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False): """Pure equivalent of ``x[idx] = minimum(x[idx], y)``. ``[idx].min(y)`` is syntactic sugar for ``jax.ops.index_min(x, jax.ops.index[idx], y)``, and returns the value of ``x`` that would result from the NumPy-style :mod:indexed assignment <numpy.doc.indexing>` ``x[idx] = minimum(x[idx], y)``. See :mod:`jax.ops` for details. """ return ops.index_min(self.array, self.index, values, indices_are_sorted=indices_are_sorted, unique_indices=unique_indices) def max(self, values, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False): """Pure equivalent of ``x[idx] = maximum(x[idx], y)``. ``[idx].max(y)`` is syntactic sugar for ``jax.ops.index_max(x, jax.ops.index[idx], y)``, and returns the value of ``x`` that would result from the NumPy-style :mod:indexed assignment <numpy.doc.indexing>` ``x[idx] = maximum(x[idx], y)``. See :mod:`jax.ops` for details. """ return ops.index_max(self.array, self.index, values, indices_are_sorted=indices_are_sorted, unique_indices=unique_indices) setattr(_DeviceArray, "at", property(_IndexUpdateHelper)) setattr(_CppDeviceArray, "at", property(_IndexUpdateHelper)) setattr(ShapedArray, "at", core.aval_property(_IndexUpdateHelper))