Source code for symjax.tensor.signal

import sys

import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy

from .. import tensor as T
from .base import jax_wrap
import jax
import jax.lax as jla

# Add the apodization windows

names = ["blackman", "bartlett", "hamming", "hanning", "kaiser"]

module = sys.modules[__name__]
for name in names:
    module.__dict__.update({name: jax_wrap(jnp.__dict__[name])})

for name in ["convolve", "convolve2d", "correlate", "correlate2d"]:
    module.__dict__.update({name: jax_wrap(jax.scipy.signal.__dict__[name])})

# Add some utility functions

def hat_1D(x, t_left, t_center, t_right):
    """hat basis function in 1-D

    Hat function, continuous piecewise linear


    x: array-like
        the sampled input space

    t_left: scalar
        the position of the left knot

    t_center: scalar
        the position of the center knot

    t_right: scalar
        the position of the right knot


    output : array
        same shape as x with applied hat function
    eps = 1e-6
    slope_left = 1 / (t_center - t_left)
    slope_right = 1 / (t_right - t_center)
    output = (
        (relu(x - t_left)) * slope_left
        - relu(x - t_center) * (slope_left + slope_right)
        + relu(x - t_right) * slope_right
    return output

def _extract_signal_patches(signal, window_length, hop=1, data_format="NCW"):
    if hasattr(window_length, "shape"):
        assert window_length.shape == ()
        assert not hasattr(window_length, "__len__")

    if data_format == "NCW":
        if signal.ndim == 2:
            signal_3d = signal[:, None, :]
        elif signal.ndim == 1:
            signal_3d = signal[None, None, :]
            signal_3d = signal

        N = (signal_3d.shape[2] - window_length) // hop + 1
        indices = jnp.arange(window_length) + jnp.expand_dims(jnp.arange(N) * hop, 1)
        indices = jnp.reshape(indices, [1, 1, N * window_length])
        patches = jnp.take_along_axis(signal_3d, indices, 2)
        output = jnp.reshape(patches, signal_3d.shape[:2] + (N, window_length))
        if signal.ndim == 1:
            return output[0, 0]
        elif signal.ndim == 2:
            return output[:, 0, :]
            return output

extract_signal_patches = jax_wrap(_extract_signal_patches, module)

def _extract_image_patches(
    image, window_shape, hop=1, data_format="NCHW", mode="valid"
    if mode == "same":
        p1 = window_shape[0] - 1
        p2 = window_shape[1] - 1
        image = jnp.pad(
            [(0, 0), (0, 0), (p1 // 2, p1 - p1 // 2), (p2 // 2, p2 - p2 // 2)],
    if not hasattr(hop, "__len__"):
        hop = (hop, hop)
    if data_format == "NCHW":

        # compute the number of windows in both dimensions
        N = (
            (image.shape[2] - window_shape[0]) // hop[0] + 1,
            (image.shape[3] - window_shape[1]) // hop[1] + 1,

        # compute the base indices of a 2d patch
        patch = jnp.arange(
        offset = jnp.expand_dims(jnp.arange(window_shape[0]), 1)
        patch_indices = patch + offset * (image.shape[3] - window_shape[1])

        # create all the shifted versions of it
        ver_shifts = jnp.reshape(
            jnp.arange(N[0]) * hop[0] * image.shape[3], (-1, 1, 1, 1)
        hor_shifts = jnp.reshape(jnp.arange(N[1]) * hop[1], (-1, 1, 1))
        all_cols = patch_indices + jnp.reshape(jnp.arange(N[1]) * hop[1], (-1, 1, 1))
        indices = patch_indices + ver_shifts + hor_shifts

        # now extract shape (1, 1, H'W'a'b')
        flat_indices = jnp.reshape(indices, [1, 1, -1])
        # shape is now (N, C, W*H)
        flat_image = jnp.reshape(image, (image.shape[0], image.shape[1], -1))
        # shape is now (N, C)
        patches = jnp.take_along_axis(flat_image, flat_indices, 2)
        return jnp.reshape(patches, image.shape[:2] + N + tuple(window_shape))

extract_image_patches = jax_wrap(_extract_image_patches)

[docs]def fourier_complex_morlet(bandwidths, centers, N): """Complex Morlet wavelet in Fourier Parameters ---------- bandwidths: array the bandwidth of the wavelet centers: array the centers of the wavelet freqs: array (optional) the frequency sampling in radion going from 0 to pi and back to 0 :param N: """ freqs = T.linspace(0, 2 * numpy.pi, N) envelop = T.exp(-0.25 * (freqs - centers) ** 2 * bandwidths ** 2) H = (freqs <= numpy.pi).astype("float32") return envelop * H
[docs]def complex_morlet(bandwidths, centers, time=None): """Complex Morlet wavelet It corresponds to with (B, C):: \phi(t) = \frac{1}{\pi B} e^{-\frac{t^2}{B}}e^{j2\pi C t} For a filter bank do J = 8 Q = 1 scales = T.power(2,T.linspace(0, J, J*Q)) scales = scales[:, None] complex_morlet(scales, 1/scales) Parameters ---------- bandwidths: array the bandwidth of the wavelet centers: array the centers of the wavelet time: array (optional) the time sampling Returns ------- wavelet: array like the wavelet centered at 0 """ if time is None: B = 6 * bandwidths.max() + 1 time = T.linspace(-(B // 2), B // 2, int(T.get(B))) envelop = T.exp(-((time / bandwidths) ** 2)) wave = T.exp(1j * centers * time) return envelop * wave
def littewood_paley_normalization(filter_bank, down=None, up=None): lp = T.abs(filter_bank).sum(0) freq = T.linspace(0, 2 * numpy.pi, lp.shape[0]) down = 0 if down is None else down up = numpy.pi or up lp = T.where(T.logical_and(freq >= down, freq <= up), lp, 1) return filter_bank / lp
[docs]def tukey(M, alpha=0.5): """Return a Tukey window, also known as a tapered cosine window. Parameters ---------- M : int Number of points in the output window. If zero or less, an empty array is returned. alpha : float, optional Shape parameter of the Tukey window, representing the fraction of the window inside the cosine tapered region. If zero, the Tukey window is equivalent to a rectangular window. If one, the Tukey window is equivalent to a Hann window. Returns ------- w : ndarray The window, with the maximum value normalized to 1 (though the value 1 does not appear if `M` is even and `sym` is True). References ---------- .. [1] Harris, Fredric J. (Jan 1978). "On the use of Windows for Harmonic Analysis with the Discrete Fourier Transform". Proceedings of the IEEE 66 (1): 51-83. :doi:`10.1109/PROC.1978.10837` .. [2] Wikipedia, "Window function", """ n = T.arange(0, M) width = int(numpy.floor(alpha * (M - 1) / 2.0)) n1 = n[0 : width + 1] n2 = n[width + 1 : M - width - 1] n3 = n[M - width - 1 :] w1 = 0.5 * (1 + T.cos(numpy.pi * (-1 + 2.0 * n1 / alpha / (M - 1)))) w2 = T.ones(n2.shape) w3 = 0.5 * (1 + T.cos(numpy.pi * (-2.0 / alpha + 1 + 2.0 * n3 / alpha / (M - 1)))) w = T.concatenate((w1, w2, w3)) return w
def morlet(M, s, w=5): """ Complex Morlet wavelet. Parameters ---------- M : int Length of the wavelet. s : float, optional Scaling factor, windowed from ``-s*2*pi`` to ``+s*2*pi``. Default is 1. w : float, optional Omega0. Default is 5 complete : bool, optional Whether to use the complete or the standard version. Returns ------- morlet : (M,) ndarray See Also -------- morlet2 : Implementation of Morlet wavelet, compatible with `cwt`. scipy.signal.gausspulse Notes ----- The standard version:: pi**-0.25 * exp(1j*w*x) * exp(-0.5*(x**2)) This commonly used wavelet is often referred to simply as the Morlet wavelet. Note that this simplified version can cause admissibility problems at low values of `w`. The complete version:: pi**-0.25 * (exp(1j*w*x) - exp(-0.5*(w**2))) * exp(-0.5*(x**2)) This version has a correction term to improve admissibility. For `w` greater than 5, the correction term is negligible. Note that the energy of the return wavelet is not normalised according to `s`. The fundamental frequency of this wavelet in Hz is given by ``f = 2*s*w*r / M`` where `r` is the sampling rate. """ limit = 2 * numpy.pi x = T.linspace(-limit, limit, M) * s sine = T.cos(w * x) + 1j * T.sin(w * x) envelop = T.exp(-0.5 * (x ** 2)) # apply correction term for admissibility wave = sine - T.exp(-0.5 * (w ** 2)) # now localize the wave to obtain a wavelet wavelet = wave * envelop * numpy.pi ** (-0.25) return wavelet def bin_to_freq(bins, max_f): return (bins / bins.max()) * max_f def freq_to_bin(freq, n_bins, fmin, fmax): unit = (fmax - fmin) / n_bins return (freq / unit).astype("int32") def mel_to_freq(m, option="linear"): # convert mel to frequency with if option == "linear": # Fill in the linear scale f_sp = 200.0 / 3 # And now the nonlinear scale # beginning of log region (Hz) min_log_hz = 1000.0 min_log_mel = min_log_hz / f_sp # same (Mels) # step size for log region logstep = numpy.log(6.4) / 27.0 # If we have vector data, vectorize freq = min_log_hz * T.exp(logstep * (m - min_log_mel)) return T.where(m >= min_log_mel, freq, f_sp * m) else: return 700 * (T.power(10.0, (m / 2595)) - 1) def freq_to_mel(f, option="linear"): # convert frequency to mel with if option == "linear": # linear part slope f_sp = 200.0 / 3 # Fill in the log-scale part min_log_hz = 1000.0 # beginning of log region (Hz) min_log_mel = min_log_hz / f_sp # same (Mels) logstep = numpy.log(6.4) / 27.0 # step size for log region mel = min_log_mel + T.log(f / min_log_hz) / logstep return T.where(f >= min_log_hz, mel, f / f_sp) else: return 2595 * T.log10(1 + f / 700) def power_to_db(S, ref=1.0, amin=1e-10, top_db=80.0): """Convert a power spectrogram (amplitude squared) to decibel (dB) units. This computes the scaling ``10 * log10(S / ref)`` in a numerically stable way. Parameters ---------- S : numpy.ndarray inumpy.t power ref : scalar or callable If scalar, the amplitude `abs(S)` is scaled relative to `ref`: `10 * log10(S / ref)`. Zeros in the output correspond to positions where `S == ref`. If callable, the reference value is computed as `ref(S)`. amin : float > 0 [scalar] minimum threshold for `abs(S)` and `ref` top_db : float >= 0 [scalar] threshold the output at `top_db` below the peak: ``max(10 * log10(S)) - top_db`` Returns ------- S_db : numpy.ndarray ``S_db ~= 10 * log10(S) - 10 * log10(ref)`` See Also -------- perceptual_weighting db_to_power amplitude_to_db db_to_amplitude """ ref_value = numpy.abs(ref) log_spec = 10.0 * T.log10(T.maximum(amin, S) / T.maximum(amin, ref)) if top_db is not None: if top_db < 0: error return T.maximum(log_spec, log_spec.max() - top_db) else: return log_spec # Now some filter-bank and additional Time-Frequency Repr.
[docs]def sinc_bandpass(time, f0, f1): """ ensure that f0<f1 and f0>0, f1<1 whenever time is ..., -1, 0, 1, ... """ high = f0 * T.sinc(time * f0) low = f1 * T.sinc(time * f1) return high - low
[docs]def mel_filterbank(length, n_filter, low, high, nyquist): # convert the low and high frequency into mel scale low_freq_mel = freq_to_mel(low) high_freq_mel = freq_to_mel(high) # generate center frequencies uniformly spaced in Mel scale. mel_points = T.linspace(low_freq_mel, high_freq_mel, n_filter + 2) # turn them into frequency and thus becoming in log scale freq_points = freq_to_bin(mel_to_freq(mel_points), length, 0, nyquist) peaks = T.expand_dims(freq_points, 1) freqs = T.range(length) filter_bank = T.hat_1D(freqs, peaks[:-2], peaks[1:-1], peaks[2:]) return filter_bank
[docs]def stft(signal, window, hop, apod=T.ones, nfft=None, mode="valid"): """ Compute the Shoft-Time-Fourier-Transform of a signal given the window length, hop and additional parameters. Parameters ---------- signal: array the signal (possibly stacked of signals) window: int the window length to be considered for the fft hop: int the amount by which the window is moved apod: func a function that takes an integer as inumpy.t and return the apodization window of the same length nfft: int (optional) the number of bin that the fft on the window will use. If not given it is set the same as window. mode: 'valid', 'same' or 'full' the padding of the inumpy.t signals Returns ------- output: complex array the complex stft """ assert signal.ndim == 3 if nfft is None: nfft = window if mode == "same": left = (window + 1) // 2 psignal = T.pad(signal, [[0, 0], [0, 0], [left, window + 1 - left]]) elif mode == "full": left = (window + 1) // 2 psignal = T.pad(signal, [[0, 0], [0, 0], [window - 1, window - 1]]) else: psignal = signal apodization = apod(window).reshape((1, 1, -1)) p = extract_signal_patches(psignal, window, hop) * apodization assert nfft >= window pp = T.pad(p, [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, nfft - window]]) S = T.fft.fft(pp) return S[..., : int(numpy.ceil(nfft / 2))].transpose([0, 1, 3, 2])
def spectrogram(signal, window, hop, apod=hanning, nfft=None, mode="valid"): return T.abs(stft(signal, window, hop, apod, nfft, mode)) def melspectrogram( signal, window, hop, n_filter, low_freq, high_freq, nyquist, nfft=None, mode="valid", apod=hanning, ): spec = spectrogram(signal, window, hop, apod, nfft, mode) filterbank = mel_filterbank(spec.shape[-2], n_filter, low_freq, high_freq, nyquist) flip_filterbank = filterbank.expand_dims(-1) output = (T.expand_dims(spec, -3) * flip_filterbank).sum(-2) return output
[docs]def mfcc( signal, window, hop, n_filter, low_freq, high_freq, nyquist, n_mfcc, nfft=None, mode="valid", apod=hanning, ): """ """ tf = melspectrogram( signal, window, hop, n_filter, low_freq, high_freq, nyquist, nfft, mode, apod, ) tf_db = power_to_db(tf) M = dct(tf_db, axes=(2,)) return M
[docs]def wvd(signal, window, hop, L, apod=hanning, mode="valid"): # define the following constant for clarity PI = 2 * 3.14159 # compute the stft with 2 times bigger window to interp. s = stft(signal, window, hop, apod, nfft=2 * window, mode=mode) # remodulate the stft prior the spectral correlation for simplicity # with the following mask step = 1 / window freq = T.linspace(-step * L, step * L, 2 * L + 1) time = T.range(s.shape[-1]).reshape((-1, 1)) mask = T.complex(T.cos(PI * time * freq), T.sin(PI * time * freq)) * hanning( 2 * L + 1 ) # extract vertical (freq) partches to perform auto correlation patches = extract_image_patches(s, (2 * L + 1, 1), (2, 1), mode="same")[ ..., 0 ] # (N C F' T L) output = (patches * T.conj(T.flip(patches, -1)) * mask).sum(-1) return T.real(output)
[docs]def dct(signal, axes=(-1,)): """ """ if len(axes) > 1: raise NotImplemented("not yet implemented more than 1D") to_pad = [ (0, 0) if ax not in axes else (0, signal.shape[ax]) for ax in range(signal.ndim) ] pad_signal = T.pad(signal, to_pad) exp = 2 * T.exp(-1j * 3.14159 * T.linspace(0, 0.5, signal.shape[axes[0]])) y = fft(pad_signal, axes=axes) cropped_y = T.dynamic_slice_in_dim(y, 0, signal.shape[axes[0]], axes[0]) return T.real(cropped_y * exp.expand_dims(-1))
def phase_vocoder(D, rate, hop_length=None): """Phase vocoder. Given an STFT matrix D, speed up by a factor of `rate` Based on the implementation provided by [1]_. .. note:: This is a simplified implementation, intended primarily for reference and pedagogical purposes. It makes no attempt to handle transients, and is likely to produce many audible artifacts. For a higher quality implementation, we recommend the RubberBand library [2]_ and its Python wrapper `pyrubberband`. .. [1] Ellis, D. P. W. "A phase vocoder in Matlab." Columbia University, 2002. .. [2] Examples -------- >>> # Play at double speed >>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.util.example_audio_file()) >>> D = librosa.stft(y, n_fft=2048, hop_length=512) >>> D_fast = librosa.phase_vocoder(D, 2.0, hop_length=512) >>> y_fast = librosa.istft(D_fast, hop_length=512) >>> # Or play at 1/3 speed >>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.util.example_audio_file()) >>> D = librosa.stft(y, n_fft=2048, hop_length=512) >>> D_slow = librosa.phase_vocoder(D, 1./3, hop_length=512) >>> y_slow = librosa.istft(D_slow, hop_length=512) Parameters ---------- D : numpy.ndarray [shape=(d, t), dtype=complex] STFT matrix rate : float > 0 [scalar] Speed-up factor: `rate > 1` is faster, `rate < 1` is slower. hop_length : int > 0 [scalar] or None The number of samples between successive columns of `D`. If None, defaults to `n_fft/4 = (D.shape[0]-1)/2` Returns ------- D_stretched : numpy.ndarray [shape=(d, t / rate), dtype=complex] time-stretched STFT """ n_fft = 2 * (D.shape[0] - 1) if hop_length is None: hop_length = int(n_fft // 4) time_steps = numpy.arange(0, D.shape[1], rate, "float32") # Create an empty output array d_stretch = T.zeros((D.shape[0], len(time_steps)), D.dtype) # Expected phase advance in each bin phi_advance = T.linspace(0, numpy.pi * hop_length, D.shape[0]) # Pad 0 columns to simplify boundary logic D = T.pad(D, [(0, 0), (0, 2)], mode="constant") D = D[:, time_steps.astype("int32")] alpha = numpy.mod(time_steps, 1.0) mag = (1.0 - alpha) * numpy.abs(D[:, :-1]) + alpha * numpy.abs(D[:, 1:]) # Compute phase advance dphase = numpy.angle(D[:, 1:]) - numpy.angle(D[:, :-1]) - phi_advance[:, None] # Wrap to -pi:pi range dphase = dphase - 2.0 * numpy.pi * numpy.round(dphase / (2.0 * numpy.pi)) # Phase accumulator; initialize to the first sample phase_acc = T.concatenate( [numpy.angle(D[:, [0]]), T.cumsum(phi_advance + dphase, 1)], 1 ) d_stretch = mag * T.complex(T.cos(phase_acc), T.sin(phase_acc)) return d_stretch def istft( stft_matrix, hop_length=None, win_length=None, window="hann", center=True, dtype=numpy.float32, length=None, ): """ Inverse short-time Fourier transform (ISTFT). Converts a complex-valued spectrogram `stft_matrix` to time-series `y` by minimizing the mean squared error between `stft_matrix` and STFT of `y` as described in [1]_ up to Section 2 (reconstruction from MSTFT). In general, window function, hop length and other parameters should be same as in stft, which mostly leads to perfect reconstruction of a signal from unmodified `stft_matrix`. .. [1] D. W. Griffin and J. S. Lim, "Signal estimation from modified short-time Fourier transform," IEEE Trans. ASSP, vol.32, no.2, pp.236–243, Apr. 1984. Parameters ---------- stft_matrix : numpy.ndarray [shape=(1 + n_fft/2, t)] STFT matrix from `stft` hop_length : int > 0 [scalar] Number of frames between STFT columns. If unspecified, defaults to `win_length / 4`. win_length : int <= n_fft = 2 * (stft_matrix.shape[0] - 1) When reconstructing the time series, each frame is windowed and each sample is normalized by the sum of squared window according to the `window` function (see below). If unspecified, defaults to `n_fft`. window : string, tuple, number, function, numpy.ndarray [shape=(n_fft,)] - a window specification (string, tuple, or number); see `scipy.signal.get_window` - a window function, such as `scipy.signal.hanning` - a user-specified window vector of length `n_fft` .. see also:: `filters.get_window` center : boolean - If `True`, `D` is assumed to have centered frames. - If `False`, `D` is assumed to have left-aligned frames. dtype : numeric type Real numeric type for `y`. Default is 32-bit float. length : int > 0, optional If provided, the output `y` is zero-padded or clipped to exactly `length` samples. Returns ------- y : numpy.ndarray [shape=(n,)] time domain signal reconstructed from `stft_matrix` See Also -------- stft : Short-time Fourier Transform Notes ----- This function caches at level 30. Examples -------- >>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.util.example_audio_file()) >>> D = librosa.stft(y) >>> y_hat = librosa.istft(D) >>> y_hat array([ -4.812e-06, -4.267e-06, ..., 6.271e-06, 2.827e-07], dtype=float32) Exactly preserving length of the inumpy.t signal requires explicit padding. Otherwise, a partial frame at the end of `y` will not be represented. >>> n = len(y) >>> n_fft = 2048 >>> y_pad = librosa.util.fix_length(y, n + n_fft // 2) >>> D = librosa.stft(y_pad, n_fft=n_fft) >>> y_out = librosa.istft(D, length=n) >>> numpy.max(numpy.abs(y - y_out)) 1.4901161e-07 """ n_fft = 2 * (stft_matrix.shape[0] - 1) # By default, use the entire frame if win_length is None: win_length = n_fft # Set the default hop, if it's not already specified if hop_length is None: hop_length = int(win_length // 4) ifft_window = get_window(window, win_length, fftbins=True) # Pad out to match n_fft, and add a broadcasting axis ifft_window = util.pad_center(ifft_window, n_fft)[:, numpy.newaxis] # For efficiency, trim STFT frames according to signal length if available if length: if center: padded_length = length + int(n_fft) else: padded_length = length n_frames = min( stft_matrix.shape[1], int(numpy.ceil(padded_length / hop_length)) ) else: n_frames = stft_matrix.shape[1] expected_signal_len = n_fft + hop_length * (n_frames - 1) y = numpy.zeros(expected_signal_len, dtype=dtype) n_columns = int(util.MAX_MEM_BLOCK // (stft_matrix.shape[0] * stft_matrix.itemsize)) fft = get_fftlib() frame = 0 for bl_s in range(0, n_frames, n_columns): bl_t = min(bl_s + n_columns, n_frames) # invert the block and apply the window function ytmp = ifft_window * fft.irfft(stft_matrix[:, bl_s:bl_t], axis=0) # Overlap-add the istft block starting at the i'th frame __overlap_add(y[frame * hop_length :], ytmp, hop_length) frame += bl_t - bl_s # Normalize by sum of squared window ifft_window_sum = window_sumsquare( window, n_frames, win_length=win_length, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, dtype=dtype, ) approx_nonzero_indices = ifft_window_sum > util.tiny(ifft_window_sum) y[approx_nonzero_indices] /= ifft_window_sum[approx_nonzero_indices] if length is None: # If we don't need to control length, just do the usual center trimming # to eliminate padded data if center: y = y[int(n_fft // 2) : -int(n_fft // 2)] else: if center: # If we're centering, crop off the first n_fft//2 samples # and then trim/pad to the target length. # We don't trim the end here, so that if the signal is zero-padded # to a longer duration, the decay is smooth by windowing start = int(n_fft // 2) else: # If we're not centering, start at 0 and trim/pad as necessary start = 0 y = util.fix_length(y[start:], length) return y
[docs]def hilbert_transform(signal): """ the time should be the last dimension return the analytical signal """ M = signal.shape[-1] heavyside = T.array([1, 0], dtype="float32").repeat(M // 2) mask = T.index_add(T.ones(M), T.index[..., 1 : M // 2], 1) return T.signal.ifft(T.signal.fft(signal) * mask * heavyside)
[docs]@jax_wrap def batch_convolve( input, filter, strides=1, padding="VALID", input_format=None, filter_format=None, output_format=None, input_dilation=None, filter_dilation=None, ): """General n-dimensional batch convolution with dilations. Wraps Jax's conv_general_dilated functin, and thus also the XLA's `Conv <>`_ operator. Args: input (Tensor): a rank `n+2` dimensional input array. filter (Tensor): a rank `n+2` dimensional array of kernel weights. strides (int, sequence of int, optional): a (sequence) of `n` integers, representing the inter-window strides. If a scalar is given, it is used `n` times. Defaults to `1`. padding (sequence of couple, `'SAME'`, `'VALID'`, optional): a sequence of `n` `(low, high)` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension. For `'VALID'`, those are `0`. For `'SAME'`, they are the `input length - filter length + 1` for each dim. Defaults to `'Valid'`. input_format (`None` or str, optional): a string of same length as the number of dimensions in `input` which specify their role (see below). Defaults to `'NCW'` for 1d conv, `'NCHW'` for 2d conv, and `'NDCHW'` for 3d conv. input_dilation (`None`, int or sequence of int, optional): giving the dilation factor to apply in each spatial dimension of `input`. Inumpy.t dilation is also known as transposed convolution as it allows to increase the output spatial dimension by inserting in the input any number of `0`s between each spatial value. filter_dilation (`None`, int or sequence of int): giving the dilation factor to apply in each spatial dimension of `filter`. Filter dilation is also known as atrous convolution as it corresponds to inserting any number of `0`s in between the filter values, similar to performing the non-dilated filter convolution with a subsample version of the input across the spatial dimensions. Returns: Tensor: An array containing the convolution result. Format of `input`, `filter` and `output`: For example, to indicate dimension numbers consistent with the `conv` function with two spatial dimensions, one could use `('NCHW', 'OIHW', 'NCHW')`. As another example, to indicate dimension numbers consistent with the TensorFlow Conv2D operation, one could use `('NHWC', 'HWIO', 'NHWC')`. When using the latter form of convolution dimension specification, window strides are associated with spatial dimension character labels according to the order in which the labels appear in the `rhs_spec` string, so that `window_strides[0]` is matched with the dimension corresponding to the first character appearing in rhs_spec that is not `'I'` or `'O'`. :param filter_format: :param output_format: """ # setting up the strides if numpy.isscalar(strides): strides = (strides,) * (input.ndim - 2) elif len(strides) != (input.ndim - 2): msg = "given strides: {} should match the number".format( strides ) + "of spatial dim. in input: {}".format(input.ndim - 2) raise ValueError(msg) # setting up the padding if type(padding) != str: strides = (strides,) * (input.ndim - 2) if len(padding) != (input.ndim - 2): msg = "given padding: {} should match the ".format( padding ) + "number of spatial dim. in input: {}".format(input.ndim - 2) raise ValueError(msg) # setting up the filter_format if filter_format is None: if filter.ndim == 3: filter_format = "OIW" elif filter.ndim == 4: filter_format = "OIHW" elif filter.ndim == 5: filter_format = "OIDHW" else: msg = "filter_format should be given for >5 dimensions." raise ValueError(msg) elif len(filter_format) != filter.ndim: msg = "given filter_format: {} should".format( len(filter_format) ) + "match the number of dimension in filter: {}".format(filter.ndim) raise ValueError(msg) # setting up the input format if input_format is None: if len(filter.shape) == 3: input_format = "NCW" elif len(filter.shape) == 4: input_format = "NCHW" elif len(filter.shape) == 5: input_format = "NCDHW" else: msg = "input_format should be given for >5 dimensions." raise ValueError(msg) elif len(input_format) != input.ndim: msg = "given input_format: {} should".format( len(input_format) ) + "match the number of dimension in input: {}".format(input.ndim) raise ValueError(msg) # setting up the output format if output_format is None: if len(filter.shape) == 3: output_format = "NCW" elif len(filter.shape) == 4: output_format = "NCHW" elif len(filter.shape) == 5: output_format = "NCDHW" else: msg = "output_format should be given for >5 dimensions." raise ValueError(msg) elif len(output_format) != input.ndim: msg = "given output_format: {} should".format( len(output_format) ) + "match the number of dimension in output: {}".format(input.ndim) raise ValueError(msg) # setting up dilations if numpy.isscalar(input_dilation): input_dilation = (input_dilation,) * 2 if numpy.isscalar(filter_dilation): filter_dilation = (filter_dilation,) * 2 specs = (input_format, filter_format, output_format) return jla.conv_general_dilated( lhs=input, rhs=filter, window_strides=strides, padding=padding, lhs_dilation=input_dilation, rhs_dilation=filter_dilation, dimension_numbers=specs, precision=None, )
@jax_wrap def batch_convolve_transpose( input, filter, strides=1, padding="VALID", input_format=None, filter_format=None, output_format=None, input_dilation=None, filter_dilation=None, transpose_kernel=False, ): """General n-dimensional convolution operator, with optional dilation. Wraps Jax's conv_general_dilated functin, and thus also the XLA's `Conv <>`_ operator. Args: input (Tensor): a rank `n+2` dimensional input array. filter (Tensor): a rank `n+2` dimensional array of kernel weights. strides (int, sequence of int, optional): a (sequence) of `n` integers, representing the inter-window strides. If a scalar is given, it is used `n` times. Defaults to `1`. padding (sequence of couple, `'SAME'`, `'VALID'`, optional): a sequence of `n` `(low, high)` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension. For `'VALID'`, those are `0`. For `'SAME'`, they are the `input length - filter length + 1` for each dim. Defaults to `'Valid'`. input_format (`None` or str, optional): a string of same length as the number of dimensions in `input` which specify their role (see below). Defaults to `'NCW'` for 1d conv, `'NCHW'` for 2d conv, and `'NDCHW'` for 3d conv. input_dilation (`None`, int or sequence of int, optional): giving the dilation factor to apply in each spatial dimension of `input`. Inumpy.t dilation is also known as transposed convolution as it allows to increase the output spatial dimension by inserting in the input any number of `0`s between each spatial value. filter_dilation (`None`, int or sequence of int): giving the dilation factor to apply in each spatial dimension of `filter`. Filter dilation is also known as atrous convolution as it corresponds to inserting any number of `0`s in between the filter values, similar to performing the non-dilated filter convolution with a subsample version of the input across the spatial dimensions. Returns: Tensor: An array containing the convolution result. Format of `input`, `filter` and `output`: For example, to indicate dimension numbers consistent with the `conv` function with two spatial dimensions, one could use `('NCHW', 'OIHW', 'NCHW')`. As another example, to indicate dimension numbers consistent with the TensorFlow Conv2D operation, one could use `('NHWC', 'HWIO', 'NHWC')`. When using the latter form of convolution dimension specification, window strides are associated with spatial dimension character labels according to the order in which the labels appear in the `rhs_spec` string, so that `window_strides[0]` is matched with the dimension corresponding to the first character appearing in rhs_spec that is not `'I'` or `'O'`. :param filter_format: :param output_format: :param transpose_kernel: """ # setting up the strides if numpy.isscalar(strides): strides = (strides,) * (input.ndim - 2) elif len(strides) != (input.ndim - 2): msg = "given strides: {} should match the number".format( strides ) + "of spatial dim. in input: {}".format(input.ndim - 2) raise ValueError(msg) # setting up the padding if type(padding) != str: strides = (strides,) * (input.ndim - 2) if len(padding) != (input.ndim - 2): msg = "given padding: {} should match the ".format( padding ) + "number of spatial dim. in input: {}".format(input.ndim - 2) raise ValueError(msg) # setting up the filter_format if filter_format is None: if filter.ndim == 3: filter_format = "OIW" elif filter.ndim == 4: filter_format = "OIHW" elif filter.ndim == 5: filter_format = "OIDHW" else: msg = "filter_format should be given for >5 dimensions." raise ValueError(msg) elif len(filter_format) != filter.ndim: msg = "given filter_format: {} should".format( len(filter_format) ) + "match the number of dimension in filter: {}".format(filter.ndim) raise ValueError(msg) # setting up the input format if input_format is None: if len(filter.shape) == 3: input_format = "NCW" elif len(filter.shape) == 4: input_format = "NCHW" elif len(filter.shape) == 5: input_format = "NCDHW" else: msg = "input_format should be given for >5 dimensions." raise ValueError(msg) elif len(input_format) != input.ndim: msg = "given input_format: {} should".format( len(input_format) ) + "match the number of dimension in input: {}".format(input.ndim) raise ValueError(msg) # setting up the output format if output_format is None: if len(filter.shape) == 3: output_format = "NCW" elif len(filter.shape) == 4: output_format = "NCHW" elif len(filter.shape) == 5: output_format = "NCDHW" else: msg = "output_format should be given for >5 dimensions." raise ValueError(msg) elif len(output_format) != input.ndim: msg = "given output_format: {} should".format( len(output_format) ) + "match the number of dimension in output: {}".format(input.ndim) raise ValueError(msg) # setting up dilations if numpy.isscalar(input_dilation): input_dilation = (input_dilation,) * 2 if numpy.isscalar(filter_dilation): filter_dilation = (filter_dilation,) * 2 specs = (input_format, filter_format, output_format) return jla.conv_transpose( lhs=input, rhs=filter, strides=strides, padding=padding, rhs_dilation=filter_dilation, dimension_numbers=specs, precision=None, transpose_kernel=transpose_kernel, ) @jax_wrap def pool( input, window_shape, reducer="MAX", strides=None, padding="VALID", base_dilation=None, window_dilation=None, ): """apply arbitrary pooling on a Tensor. Parameters ---------- input: Tensor the input to pool over window_shape: tuple of int the shape of the pooling operator, it must have same length than the number of dimension in `input` reducer: str the type of pooling to apply, must be one of `MAX`, `AVG`, `SUM` strides: tuple of int the stride of the pooling operator padding: str the type of padding, must be `VALID`, `SAME` or `FULL` base_dilation: tuple (optional) dilations of the input. This corresponds to the number of `0` inserted in between the values in the input window_dilation: tuple (optional) dilations of the window, this corresponds to the number of `0`s inserted in the window Returns ------- pooled Tensor """ # set up the reducer if reducer == "MAX": reduce = jla.max init_val = -jnp.inf elif reducer == "SUM" or reducer == "AVG": reduce = jla.add init_val = 0.0 # set up the window_shape if len(window_shape) != input.ndim: msg = "Given window_shape {} not the same length ".format( strides ) + "as input shape {}".format(input.ndim) raise ValueError(msg) # set up the strides if strides is None: strides = window_shape elif len(strides) != len(window_shape): msg = "Given strides {} not the same length ".format( strides ) + "as window_shape {}".format(window_shape) raise ValueError(msg) if reducer == "AVG": input = input / out = jla.reduce_window( operand=input, init_value=init_val, computation=reduce, window_dimensions=window_shape, window_strides=strides, padding=padding, base_dilation=base_dilation, window_dilation=window_dilation, ) return out